Ilosar said:
The Legion serves a different role, and never needed to be as sympathetic as the NCR.
...which is a bad thing. Why put a joinable faction, and them make them as unsympatethic as possible?
Why not? Plenty of people enjoy an 'evil' play-through for the contrast. Besides the 'side with the bad guys' appeal, which really only works when there are bad guys and not a field of equally flawed factions, if they hadn't allowed us to side with Caesar's Legion the complaint would be 'why aren't you letting us?'
Hell, the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion is about as evil as the Legion (on a smaller scale of course), yet they pulled it off because you actually interact with them. There is a certain sense of company, of, well, brotherhood permating the organization that other factions did not have, so you sympathize with them even if they are cold-blooded murderers for the most part. The Legion has nothing like this, it's filled by evil people doing horrible things while their leader invents bullshit excuses to justify his troop's barbary and his own ambitions. Nobody is relatable in the slightest (save for, surprisingly, Lanius at the very end if you talk to him), no effort is made to show them as anything but savage butchers that you could only possibly join either if you truly agree with their methods and agenda (in which case, why are you using a computer anyway? drop everything and go to Africa or something, join a militia and see how fun non-stop war is), or if you find them ''cool''. Bethesda outdoing Obsidian in an aspect of writing? This should not happen.
The Legion being short-sighted and a demonstration of mass-insanity was rather a point of the design. There's pretty much nothing about the concept to sympathize with: it's a movement of a madman with more logical inconsistencies than integrity. Caesar can't even keep his historical analysis and comparisons straight: appealing to historical synthesis that wiped out the male-dominated empire model as the justification for his empire?
Yes, it's crazy. But such crazy things do happen: North Korea is a madhouse today, and you can see far more of this sort of mad-nation building during the Cold War (especially some South-Eastern European countries and African states). Madmen can rise to power, and madmen can create mad states.
And that's the point. Fallout isn't a world where everyone is sincerely good and well-intentioned progressive rebuilders in the post-apocalypse. It's a world in which some people are decent, and a lot more are self-serving and narrow minded to the extreme.
The Legion should have been much less ''EVIL!!'' and more ''darker shade of grey than NCR, willing to get it's hands dirty and not hiding it''. If you want generic villainy, things like Deathclaws, factions like Powder Gangers and rambling madmen like Elijah and Ulysses do nicely. Joinable factions should be a cut above that in terms of depth.
Why shouldn't people be able to join evil groups as well as morally justifiable groups?
That was actually a nice twist with Elijah, really. You could side with him: non-canonical to the extreme, really, but you could if you wanted to.
Depends, The Legion presumably has access to huge amounts of slave labour. Empires have been built from little but this in the past. Of course, said empires didn't have to compete with people who can field aircrafts and the like.
Said empires also
lacked significant technological opportunities to take for themselves as well.
Even slavery was more productive as technology was introduced. The cotton gin is just the most famous example in the history of US slavery, but slaves were even profitable in manufacturing positions as well, and that too is something that only gets better with technology.[/i]