Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

SPECIAL stats are not a good way to describe NPCs, simple as that.
More often than not, the stats of a character contradict what is said about a character.
Marcus is one example, having 3 CH and 7 INT in Fallout 2 and 5 CH and 3 INT in New Vegas. Still, he is continuously described as smart and charismatic enough to lead and found several towns. His SPECIAL stats don't exactly add up to that.
Frank Horrigan, who laclongquan describes as a freak of nature, has 10 INT, but is described as being rather stupid, and even having his intelligence further damaged by FEV (which sounds weird because Horrigan, as a non-irradiated human, should more likely gain intelligence from FEV exposure. But then again, it was the damaged FEV strain that mutated him, the one that created the second generation of mutants who were all rather stupid).
So what is correct? What the game tells us through dialogue and flavour text or the number hidden in the gamefiles?
SPECIAL I belive as has been shown with it's stats is to have more effect in Combat for NPC's than in dialog. The scripts and results of dialog with a NPC are scripted and under full control of the developers, I would go with the idea NPC SPECIAL is not a ideal way of judging them.
Whoever said Frank horrigan stupid? Not me. I can never pull wool over his eyes, even through comm screen (Gecko plant).

Considering he's from Oil Rig, which mean reasonably clean genes, not contaminated by fallout or mutation agents, and full med/science equipment along with scientists/doctors, one would think he not the only one to achieve the famed "INT increase" from FeV. But he's only one. Ergo, freak of nature.

AGAIN, I said Marcus is a special case. The fact that he's founded three towns REQUIRE that he sounds NOT-stupid, or the game story's logic is broken. IT does not matter how high or low his INT be. It's the requirement of story. That's why i dont count him in either side of the equation.

I will repeat: The FEV-induced increase of intelligence in mutants are wishful thinking from the FEV designers. The super mutants are (probabbly, I can give you probabbly) as intelligent as normal if not for the fact that the mutation process damaged what smart they have. So when mutation finish, SM is dumber than human.

Proof: ONE, based on ingame SPECIAL stats, about one sixth of them has normal or better INT, the rest is 5 or lower. TWO, based on ingame lores, their main army get destroyed by a small party of wastelanders, their communities over the years get destroyed or abandoned (Broken Hills, Black Mountain), they have no industry, nor farming, nor science... they exist to raid only. And a minor Three, their smartest person, Master, doesnt even notice that the female Super Mutants are sterile, ie nonpregnant. Whoops~
I dont argue on stuffs on design papers, chap. you want to, not me. Argue on stuffs really implemented on game, not plans or intentions.

As for the Gecko plant, fine, not talk to horrigan, talk to Enclave faceless soldier, not pull thewool over his eyes. Still keep the point about horrigan.
Even if it's officialy stated that Horrigan is somewhat dumb and the language he uses is mimicking his superiors and/or propaganda broadcasts, but still - he speaks in a cohesive manner and the Enclave sends him on the mainland with a squad he commands. Given that the Enclave operates on a limited manpower and resources, would they risk giving control over troops to a dumbass? I always thought Horrigan was intelligent, but mentally unstable.
would they risk giving control over troops to a dumbass?
What they risking? He can destroy entire towns alone? Duh?

I dont argue on stuffs on design papers, chap. you want to, not me. Argue on stuffs really implemented on game, not plans or intentions.
So why youre arguing about SPECIAL, which isn't seen in game?

It's the requirement of story
It isn't. Marcus wasn't only intelligent SM in Broken Hills, but hey, you propably didn't played FO2 and didnt knew this.

