My nick is alec. I am a thirty-something underachiever from Belgium, a corrupt and almost bankrupt country in the Middle West. I'm a longtime <s>jerker</s> lurker and a dedicated reader of the frontpage news, but finally I mustered up enough guts and gall (i.e. bile) to register to these awesome fora. LOL ^_^
I am a big fan of Fallout and Fallout 2, but have yet to play the Fallout spin-offs you guys seem to hold in such high esteem (like Fallout: Brotherhood of Sleet and Fallout Pee by Beelzebub). I did play Fallout Tic-tac-toe, but my Intel 80486 couldn't cope with the graphics, so I had to uninstall it and give it to charity.
I am a devout atheist who believes in Charlie Chaplin, Charles M. Schulz and Kurt Vonnegut. I can also draw but my work is definitely not as good as that of Leonardo da Vinci, Tintoretto or Hergé.
Here is a drawing I made of my future wife and me:
Although I still do not have a girlfriend who could - potentially - become my future wife, I do hope she will look exactly like the beautful human being I portrayed in this picture.
I like Radiohead and hold a special place in my heart for Thom Yorke, the singer of said band, because I like people with flying saucer eyes.
I also like women's feet. I know that this may sound a little odd and creepy, but I do have certain standards: their feet must be Greek, slender and if they are smelly, they should smell like popcorn with a touch of vinegar. If they do, I like to make sweet love to them and use them to my benefit during copulation (i.e. sucking on the toes, inhaling the putrid stench, caressing the heels and so on).
I am concerned about the future of our planet and do not drive a car because it would make me feel extremely guilty. Sometimes, when I am in bed and drifting into the Twilight Zone, I hear the voices of future generations whispering in my ears: "Why are you doing this? What is wrong with you? Do you not have a conscience?" and so on. These messages from the future force me to lead a life that is totally unlike the lives most humans live. Which alienates me from most of my peers.
I do not have many friends because of my disliking humans in general, but I do have a gerbil who is called Dash. Dash is now 2.5 years old and he likes cardboard. Sometimes, when he is bored, he will lick his small gerbil penis and eat sunflower seeds. I like him a lot, but seeing that gerbils rarely grow older than 3.5 years, I do not allow myself to get too close to him because otherwise death will laugh out loud in my pale face once his time has come.
I have been unemployed for most of my adult life, but on the rare occassions that I did have a job, I felt terribly unhappy. The only exception was when I was a teacher. I liked those moments, especially when I had to tutor 16-year-old naive and attractive girls. This has caused some problems, but nothing a razor, a dark alley and a pair of rubber gloves couldn't solve.
Whilst lurking, I have grown very fond of people like Brother None (whom I picture to be an asexual troglodyte of some sorts), Wooz and TwinkieGorilla (whom I think could have been a grade A musician if it weren't for all the heroin he injected into his veins). I hope these people will fall in love with me as well eventually.
That is it, I think.
Yeah, that is it.
-- alec