It's again that time of the year ... or Muslim bashing!

Yeah, that was kinda the point.

If you believe the neonazi movements will tolerate homosexuality, you're gonna have a bad time.
They might not kill you for it... But on the other hand they do love the death penalty, so don't expect too much friendliness.


Im not gay tho.
And neither am i in a neonazi movment.

I am a nationalist, but that's beside the point. I must have been misinformed on generation Identity.
So, do we want to look up all people that have depressions now? Or which are suicidal? Or only those with brown colour maybe? Or only if they have Arabian parents? What is your solution to prevent something like in Munich to happen again?



Yes, I recomed at least an arms length of distance to every crazy person. How do you recogize a crazy person who's pulling a gun out of his jacket and starts shooting everyone in his reach?

Oh, i can tell you. Let me quote you:

pulling a gun out of his jacket and starts shooting everyone in his reach

What ever right wing party you have in your nation.

I was talking about what rights specifically. Anyway it seems like its the left at the moment thats the most eager to censor free speech.

The current right wing party thats in power has been pretty chill on my rights. Less taxes and less immigration. Still not in Auschwitz, surprisingly.

You have a very skewed view on right wing parties. Then again i know many Leftists who think parties considered moderate right wing here in Norway and most other places Ultra far-right lol.
He's calling people parasites ... I don't think he has a problem with that.
I don't think he realizes where all that stuff comes from. To him it's probably like "Obviously I don't mean ALL of them, only those who come here for the benefits".
But then he's also ready to deport germans born here just because of their parents (albeit with a wink)...
What about Volksdeutsche who convert to Islam or marry a Muslim? Public execution for Rassenschande?
I am not sure if I identified my self as anything here. I agree with a lot of ideals and ideas from the liberal left. But I don't consider my self left. Or maybe I am left? If left means today, that you don't call people parasites and judge them as individualy and not because they are Syrian or Muslims and want to share your wealth, if possible. Then yeah, I am probably left. Also, I never said that I tolerate every opinion. I don't see why I have to. Either in a forum, nor in real live. I have to accept that some people hold views that I disagree with, and there is nothing I can do to change their mind. But I don't have to tolerate their views. If they don't like this debate, they can always feel free to ignore it and not care about it. Everyone who decided to posted in this topic made a conscious decisions to do it, or so I hope!
You are right actually. Just saying, try to understand why people have their views, before dismissing them. It makes for a more civil discussion.
I recommend you stop debating @The Lonesome Drifter, he is a lunatic and they cant be argued with.
I hope this is a joke.

I think at this point he's only trolling and trying to stir up, nothing more nothing less. The problem is, he makes people like you look bad. But I am glad you cleared that one up. I have to remember that you don't fall in the same group as he does.
Point is, I realize that people have concerns and that emotions play a big part. But, we have to remember that emotions don't have always to reflect the reality we live in. And that we should not always act on the first feeling that is crossing our mind. Again, yes I understand all those concerns, terrorists could hit us at any time, crazy people could do some shit at any time, but the world is getting more peacefull!

The world is actually becoming more peaceful — believe it or not ...

Yeah, let's not go there with the overt racism, mkay? Go to Stormfront if you have to, this is not the place for this. I turned a blind eye with your previous borderline statements, but enough's enough.
How about we just stop this whole discussion about racism right here, since it woN't go anywhere, anyway?
He registered like just yesterday and most of his posts happen to be in this topic. He won't be missed so much for sure.