Hi everybody, I play FO3 on a PS3 and someday I hope to upgrade this machine sothat I can actually do something useful with it (like mod). I use to be a programmer a long time ago, and I'm currently relearning the trade (wow, these things don't use tapestreamers anymore, do they. And color terminals, gee, who would have guessed). If anyone reads the beth forum they'll know I just joined over there a few months ago, and I just found you guys this morning and joined right up.
Where do I join up for the F3C? (I'll find it eventually, just asking in the mean time)
I often refer to my current computer as
"Ye old Rust bucket"
"Hex" -from disc world
"the stream powered Eniac"
"powered by a gerbil on a treadmill, high on meth"
..so as far as actually modding goes I can't do [@#%$] until "Ah gits me wun uv dem newfangled gizmo's. But I'm always available to help with ideas, text writing (aslong as I can write it in notepad), and the like.
My company name is what it is, because apparently if you don't use a name for a few years then someone's gonna steal it, so this is the new one. Thought it up while changing one of my sons more exotic smelling diapers..
And last, I consider myself to be a Noob, almighty Noob, the six million dollar Noob, mayor of Noobsville, capitol city of Noobian. With aspirations to become less-of-a-Noob-someday.
..and the youngest Noob spoke, softy as is his place among titans