Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

It’s good to see the lot of you again.

I used to kick around the Vault13 and DAC boards around 2000-2002 under the name Deathclaw (was mostly involved with the UV, and still am under my current user name). I’ve been checking the NMA front page and lurking here for some time, especially around the time of the Van Buren cancellation and the latest announcements on ObiliviFallout: Resident S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I originally joined the community some time in late 2000, after getting my first copy of Fallout 2 from the Polish magazine CD-Action (on a trip to the motherland). Was quite the dumb 11 year old interweb troll back then.

Nowadays, I’m living in either Toronto or Waterloo, Ontario (where I go to school), depending on the time of year. I’m currently 9-5’ing it as a tester/tech- support at a cable company for a co-op. internship. Also co-host a campus radio show (darkwave/industrial; trying to get more digital-hardcore/noise/IDM in) and am very much into industrial culture, post-apocalyptic films, urban decay (former urban explorer), retro pop art etc.

I still manage to replay Fo1 or 2 some time every year (usually during exams at Uni, or whenever else is least convenient).

Good to see the community still going (though it’s just not the same without Rosh).

- A.S.S.R.
I guess I should introduce myself properly.

Am a 22 year old Icelandic father and devoted Fallout fan. Have been playing Fallout since 1999. Have been an on and off again reader of NMA for about 3 years. Am an undergrad in physics at my local university. Which about sums it up.
Madbringer said:
Siemanko! :) Dobrze cię tu widzieć. \o/


Dawno nie bylem na forumie szegulnie o Fallout.

Czytasz jeszcze forum UV?

(yeah, I definitely need to brush up on my Polish spelling/grammar)

- A.S.S.R.
This is an English language forum, so please refrain from speaking solely in Polish. It's a bit rude.
We do have a Polish News section, though.

Also, welcome!
Sander said:
This is an English language forum, so please refrain from speaking solely in Polish. It's a bit rude.
We do have a Polish News section, though.

Sorry, sorry, was just happy to see a familiar face. I promise not to make a habit out of it. :)


I go there from time to time, but mostly just lurk around.. i'm afraid UV came too far away from the forums i used to be active on.

And heheh, nah, your Polish ain't that bad, mate, it's natural it got rough around the edges, but 's good enough. :)
Hey all, new fella here. Names John (Duh), I'm 28 if that matters. I've been playing Fallout series games since they were released oh so long ago.

Have been reading these forums for a long time now, and just decided to register and say hello. Maybe post a few times 8)
I used to kick around the Vault13 and DAC boards around 2000-2002 under the name Deathclaw (was mostly involved with the UV, and still am under my current user name)

Yeah I remember you, welcome, and welcome everyone, buckle up for the ride.

Hello, i'm Crowfoot and it's taken me about eight years to finally register on NMA. I've been playing Fallout (along with all of the other Black Isle rpgs) since about '98 or '99 and visiting NMA in it's various incarnations, just lurking about and following the Fallout 3 debacle from the shadows. Anyway, i look forward to talking with y'all. Cheers.
'Sup all...

I'm Seraphim (aka Seraphim Pwns U, Seraph, Sera, and "HEY YOU!"). I registered here... ohhhh... quite a while ago, but finally decided to stick around and start postin' some.

Plus, I'm sick of the official FO3 forums. *long-winded series of unintelligible griping*. IMHO, I feel more comfortable here anyway.
Fresh meat.

always a pleasure to greet new recrui... err members. Just watch your step and you'll be fine. You know, read the stickies and think before you post, basic stuff.

Oh and, welcome to NMA.
this is a little belated but better late then never.

Hi, I've been lurking for a few years,. I've been a fan of fallout for longer than that(and post apocalyptic fiction even longer), I decided to join after another fallout 2 playthrough, and also after reading the responses to F3 , I wanted to express my opinion as well.
Hi my name is Joel and I'm 18 I've been playing fallout for 5 years and after reading the forums i had to join to talk with people who have played the game.
Hi all, names Nate

I am 27 year old computer game/computer hardware nut. I first remember enjoying PA CRPG bliss while playing multilple runs of Wasteland on my C64/128. Didn't find out about the Fallout series 'till 2001, when I started looking for a sequel to Wasteland (I was brainwashed by console games until then). Been lurking on these forums ever since. Finally decided to make an account and toss my opinion around every once in a while.

Woo, lots of newcomers :)

Welcome guys, have a nice stay. Don't mind the stuffed Roshambo over on the fence, and don't pick up those shiny, red stones lying here and there, they might explode.
Greetings, people of The Shire, I am pleased to be the one to christen this new eight-thousand-slot car park in the centre of your crummy little villa... no wait... that's the wrong speech.

Greetings, denizens of NMA. Yes, I am another one of those annoying imports from the Forum Of The Great Fan Battle Of 2007. I've been a Fallout fan since 1999 or so, when I first played the original games. I've been a post-ap lover since... well since I saw Mad Max as a bony, little kid, really. I've been checking NMA out since... some years back. You'll have to forgive my lacking mnemonic abilities.

I don't know how much I'm going to post, here, but I figured I might as well register, even if it only turns out to be for the occasional article comment. Glad you guys are still around, showing that you don't have to be a fawning dev-disciple to run a fansite.


/ Ahnìon
well lemme introduce myself.
I have been into fallout since 04/05 when i discovered it in the bargain bin =) ( helluva bargain)

anyways i never was active in any community until I heard the 3rd would come out. So i started hanging out at bethesda forums ( where i rather quickly got banned )

I speak whats on my mind and most of the time I am wrong. And if I'm wrong I usually admit it. Unless I belive I'm right. Then i require proof.

Heard alot of good stuff about NMA and taught maybe you would be less ... fascist ... then bethesda.... anywhos.... atleast you would gimme lube first right ?

oh and I type like shit so thank god for your easy to use spell check

well see ya around the forums.

oh yes this was mistakingly posted somewhere else first... apologice about that.
MediaMogul said:
well lemme introduce myself.
I have been into fallout since 04/05 when i discovered it in the bargain bin =) ( helluva bargain)

anyways i never was active in any community until I heard the 3rd would come out. So i started hanging out at bethesda forums ( where i rather quickly got banned )

I speak whats on my mind and most of the time I am wrong. And if I'm wrong I usually admit it. Unless I belive I'm right. Then i require proof.

Heard alot of good stuff about NMA and taught maybe you would be less ... fascist ... then bethesda.... anywhos.... atleast you would gimme lube first right ?

oh and I type like shit so thank god for your easy to use spell check

well see ya around the forums.

oh yes this was mistakingly posted somewhere else first... apologice about that.

Whata twat! *clears throat* -Uh I mean, Hello! greetings! ah- ...Ahh crap... Welcome.