I dont argue on stuffs on design papers, chap. you want to, not me

So if developer states so, and it disagree with your statesment, you don't take it into account? Pleasant (ignorant) approach.
Hell, even if something from game disagree with you (Marcus) you ignore it.
laclongquan said:
I will repeat: The FEV-induced increase of intelligence in mutants are wishful thinking from the FEV designers. The super mutants are (probabbly, I can give you probabbly) as intelligent as normal if not for the fact that the mutation process damaged what smart they have. So when mutation finish, SM is dumber than human.
It only happens in fo3 not other fallout.
It is one of the reason why I hate Beth for making dumb fo3.
Lots of mutants are smart(or even smarter) as human.
I only take i nccount things implemented in the game, that's why I only care about esoteric number values with no actual effect on NPCs and I ignore dialogue. Makes sense I guess.
You actually are thinking of Ghoul as smart mutants. But ghouls dont come from FEV. They mostly come from radiation-mutated nuke technicians (f1-2) or soldiers (f3). Hell, in F2 we even think ghouls are going to die out, with the ghouls of Broken Hills going first due to old age.

In F1-2, there's less feral ghoul (ie going mad with pain and attack discriminately, aka The Watershed). As enemies, they fight in formations, equip with guns and rarely go for unarmed, since their body is damaged by radiation. No health regen at all.
No. We're thinking of Super mutants. Humans dipped in FEV. Especially those from the first generation, created by the Master, and with little to no radiation damage.
The bulk of the Master's Army was pretty dumb, no argument there. That's because most of them had too much radiation damage and maybe airborne-FEV exposure for the FEV to work properly.
Intelligent super mutants happened, though, and they were not extremely rare cases, either. Pretty much all of the Nightkin were very smart. They're supposed to be so, at least, we don't really get to talk to them.
laclongquan said:
Whoever said Frank horrigan stupid? Not me. I can never pull wool over his eyes, even through comm screen (Gecko plant).

Considering he's from Oil Rig, which mean reasonably clean genes, not contaminated by fallout or mutation agents, and full med/science equipment along with scientists/doctors, one would think he not the only one to achieve the famed "INT increase" from FeV. But he's only one. Ergo, freak of nature.

AGAIN, I said Marcus is a special case. The fact that he's founded three towns REQUIRE that he sounds NOT-stupid, or the game story's logic is broken. IT does not matter how high or low his INT be. It's the requirement of story. That's why i dont count him in either side of the equation.

I will repeat: The FEV-induced increase of intelligence in mutants are wishful thinking from the FEV designers. The super mutants are (probabbly, I can give you probabbly) as intelligent as normal if not for the fact that the mutation process damaged what smart they have. So when mutation finish, SM is dumber than human.

Proof: ONE, based on ingame SPECIAL stats, about one sixth of them has normal or better INT, the rest is 5 or lower. TWO, based on ingame lores, their main army get destroyed by a small party of wastelanders, their communities over the years get destroyed or abandoned (Broken Hills, Black Mountain), they have no industry, nor farming, nor science... they exist to raid only. And a minor Three, their smartest person, Master, doesnt even notice that the female Super Mutants are sterile, ie nonpregnant. Whoops~
Let's try some logic. Do you know what consistence means? It means if you take SPECIAL as a proof, you can not dismiss it later just because it's convenient. Either you consider SPECIAL a proof, which gives us a retarded Marcus founding three towns, or either you don't, and all your point about "most SMs have a low INT" goes down with it. And you can't take Marcus as an exception because "plot requires", at the most, you can consider the fact Marcus founds three towns while being a stupid mutant as a plot-hole.
If you take the argument "well, devs have not enough time to actually make retarded dialogs for every dumb mutant out there", you can not just ignore the fact devs have not time to actually put meaningful numbers for stats that have no ingame relevance and are not seen by a player (and remark player, who isn't specifically interested in using modding tools, but in actually playing the game). Giving every critter outthere a meaningful INT stat probably takes more work than making retarded dialogs in a generic file that will be called later by those critters. And helps nothing from a dev's point of view, since the player has no way to infere it. AI has nothing to do with INT, ingame dialogs for NPCs have nothing to do with INT, story has nothing to do with NPCs' INT. INT is completely irrelevant for NPCs'. A dev who spends time in giving it a value which pairs up to the actual intelligence of the critter for EVERY SINGLE CRITTER but doesn't do the same with dialogs is checking up the wrong things, and must have an INT3 at the most, because he/she could be focusing on something actually useful.
Also, one sixth might even be the number of SMs coming from vaults, thus, non radiated ones, so even if we consider your approach of measuring SPECIAL stats a valid point, it might have nothing to do with the increased intelligence being "wishful thinking".
About The Master not knowing the mutants are sterile, it may be because he's making an army ATM, not conducting murder of his own creations. The ones who die as an effect of FEV are failures as is, so sterility of those subjects doesn't imply sterility on functional (living) SMs. The BoS can find out about it because their test subject is actually a succesful mutant who died by causes other than the virus itself.
About point two, that's the point of the game, and war isn't always about who have the smartest individuals. And it isn't exactly easy to do.
The only actual stupid move I remember coming from Master's army is how easily the guards on Mariposa leave their post if you call them through the radio. If I was them, I'd rather split up the crew in that situation, but I've got no military experience. I remember there were two users here who have it, I'd like to know their opinions on the subject, but I'm pretty sure they didn't take participation in this thread.
laclongquan said:
You actually are thinking of Ghoul as smart mutants. But ghouls dont come from FEV. They mostly come from radiation-mutated nuke technicians (f1-2) or soldiers (f3). Hell, in F2 we even think ghouls are going to die out, with the ghouls of Broken Hills going first due to old age.

