Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread


Hi there, i'm a long time fan of the Fallout series that just happened to recently stumble upon this wonderful website.
I'm relatively new to forums in general so I hope I can make myself useful somehow, or at least keep myself from becoming a nuisance.
Hope I did the right thing by posting here first, I notice this thread is already quite large, i'm likely to go unnoticed. :oops:
You won't go unnoticed in this friendly community as the posting rate is fairly low (note the dates on the different posts in this sticky thread), but one might be ignored because a comment doesn't happen to inspire discussion. However, negative points can attract negative responses which are not so friendly. Many people are reading, although they might not post a reply, so cheer up.

Post thoughtfully and honestly and you will be very welcome indeed.
Thank you for the kind welcome. I tried getting into the forums at gamefaqs/gamespot but found I didn't have a common interest with many people there. And fights/flamming war broke out in almost every topic so I just gave up.
I thought maybe coming to a more or less biased forum might be more fun.
I know the series is old, and these forums have probably died down a bit. But better late to the party than to never show up at all I guess.
They continue quite strong in participation, strange as that looks.

Curious trivia, your city was founded by an ancestor of someone that is making Fallout 3.
Can't say I know much about the developers of Fallout 3, or any of them for that matter.
However, first make sure you're not mistaking Springfield, IL (the capitol of IL) with Springfield, MIssouri.
So many people do that it almost scares me.
Second, Springfield was originaly called Calhoun after vice president Calhoun of the time.
However I believe no one really "founded" the area except a bunch of hunters and settlers, who's names have been forgotten, at least I believe so. But that may just be ignorance on my part.
So my guess is there is someone named Calhoun in the development team.
Or you could be referring to Lincoln, whom definitely wasn't the founder, but Springfield is known as his "home".
Either way I know from reading the discussions all over the board that you guys despise these people.
But i'm interested now, who is he?
Alec, its been a little while since I have seen you with an avatar ?!
That's because I can't get one. My profile is fucked up. I also can't pm.


Welcome to all!
alec said:
Alec, its been a little while since I have seen you with an avatar ?!
That's because I can't get one. My profile is fucked up. I also can't pm.


Welcome to all!

I've made an avatar for you.

I know you secretly hate me, but I secretly respect you, so we're equal.

Heh. I don't get where you got the "I know you secretly hate me" part, and I'm too drunk too ponder about it right now, but I appreciate the av. I like olives, I like them a lot actually, so the av is okay, but I'll be damned if I ever used it. The only thing that belongs in my av is Thom Yorke's face, my hero, and so it will be.

Fuck, I'm really drunk. Without typos, though. :P

I've got a hard-on right now. :silly:

Let's not fuck up this thread and let the new ones introduce themselves properly.
My research shows that a stunning 1 out of 15 posts on this page thus far is a "Hi, I'm new post". I must join in on this ratio.

Welcome all!
You guys are pretty friendly... in a sinister sort of way :twisted:
At least that's what I gather from reading other threads.

In addition... Welcome to those whom have yet to come. This place is far to interesting to see such a lack of general activity.
Looking forward to seeing a major revival of this place and other fallout hangouts with the release of F3. I may not be exited about the game or it's developement process, but the idea of it introducing more people to the series can't be a bad thing.
A "major revival of this place"?

This place was never dead nor dormant, and there's been lots of general activity.

I don't quite catch your drift.
Ghost said:
Looking forward to seeing a major revival of this place and other fallout hangouts with the release of F3. I may not be exited about the game or it's developement process, but the idea of it introducing more people to the series can't be a bad thing.

Attracting a mindless horde that loves a dumbed-down Fallout 3 and has time to defend mediocrity would be a bad thing. Of course, new forum users need not be useless spammers or trolls. We shall see.

Grammar/SpellCheck/attention to detail?
I must have come across wrong.
What I meant by Fallout 3 introducing more people to the series. Not all of them would necessarily have to like the game.
I found out about the fallout series by way of the PS2 game, which I thought was a piece of crap (no offense towards anyone who liked it).

And I didn't mean to insult the website. Like I said, i'm new to forums, i'm used to the active gamefaqs forums.
But now that I think about it, gamefaqs was flooded with junk topics, and little else. So I retract my previous statement.