Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Big T is from Leeds, IIRC. I wonder where he is. He might have slothed himself to death.
Welcome All!

@ Xavier - Your 244.37 KB sig must be murder on 56kers :lol:

When I had 56k, the max download rate I would get was 4 kb/ps on a good day...

Now its pretty much 600 kb/ps on a slow server, 1+ mb/ps on a fast one.
When I was on 56k I had a download rate of 7 kb/s on a good day. Now I have 30 kb/s on a good day.

DSL is just like SO exciting, if the ISP wouldn't totally suck and be too incompetent to make the claims of "Internet highway" come true.

Germany is such a shithole sometimes...


Hi n00bz lawl!
Wooz said:
Big T is from Leeds, IIRC. I wonder where he is. He might have slothed himself to death.

Yeah, whatever happened to Big T? :scratch:

Oh yeah, and welcome to all n00bs!
Nope, sorry: I don't remember you, but then again: I don't remember much.
I do, however, remember the 26th of September 2002.
The day my girlfriend left me.
The day the world crumbled around me and I was left alone, like that kid in that story, what's his name again: Rudy, Ratty, Remi, yeah, Remi, I think.
That day I do remember.
And I do remember all the pain and agony.
And the drugs.
And the booze.
And the whores, oh yes, the whores. Them and the seemingly endless masturbation sessions in the kitchen at three o'clock in the morning.
I also remember waking up one day in a pile of my own vomit and shit, but not the kind of solid shit that leaves one's sphincter on a regular day, no, I'm talking about the liquid shit one tends to shit when one drinks too much and eats far too little.
That I remember, although I wish I didn't.
Thank God all of that is behind me now.
No more pain and agony.
No more jerking off in the middle of the night with a reefer between my lips and a porn magazine in front of me.
No more, I say, no more.
Now I have to get up at 6.15, each and every morning.
Now I have to waste my precious time sitting at a desk, writing stupid texts for retarded people and earn money to buy food and clothes and presents for my bitch.
Yeah, life is good and I'm doing great.
Forty more years of boredom and I can retire.
I wonder if my coffin will come with a pillow.
If it does, I want one of those really comfortable ones, one that supports the neck and doesn't fuck up your back.
I wonder if they will still make those by then.
Lathana said:
I am Lathana. If anyone remembers me, I will be very suprised.

Hmmm nope, the only Lathana i remember was someone from The Project, it isn`t you is it? Well anyway welcome 8)
Hi everyone

I'm newbie here.
Fallout 2 was my favorite games years ago...
I heard that Fallout 3 is comming soon
Does any beta version exist?
Nope, and i expect nothing like that for several years. Oh yeah and hi or whatever. Shame most of these people post fifteen times max and then dissappear.
Hi, newbie.

Read the Fallout 3 and the News forum, in particular posts from December 2003.
Forgotten said:
Nope, and i expect nothing like that for several years. Oh yeah and hi or whatever. Shame most of these people post fifteen times max and then dissappear.

It is quite simple.

Wooz said:
Read the Fallout 3 and the News forum, in particular posts from December 2003.

After the initial ridicule for not bothering to keep up on basic points before registering and then posting cluelessly onto a forum without bothering to read topics beforehand, some of them sulk off back to the sites that do not require intelligence such as GameSpot or GameSpy.
alec said:
Wooz said:
Big T is from Leeds, IIRC. I wonder where he is. He might have slothed himself to death.
Yeah, whatever happened to Big T? :scratch:
Nothing. I may have drunk too much on occasion and cracked my skull by walking into a road sign, but nothing much.

Mostly it's been the aforementioned drinking ( ... my name's Tom and I'm ...) and 'slothing' myself to death.

Oh, I've also been trying to live without caffeine and alcohol, but the beer and coffee make that kinda hard.

As for my absence, I find human interaction takes more effort than beer and masturbation.

EDIT - I forgot to welcome all the new victims. Welcome.
Y'know, they got alcohol-free beer and decaffeinated coffee now.

This world is going to hell in a handbasket.


OT: Heya, n00bz.
Ashmo said:
Y'know, they got alcohol-free beer and decaffeinated coffee now.
Lies, I tels ya!

*shakes fist*

Y'know, those two always made about as much sense to me as dehydrated water.


Hello Mr Utopia dude. Don't you be messing up our dystopia. Y'hear?