What is your fascination with human shields? I have no problem believing that terrorists would use humans as shield. Come on, these are people that walk into cities with the sole purpose of blowing themselves up. Of course they're going to do stuff like that to further their ends.aegis said:here's one proof for ya.
and for those too lazy:
IT SHOULD BE obvious by now that Hizbullah and Hamas actually want the Israeli military to kill as many Lebanese and Palestinian civilians as possible. That is why they store their rockets underneath the beds of civilians; why they launch their missiles from crowded civilian neighborhoods and hide among civilians. They are seeking to induce Israel to defend its civilians by going after them among their civilian "shields." They know that every civilian they induce Israel to kill hurts Israel in the media and the international and human rights communities
Erm, that's usually the case when people disagree with you. When people disagree with you, they tend to think differently from you.funny, so why the outbursts against me and sunny jim, because we are not conducting normal conversations or is that just because we think not like you?
...aegis said:the amount of contradictions going on here, you really have to explain this:
As for no-one believing the Israelis, if you really believe that, you *are* a moron. Hell, just look at Fox
Why do you think Israel is right?
Really, statistically speaking, the chance that the Israeli news-outlets are not twisting the truth but the entirety of the world is is really, really small.
It's a pretty rare form of arrogance to think that the rest of the world is wrong because they're not from Israel.
i mean, thats actually funny, that you think i cannot see how you just contradict in the name of trolling, or what ever other reasons you have for just contradicting someone on your forum.
I'm not questioning your right to build a wall, I'm questioning your right to building a wall on foreign terrority.aegis said:bullshit ^2
we left the gaza strip from any kind of israeli inhabitant, the fence is to protect us from terrorists, again israel have to apologise for trying to protect itself, what a repeating joke, i am sorry to use the same logic again-but if it were your country attacked by terrorists infiltrating your country, wouldn't you build a fence? so if i build a fence i'm provocative?ph, and there was no such thing as palestinians before 1967, so dont talk about "thier" territories.
I think the words 'my reality' are quite fitting.aegis said:so you are going to tell me a story about my reality, is that it?
and i am arrogant?
The funny thing is that I've not seen anyone in this thread dispute that humans are being used as shields. Yet somehow you feel that this is so unbelievable and vital to a point about the conducts of the Israeli army that you continue to bring it up at every opportunity. Quite silly, one might say
You should start formulating your arguments more properly.
I'm questioning your right to building a wall on foreign terrority.
And since you know this in advance, and it's quite easy to change the placing of the wall to not offend the Palestinians (that much), it is an act of provocation.
aegis said:so you must be ok with the fact that those human shields are actually those 200 dead innocent civilians.
no problem:in your own words you said that there shuold be no reason for someone not believeing israel, and yet in that same reply you said "why do you think israel is right" and explained it even. still cant see the contradiction?
its not on foreign territory its on the border of it, where else would it be?
aegis said:heh, now there's a good laugh-the hammas-which i'm sorry to inform you , represent those poor unprovoked palastinians will stop being provoked until our wall will be in the bottom of the sea, with rest of us. the question is really why if those poor palestinians want peace so much, they refused to all of negotiations since, like 50 years ago? maybe its because they are controlled by extremists?
Edge386 said:Because if we actually knew what we were supporting, we would over throw every one in the government responsible, and strip them of their money, because they are the real fucking terrorists.
Philip K. Dick said:"You have to know," Tolby said, "how the League was formed. You have to know how we pulled down the governments that day. Pulled them down and destroyed them. Burned all the buildings. And all the records. Billions of microfilms and papers. Great bonfires that burned for weeks. And the swarms of little white things that poured out when we knocked the buildings over."
"You killed them?" the great tub of a man asked, lips twitching avidly.
"We let them go. They were harmless. They ran and hid. Under rocks." Tolby laughed. "Funny little scurrying things. Insects. Then we went in and gathered up all the records and equipment for making records. By God we burned everything."
"The marches. That was really something, they say. All over the world, people getting up, throwing down what they were doing-"
"It started in East Germany," the hard-jawed blonde said. "The riots."
