Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Don't tell me you've forgotten it? Pfff, you'd be amazed you often I have to remind people. It's 9999-9999-9999-9999, expiring 99-99.
Hey, but that's not all the banking info, we need your real name, home adress, your sosial security numder, and are you sure it wasn't 999 999 - 999 999. :D
Welcome newbs.

Now to finish my little experiment. In a week the increases have been:

-Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread 484
-Who do you think is more sexy? 373
-Moviequotes 325
-How do you think you will die? 234
-Best Threads of General Discussion 2005! 96
-Revenge- 62

Yay! Friendliness and stickiness beats sex appeal this time.

Hello everyone there,

first of all, I don't want to break the local rules, so everyone here you go 20 caps and a Nuka-cola.

My name is David, but friends call me Pisis (nothing to do with pissing though...).

Well, I'd like to ask some querstions now. What can you tell me about this place?

Thanks. :wink:
Re: Newcomer...

Shadowbird said:
Pisis said:
What can you tell me about this place?
That you will have a hard time here if you don't read and follow rules, stickies and forum descriptions.

Uh... I did though....
I thought there might be a thread like this one around here. Just didn't find it. Sorry pal...
Welcome! Actually it has been a while since I make a post in this tread. Anyways, welcome both of you.

And don't forget to read the stickies!...For once :wink:
Welcome! Actually it has been a while since I have spammed quite so blatantly. Anyhoo, welcome all.

And do what your Elders tell you.
It's nice to see how this aimless topic flourishes. I will peacefully join this marvelous cooperation : HELLO ALL
DammitBoy said:

Bathe Kilus and bring him to me!!
So, you finally managed to beat the insipid evil of PHPbb and register....