Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

hey dudes, im Strogg and im a newbie here

im in for the sh*ts and giggles but also gathering information (im planning in dm-ing a Fallout PnP session to my friends)
i like old-school fps games and of course Fallout (i played the first one, 3, new vegas and sadly 4)
it's a imense satisfaction to join this forum!

Glad to see all this new blood around here.
Hello all. Om these boards I figured I’d use the handle “Shankhamster” which was actually inspired by the pic of a knife duct taped to a hamster from some Natural Selection documentary I watched a few years ago. I’m a big fan of the post-apocalyptic genre as a whole but I especially love the Fallout franchise (well most of it!). Anyway I am currently working on a Fallout conversion for the Rangers of Shadow Deep adventure game and figured I’d check out the NMA boards for possible inspiration.
Bonjour, long time lurker, just started this month. Big fan of most of the Fallout games, 2 especially