"France was first!" the little old man with the beard and glasses cried violently. "They were without a government a whole month. The people saw they could live without a government!"
"The marches started it," the black-haired girl corrected. "That was the first time they started pulling down the government buildings. In East Germany and Poland. Big mobs of unorganized workers."
"Russia and America were the last," Tolby said. "When the march on Washingtion came there was close to twenty million of us. We were big in those days! They couldn't stop us when we finally moved."
Oh good, sensationalist crap that appeals to absolutely nothing but feeling.Edge386 said:"Israel has the right to 'defend' itself"
For those that support Israel's actions, THAT should be an eye opener.
I don't live in America, thank you.Edge386 said:For those that think Lebanon voted the "wrong way" in a FREE ELECTION, get out of America, we don't need your fascist energy poisoning the water supply.
Ah yes, because trying to stop people that are killing your citizens is done by not fighting them. Of course.Edge386 said:For those that think America is "still" a great country (Like it ever was to begin with. Look up Shay's rebellion and piece together the real reason the American Revolution was started, business interests) then you are supporting every ounce of evil hatred and slaughter. American tax payers are helping to fund this war. 3 billion a year, the equivilant to $500 for every Israeli citizen, comes from the USA to pay for Israel's weapons, which are purchased from American manufacturers. The Federal government likes to say its a "defensive measure" to "fight terrorism" in the middle east. Breeds terrorism in my opinion.
Because they do show them.Edge386 said:Why doesn't the mainstream media show us these horrible pictures of the destruction we are supporting?
Mbwahaha.Edge386 said:Besides 9/11 that is. Because if we actually knew what we were supporting, we would over throw every one in the government responsible, and strip them of their money, because they are the real fucking terrorists. They strike TERROR in hearts of the 'innocent' domestic civilian population (making us fear attacks, bombings, even strange behavior in our neighbors) to meet their political needs. That is a definition of terrorism if i've ever heard one. Ask again, who are the REAL terrorists?
Why is it, when you observe a global map of US military installations, you see a noose tightening around every political border on the globe? Why is it, when the US invades Iraq, they recieve a limit on how much oil they pump, decreasing supply, which jacks up the price we all pay. Why has FREE ENERGY been around for years yet we've never heard about it? Google Free Energy in Google Video, you will be very pissed. Why does the US need the technology for warfare that will stand unchallenged by any other nation? Why is the Federal government wiping it's ass with the Constitution? Why is the world in such a state, that we need to be asking these questions?
Because... They Want Your Soul
Edge386 said:"For those that think Lebanon voted the "wrong way" in a FREE ELECTION, get out of America, we don't need your fascist energy sapping and impurifying our precious bodily fluids.
Kotario said:Philip K. Dick hippie stuff
Robert Heinlein said:Starship Troopers[/i],]Nevertheless, let's assume that the human race manages to balance birth and death, just right to fit its own planets, and thereby becomes peaceful. What happens?
Soon (about next Wednesday) the Bugs move in, kill off this breed which "ain'ta gonna study war no more" and the universe forgets us. Which still may happen. Either we spread and wipe out the Bugs, or they spread and wipe us out - because both races are tough and smart and want the same real estate.
Do you know how fast population pressure could cause us to fill the entire universe shoulder to shoulder? The answer will astound you, just the flicker of an eye in terms of the age of our race.
Try it - it's a compound-interest expansion.
But does Man have any "right" to spread through the universe?
Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics - you name it - is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what Man is - not what do gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be.
The universe will let us know - later - whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it.
In the meantime the M. I. will be in there, on the bounce and swinging, on the side of our own race.
Kotario said:Robert Heinlein incisive observations
Edge386 said:Actually aegis, since Sander humbled me in another thread. Lets take both of our posted pictures that prove two seperate points and converge them. For instance, make Israel hide behind a family, and Palestine do the same, as they fire on each other. Both sides of warmongers of their respective countries are hiding behind the people that inhabit that country for their political needs.
Can we agree on that point?