There are just so many, if you'll pardon my french, fucked-up-freakish effects that happen on the quantum scale of matter, and when such effects scale to micro-/meso-scales.
I've been wanting of late, to start experimenting a bit with graphene, and particularly, the spin-locked states of matter, the idea of a potential magnetic equivalent of a capacitor is just sticking in my mind and I want to pursue it. Not too high-energy to access in a home lab either. (I've been wanting to build some higher-energy stuff, cyclotron in particular, and calutron (oldschool ruski sector-based mass spectrometer, they used it for isotope separation, by deflecting an ion beam with a magnetic field to enrich a sample, in their case for nuclear weapons research, since isotopes of different weight would deflect to a different degree in a homogenous magnetic field) but its annoying as hell that there really isn't any way to get past a certain limit, being in a house, the energy levels that can be reached in an accelerator are limited by the energy levels which can be tapped from a home mains supply.
Not of course, that I am in the least interested in building a nuke, It'd be interesting to say, separate natural lithium-6 from lithium-7 (since 6Li-deuteride is used as fuel in fusion bombs, not that I would be likely to be able to build one, if I wanted to without a HUGE amount of effort and time, and to build the fission nuke to set it off)
Or almost-ideally, selenium isotopes, given that Se has several non-radioactive isotopes, one in the upper 40% range of natural Se, another just under one quarter percent and for a bit more of a challenge, two others that occur at under 10% each. Harmless from a radiological perspective), or else natural potassium , since a radioisotope, 40K makes up part of the natural K occuring terrestially, and being an alkali metal it has a relatively low melting and boiling point compared to the transition metals), and 40K could easily be identified via its radioactivity (beta- decay, electron capture and very rarely, positron emission), and given it isn't TOO volatile, and that the quantities worked with are in the tracer levels, far less dangerous than the REALLY damn sweet technetium sample that I've managed to find on the market, plated onto gold in a thin layer (its 99Tc, plated onto a gold strip to give a perfectly visible sample, in a sealed glass vial, about £400, but being rather uncommon on the market available to hobbyists to say the very least, that one, I've GOT to have whilst it's available and before someone else snaps it up, for the element collection). That one is again, safe enough, being although a powerful one, an alpha emitter, and its radiation is stopped dead by paper, never mind the borosilicate glass tube it comes in, under argon.)
(although excess Se absorption is toxic, although in such an experiment it isn't as if exposure would be likely, given the care one would need to take with energetic particle beams to begin with, and besides, I would imagine if (bar one unfortunate and downright unpleasant accident in my early childhood with the stuff, during a distillation of it) I'm alright handling white phosphorus, cyanides etc. then a little bit of selenium in the elemental state is not a great worry, sufficient to send off to someone with some suitable equipment for isotopic analyses [hobbyist scientists tend to coprecipitate, so to speak]
And in particular, another project that has intrigued me, is a SASER (think of it as the phonon-based analog of a laser, the result being a collimated beam of sound. I've probably played too much of the 2nd X-com series game, terror from the deep for a sonic cannon not to have some appeal

) and polaritonic lasing, already been done, but can produce high outputs for relatively low pump energy, extremely energy efficient.
Which isn't to say I'd not do it anyhow just for the interest factor, and seeing what I can learn (I learn a lot better getting my hands dirty than I do from pure theory with no practical all gets a lot clearer once I SEE how parameters change, and results alter as a result. )
Although primary interest is bio/neurochemistry. Comes in rather handy at times, in a 'myron less the pervert and complete arsehole factor coupled with far better looks, a fair bit older [I knee and hips are slowly getting ghoulified] and of course minus the slavery bit', kind of way.
(lets just leave THAT part of my hobby as a reference only FO series fans are going to get, that won't attract the kind of attention I don't need, if you get what I mean. Healing if needed is practical in many cases, but so are..some of his other inventions...)
Wish I had his inventory bug though (at least for stimpaks, if you leave the broc flower and xander root in his inventory, as many pairs as he has, you can have him make stimpaks at the same number required at once, without them being used up, nor does the syringe)....what wouldn't I give for those tubs of phosphorus to just infinitely refill themselves, it'd save me about 130-140 euro per 2kg, or my SOCl2 not to fume acid and stink like satan's own flatulence, lose its water-sensitivity and refill itself.
I'd have nothing to do with the rest of that particular little brat kid, but the infinite inventory bug....I could use that alright
Good to see someone else here with an interest in condensed matter physics and science.