In F1-2, there's less feral ghoul (ie going mad with pain and attack discriminately, aka The Watershed). As enemies, they fight in formations, equip with guns and rarely go for unarmed, since their body is damaged by radiation. No health regen at all.
Just so you know I don't conveniently ignore your points like you seem to do with me, I quote the above and let you know I fully agree with the post I'll quote next:
Hassknecht said:
No. We're thinking of Super mutants. Humans dipped in FEV. Especially those from the first generation, created by the Master, and with little to no radiation damage.
The bulk of the Master's Army was pretty dumb, no argument there. That's because most of them had too much radiation damage and maybe airborne-FEV exposure for the FEV to work properly.
Intelligent super mutants happened, though, and they were not extremely rare cases, either. Pretty much all of the Nightkin were very smart. They're supposed to be so, at least, we don't really get to talk to them.

woo1108 said:
It only happens in fo3 not other fallout.
It is one of the reason why I hate Beth for making dumb fo3.
Lots of mutants are smart(or even smarter) as human.
Nope, corrupted brain functions in radiated subjects are from Fallout 1's lore. FO3 only introduced REALLY MINDLESS SMs, not just dumb ones. I'm not sure (because I don't really remember) if what the Master complains about is that they're not smarter than humans or if they actually get dumber, but their intelligence isn't increased if they're affected by radiation, and that's Fallout 1. Fallout 3's FEV is STUPIDITY FOR EVERYONE, even non-radiated subjects, that includes Vault 87 dwellers. The only exceptions are Fawkes, and they don't really give an explanation aside from his own re-learning of everything, and I believe another one from a random encounter.
Fine, if you want to argue by bullet points, I will play it your way, this once, because I despise that kind of shit

Oppen said:
And you can't take Marcus as an exception because "plot requires", at the most, you can consider the fact Marcus founds three towns while being a stupid mutant as a plot-hole.

Plot hole or not, it happened. Marcus found three towns, deal with it. And he sounds not stupid, also deal with it. Because Marcus is a special case (due to his founding Broken Hills) so the fact that he sounds not stupid like some tribal (Sulik) is a balancing act on F2 devs' part. You cant have a stupid-sounding founder. And once that happened, it naturally follow that Marcus dialog in FNV still in the mold designed in F2. I repeat that if you keep harping on Marcus topic I will not answer back. He's exception, so I dont count him in either side of the argument.

