Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread


And that was finnish. It means "Hi and welcome!"
Gekko said:

ovitufakjuumitäsäätämmösiätännekirjoitteleletnomutttamoinytsullekinvaanjoomun nimionmarkusjatykkäänvinettää

And that was finnish. It means "OK"

My nickname is....SCAMPI! Didn't guess it? Can't blame you. I'm from Finland, and I like Fallout, which I like to call "Fallos". I also like to sound like I'm really wise and mighty, maybe because I have a small wait! I was just thinking out loud, wasn't going to say anything...disturbing.
Scampi said:
My nickname is....SCAMPI! Didn't guess it? Can't blame you.
Nope I spotted it 'cos

Ayway, welcome to NMA Scampi and alvin.
*points at Elissar* He's from Burkina Faso, that's close enough...

BTW welcome, alvin.
JoeMataius said:
I know this is late, but Hello. I am Joe. They tried to put me in a volcano.

Nice avatar Joe. Are you still a castaway?

mattness_pl said:
I post mod idea to F2 & sex mod).

Mod? fa2 ? Sex? You came to the right place to post your ideas Matt.

[CZ said:
PIPboy]Well, hi. I am PIPboy

hmm.... so many Pipboys.... What this mystical creature has that attracts so many worshipers.... Weird.... :?

Scampi said:
I also like to sound like I'm really wise and mighty, maybe because I have a small wait! I was just thinking out loud, wasn't going to say anything...disturbing.

Don't worry. I don't think there is anything wrong about your pet. It appears to be quite disturbing to know that people in finland has penguins as pets but Linux is doing a good job to improve the penguin's owners image. So don't be ashamed of your small pe...nguin. :P

:arrow: Welcome Joe, Matt, Pipboy (the last one), das Baba, Ironman, sauroman, Scampi and alvinlovesu. I'm going to keep an eye on you. 8)
Return of the King

I was on here three or four years ago known as the dickheaded "Ocellus"... well I'm back and I have an actual career now. Since I've been able to tear myself away from Fallout 1 & 2, education seemed like a decent past time till the release of the sequel. Look forward to talking to all you assholes again.