A lot of people definitely read this thread, although they might not read it that frequently. I read it because I am curious to learn about new members of the community, more specifically, to gain a snapshot of what they might be interested in and what their background is. I would not be surprised if other forums intro threads are neglected, but you might find that NMA is very different to other forums you have visited before.
From your post, it would appear that you are a pessimist or suffering from depression ('no one', not 'few'?) and not an English native speaker (no-one is a typo), who is familiar with internet use ('...' and you're here). We have a very large proportion of cynical people here, but they ain't stoopid and like to have evidence to support arguments.
If you aren't lacking in confidence, open up a bit more. But if you are monosyllabic, mindless and aggressive, you are unwelcome here and will not last long.
I am interested to see how many views there will be in a week from now, which could support your argument. This natural curiosity could explain why I am training to be a professional scientist.
And there is also, 'Welcome newbs. +1'
EDIT: To improve this experiment, some other numbers might be useful for comparison:
-Best Threads of General Discussion 2005! 183
-Who do you think is more sexy? 49979
-Moviequotes 9086
-How do you think you will die? 1277
-Revenge- 135