It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

I really gotta take a look, at my family tree, and figure out the genetic pre-disposition. My DNA is predominantly Scandinavian. With some Basque and North Italian mixed in with it.

True. But there is nothing you can do about growth. Some people just can't really grow much of a beard
. Where as others look away for a second and already talk like Chewbacca.

Yeah they can. You trim instead of cutting it all off all the time. Slowly over time it fills in. It might take a long time but if you are a man you should be able to grow a decent beard. Maybe not the best beard but something better than the scraggly shit retards sport these days.

I used to think like you, but over time I have almost filled in the dreaded empty spots that deny me a full mountain man. Never think like Crni men. Ritualistically rub oils over your beard like the wise men of old. Trim do not cut. It might take you years but you can do it. YOU ARE A MAN....aren't you?
After some internal debating, I finally decided to post a personal picture. I didn't really have much time to get ready for this picture, so don't be too harsh on my appearance.
