It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Common myth. Moths don't actually like lights because they love them. It kills them.

They really are more like :


till they buzz out of existance because they don't realise that it's not moonlight.
I smoked crack a few times it really is the best. Not trying to be cute crack is really the best.
This is a blanket warning to all of you retards that this is not the shitposting thread so posting a funny pic to be funny is something you do elsewhere. As a simple response to a goofy pic it can be fine but you are just spamming nonsense. Don't feel bad years ago I was told the same thing now I can do it to you.
If you have watched this thread you`ll see what is an old tradition of NMA, showing our ugly faces (except Miro, Odin and Kahrn wich i believe are incredibly handsome of couse :D )

So it`s time to restart that tradition, knowing that Rosh will not show his face (therefore i can`t say if he is pretty or not, i just know his hair more or less :D :D ) and so i`ll show you our beloved and inspiring great leader Miroslav :lol: :lol:

and that handsome minion from hell Kahrn:

I`ll show mine if you show yours :D

And remember to say something about youselves, no real names or that, but features you think give a good description of yourselves
It's not a big deal but we have plenty of threads where we can post a Youtube video with no comment or a funny meme and then logoff. Let's not sully up the one useful thread that people still use occasionally for it's stated purpose.
I legitimately can't grow a beard somehow despite being Slavic. I can grow a mustache if I shave, but I can never get a goddamn beard to come in.

Then again I haven't hit my 30's yet.