As a sop, I will say this. In time of chaos, a pillar of stability who can provide protection is very attractive to refugees. Aslong as they can talk with that, the fact that he's ugly as sin, or slightly stupid, is not barrier. So Marcus is not that much an exception in founding towns. The only way the tongueless super mutant in West Side doesnt play bigger role is because he cant speak, so people cant converse with him. Anyway, I digress.

If you take the argument "well, devs have not enough time to actually make retarded dialogs for every dumb mutant out there", you can not just ignore the fact devs have not time to actually put meaningful numbers for stats that have no ingame relevance and are not seen by a player (and remark player, who isn't specifically interested in using modding tools, but in actually playing the game). Giving every critter outthere a meaningful INT stat probably takes more work than making retarded dialogs in a generic file that will be called later by those critters. And helps nothing from a dev's point of view, since the player has no way to infere it. AI has nothing to do with INT, ingame dialogs for NPCs have nothing to do with INT, story has nothing to do with NPCs' INT. INT is completely irrelevant for NPCs'. A dev who spends time in giving it a value which pairs up to the actual intelligence of the critter for EVERY SINGLE CRITTER but doesn't do the same with dialogs is checking up the wrong things, and must have an INT3 at the most, because he/she could be focusing on something actually useful.

Design a generic template (stats, perks) for your criter class (ghouls, SM, raider) is much straightforward than design a dialog template for each of them. you got a class, you got a basic template (tweaking can happen later). But You got a class, you have to make two group of dialog files, normal and stupid~ You see where I am going with this? That eating into the time and efforts that could have spent doing other much needed stuffs, like checking consistency in plot hole or just plain grammar/word checking.

Also, one sixth might even be the number of SMs coming from vaults, thus, non radiated ones, so even if we consider your approach of measuring SPECIAL stats a valid point, it might have nothing to do with the increased intelligence being "wishful thinking".

And now who is inventing straw to make bricks here. Is there anywhere data said the smart SM come from Vaultdwellers? Not "should have come" but actually "come".
About The Master not knowing the mutants are sterile, it may be because he's making an army ATM, not conducting murder of his own creations. The ones who die as an effect of FEV are failures as is, so sterility of those subjects doesn't imply sterility on functional (living) SMs. The BoS can find out about it because their test subject is actually a succesful mutant who died by causes other than the virus itself.

When your only way to create more subjects is by dipping captives into vats, it's very much logical progression of planning is to find another way to create more troops. When you want to create an army, you cant say, I can only recruit troops, but you must say is there any other way than recruiting? Basic intelligent question, really. Anyone fail to do that doesnt deserve to be in command position. The fact that he cant think of it. the fact that he dont have any subordinates that think to ask that question, or suggest to the boss that question... All that point to a stupid group.

Simple. really. You earn money by doing odd jobs for others. You dont say "I can only earn more money by doing odd jobs' but you say "how can I earn more money other than doing that?" Basic planning question.

The only actual stupid move I remember coming from Master's army is how easily the guards on Mariposa leave their post if you call them through the radio.

THAT, actually is pretty logical. Stupid, but logical. human guards, in real life, do that.
Again laclongquan, what will you say about other smart super mutants in Broken Hills?
Like Franciz, Zaius or just default Miners? Marcus wasn't the only intelligent guy.
Seems like you ignored that info in my previous post, because you haven't any point against it. :wink:
And there is no need for doing some exception for them, like in Marcus case, so that argument will not pass.

And now who is inventing straw to make bricks here. Is there anywhere data said the smart SM come from Vaultdwellers? Not "should have come" but actually "come".
Yes, master's dialogue, lou's dialogue and conclusion from Vault 17, actually Master conquered at least 1 vault. Seems like your ignoration AGAIN showed up. Why im not surprised?
How about someone asks one of the original devs (maybe even Brian Fargo) on Twitter why the INT stat of the super mutants is so weird?