Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello. I'm CaptainNemo, of the once great and now irradiated United States of America.


I voted for John Henry Eden.
Heey Y'all

I've been scrolling over NMA for about 2,5 year but never had anything interesting to post. I'm from the Netherlands, in case someone actually knows where that is and have been a fan off the Fallout series since 1997 which, back then, gave me nightmares. It was my fault, being 9 in a dark room late at night isn't a great combo when matched with Fallout.

I'll see you around then, I guess.

Bye (or Oudoe as they say in Noord-Brabant)
Hi! IrishSailor here, asking whether you have problems with rust, limescale, ground in dirt. I've been lurking around here for 2 weeks and I decided to climb from the bowels of my closet to contribute letters, words, and numbers to this forum.
Might I add, nice site. And may I ask, how long has the site been up for? Considering the first few posts on this thread are dated back to 2003, I'm sure it's been here longer than that.
Greetings chums, Paladin Frost here.

I've been a fan of fallout for a long while, back when I first played Fallout 1 about 6 years ago. Now, I know that's not that long ago, considering how long Fallout's been out, but I didn't get a computer till 2002 :(

Anywho, I just recently got Fallout 3, and I like it. I think I don't like it as much as the previous ones, (I even loved Fallout Tactics, alot). I dont really know what else to say other than that, but I just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Edward. I was introduced to Fallout in college by a few friends who were playing through the Cathedral in FO1 on a laptop. This must have been 2000 or 2001, I think, and I had some hazy memories of reading promos for it way back when it was a GURPS game (I love GURPS 3rd edition and have about 80 books for it) and I was immediately entranced. I got FO1 and FO2, and the latter quickly became my favorite game, beating out even X-COM. I last played FO2 in about 2005, I think, and wistfully reflected on the might-have-been that was Van Buren.

Like a sap I bought the new game, although as time has gone on---and my copy hasn't even come in the mail yet---it has sounded less and less like the game I loved, much to my chagrin. I'm placing all my hopes now in the maybe-kinda-could be Fallout Online game that's in kind of a Schrodinger's Cat state right now. In the meantime, I've reinstalled FO2 and FO1 and am playing them again. Still absolutely brilliant games.

I cam here because I heard you were haters, and hating is something I can Get Behind.

I have been a Fallout player since 2001. I never knew about these forums until about a year ago! I have played all FOs except FO: POS er BOS.
Hello. I got so wrapped up in the Fallout 3 discussion board that I didn't notice this hello thread.

I've been gaming since I was old enough to hold one of those old game-and-watch style games. I think it was some sort of ninja game, heh. Upgraded to Hardhat Harry and then it just kept going from there. I started in on Fallout in 1998, and have been a huge fan of the games ever since. I do console game, and play one MMO online occassionally, if the mood hits me. Other than that, my life is filled with other things, like work, and, well, life.

So hi.

Hi. Im Kristian aka kknekk.

Im from finland, age 19 (allmost 20). Found this site by installin mIRC and joined #fallout3 @ quake. Looked like great site and desiced to join and see whats up whit this place.

I played FO2 first time about when i was 14-15 years old, enjoyed really much, and got really really badly addicted. Now playing offcourse FO3, but unfortunatly game experience is not that good, because at the time I only have my laptop (asus a7s), which run FO3 only in windowed whit medium graphichs :(

SO. see ya.
woohoo. a say hello thread.

Well i'm lea, been around the original fallout games since I was about 16 or 17... I'm 25 now btw.

I fell in love with the fact that you could pretty much do whatever you wanted, If you wanted to run it clean you could but if you wanted to get down and dirty the game let you do that too. none of that damn censoring that happens down here in aussieland now! (and I haven't really been able to find that freedom in a game since)..

Used to hang around a very long time ago, disappeared for a while. now i'm back. and I believe no one is quite sure if I really exist or not.


argh. i hope my sig is ok in open forum? lol. didn't think about that till after i previewed.
Hi im Khefre, im 19 and from VA. Im a newb i just downloaded Fallout and Fallout 2 a few weeks ago from And i think they're awesome!
Khefre said:
Im a newb i just downloaded Fallout and Fallout 2 a few weeks ago from And i think they're awesome!
you have no fucking idea how much i wished that i had selective Alzheimer's disease, so i could play FO1 & 2 for the "first time" over & over again.

enjoy it while it lasts, dude & take your time!
hello guys, I'm Heinz Steinhoff, I'm from Brazil, and I visit regularly NMA for what is now 3 or 4 years, but I decided to post just now, because before I didn't thought it was possible for someone to understand my english. In the last months, I've been more self confident about my english skills, so I decided to try to do anything more than reading around here :). I play Fallout since 2001, and, hm, yeah, thats all.
Hey I'm Rhys, 20, from Australia. I first played Fallout when my grandmas bought a new Packard Bell computer, and it was one of the bonus discs that came with the computer, this was around 98-99.

I've been visiting NMA on and off since around that time, but never made an account.

I adore Fallout 1&2, but as for the third game, it's nice to see the "wasteland" in lovely 3D, but other than that it's a pretty average game, and by no means should it be called a sequel. But oh well.