Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

*You encounter some unwashed villagers*

Hello everybody!

I am new here and would like to say hello to everybody, i have been reading post and threads at this forums for the last week or so, and i must say you have some interesting discussions going on here!

I come from Denmark, so some of my sentences might be grammaticly incorrect! Heck, some words might even be spelled totally wrong, but i trust that you to some extent will see through this!

So with that out of the way i would also like to give my thanks to Silencer for hooking me up here, wich was mighty nice of him *applauds*

Anyways i look forward to participate in some of the discussions thats going on here and hope i can contribute with something besides the otherwise total mindless'ness im known for in real life!



*you get hit by the door on your way out for 4 hit points*

*EDIT* I just noticed the Spellcheck button, nice touch, i guess i will be using that alot
Spell check isn't going to help you if you fail to read the rules, boy

There, I merged your thread into the actual welcome thread.

Next time you better start watching your chimney. Yo ho ho, merry Exmas.
Yes i am sorry, I am a total retard i cant belive i missed that sticky!

Again i apologize

Geez what a great first impression!
Damn, Kharn, that new Spawn of Santa shit is sooo not you...

EDIT: Oh, and I guess, welcome n00bs. Read the rules, they will save your life..
I think you lack Christmas feeling.

The Spawn of Santa will give it to you. If I have to beat it into you, you will get the Christmas Feeling!
Ashmo said:
:: insert kitten pic here ::


Theres a kitten for ya! Well, not quite but you get the idea
Spawn of Santa said:
I think you lack Christmas feeling.

The Spawn of Santa will give it to you. If I have to beat it into you, you will get the Christmas Feeling!

And don't be naughty!

Robot Santa said:
Spawn of Santa said:
I think you lack Christmas feeling.

The Spawn of Santa will give it to you. If I have to beat it into you, you will get the Christmas Feeling!

And don't be naughty!


What? I'm fucking christmassy! I'm christmassy all over! I'm so christmassy I have mistletoe coming out of my ears!
Guess since I'm a new entity on the boards I should post here to say hi.

Now that that is over with glad to meet you all. Been lurking here for quite awhile now, and I'm impressed with this community, well mostly anyways. :)

Just a warning I'm as opinionated and bull-headed as most everyone else is here. I try not to offend but I will and its not personal ever.

A little bio on me I guess:

I'm an Intel analyst with the US army. I've been in for nearly a decade, sad as that is.

I am a huge fan of the game and as soon as I can get my freaking laptop back up and running will try and contribute to the modding community as much as I can.

Nice to meet most of you, the rest know who you are already and can screw off. just kidding :)
Great site.

God. I love fallout one and two, i cannot beleive i have not stumbled upon this game a long time ago. great website, i look forward to reading, and posting here.
I've just came here, thanks to a friend, but I like the site and forum already. been a Fallout freak for years.
I'm a violist by profession, and a smart one, too. don't believe all the jokes you've heard about us :lol: I'm a college student, fourth year in music academy. my spare time I usually spend listening to music (mostly metal and classical), reading books and doing occasional chit - chat.
nothing you wouldn't meet in Vault City 8)