Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

I hardly doubt it Eyemaster, Rosh runs this place with such a tight grip, I don't think there is enough lubricant to allow the pinkos to come. Rosh would die before he see's Vault City... err I mean NMA become like Dac.
Hello everyone! I'm Quanium. A german canadian. I moved to canada 12 years ago and I love it. I'm a tech support guru and a long time fan of fallout!

Fallout? What the bloody hell is Fallout?


Uhm... Quanium... dude... I hate to be the one to say this to you, but this board, it's a foot fetish board. You know, it's about women's feet and our collective craving for those feet. Maybe you got a little bit misled by the title and lay-out of this site, but trust me: no one here has a friggin' clue what Fallout is. Most think it's a brand of stockings or platform shoes. So, if women's feet are your kinda thing: welcome. If they aren't: sorry for the misleading title. We've been planning on changing it for some time now, but the computer geeks around here have other stuff on their hands for the moment. (Get it? They have other stuff on their hands at the moment! :wiggle: That's friggin' brilliant of me, isn't it?)

Hehe. :roll:

Nah, just fooling around. Welcome, welcome indeed. :D
Hahaha good jokes. I found this site accidently looking for the 1.2 uk patch for fallout 1. Luckily I couldn't find a german version, so my little cousin can at least play fallout 1. After looking around a bit, I want to try making a mod for fallout 2, after I get an english copy.
Good evening, everybody. I'm Anton, 21 years old, from The Netherlands - and I've been playing Fallout/FO2 for about a year now.
To be honest I came here to resolve certain ambiguities but I hope to stick around - and yes, I *will* read the stickies ;-)
Welcome AntiPasta, and apparently member of a sister-society of mine.
Good to see you'll read those stickies, too. ;)