It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Well, here's another one.
View attachment 8737
Seperated at birth

Fluffy hair, leads only to fluffy revolutions.

See, they got the memo:
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My hair is sort of similar to Stalin's. Thick, when it was long it took forever to dry after shower.

If only Stalin had followed his plan B, that of being a hair style model.
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Ah yes, when the Empires used to be actually menacing and their followers looked threatening instead of throwing tantrums. Good times.
Cerberus. The three-headed guardian of Hell. You see, when you are the owner of a hell, you need to have a proper guard system in place.

The sun was shining about a week ago. Of course it's not shining anymore. It's been snowing and a raging storm has been making going outside basically very difficult. There will be no summer. Only a bleak, everlasting, nuclear winter.