Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello all. 30 summat English bloke living in Straya. I was shown Fallout2 by a school friend when I was 12 and it had me at "Swearing and killing ANYONE you feel like". The game absolutely blew my mind and I've gone back to it most years the same way some people re-read their favourite book. I've read bits and pieces from NMA over the years but never signed up as having 1 more forum to manage details for was a pain. Now that a lot of the forums are extinct I've not got an excuse :p
Hello all. 30 summat English bloke living in Straya. I was shown Fallout2 by a school friend when I was 12 and it had me at "Swearing and killing ANYONE you feel like". The game absolutely blew my mind and I've gone back to it most years the same way some people re-read their favourite book. I've read bits and pieces from NMA over the years but never signed up as having 1 more forum to manage details for was a pain. Now that a lot of the forums are extinct I've not got an excuse :p
Is your country still on fire?
Is your country still on fire?

It will be for the rest of the summer, to be fair. I live in the tropics in the far NE of the country, so generally the fires around here struggle to get to the size/seriousness of what you're seeing down south. We're in cyclone season now though, so if I find myself being whisked up into the air and out to sea inside my house - I'll look South and let you know if the fires are still visible from space :p

I am JoyFreak aka Carbon. I found this forum on XenForo. I am a webmaster and owner of a gaming forum. I decided to sign up to this community because it looks absolutely beautiful and wanted to support it by doing so! I am also an avid gamer. Great job on the design guys! Hope I get a warm welcome :).

Many thanks!
Hello, fellow degens, and wastelanders!
I'm a big big fallout fan, and kept seeing this site pop up over the years. Thought, what the hell? I need more people to talk about Fallout and various other post apocalyptic content/games with.
Welcome, wilkommen, bienvenue, bienvenido, добро пожаловать, croeso, the Emperor protects.

If you speak a language other than Russian, German, Welsh, French or Spanish, I unfortunately won’t be able to converse with you in your native tongue, but I hope you stick around.
Hyello, I'm a 26 year old university freshman. Started with Fallout 3, liked it well enough to go back and play the first two.... Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't love 3 just because it was my first game. My exhaustion with that concept lead me here from the reddit community. I've heard about NMA for *years*, and lurked a bit when I was getting the F2 restoration mod up and going. Have not played tactics, it was a jarring change after 1 and 2.

Please, take care of me.
I assumed I've posted here since I've been a member for some time but I was wrong. Since I've just done so on discord, I'll paste it:
I played Fallout for the 1st time almost a year ago: FNV, the only one I played since. I played a ninja hammer-wielding ♂ at 1st, I'm now playing a sneaky ranged-big-fan-of-Q35 (but not only that) ♀.
Well, being a modder myself (especially bethesda games, since my only ability is using 3ds max) and this being a modding site for fallout, i'd say yeah.
salut, friend! Been browsing the site for a couple years but only joined now, I probably have a dead account here somewhere


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You obviously stayed, but many don’t...
Oh, i'm always around, here and there. Alas, considering the nature of my mods, i usually can't post them around, but in any case, considering that the fallout games did not have a chitin.key, even if the first couple was likely made with the infinity engine, i couldn't mod them anyway.