I am glad you're using your German authority to make the right decisions!
You do know that this is "ISIS is caused by global warming" tier logic right?It's summer. A lot of people are out in the open. I know this sounds silly, but I think the weather makes people a bit ... crazy right now. It's fucking hot, but it rains every second day.
Have you ever heard of back pedaling? You claimed that Germany was more peaceful compared to the rest of Europe and also while on your high horse you asked if Germany was the only place with any decency left. Meanwhile the recent attacks prove you're just as much of a target of terrorist attacks as the rest of Europe.A
Have you ever heard about proportionality?
Well shit, let's ignore the terrorist attacks because world wide statistics are going in the same direction they have been going in since forever. Yea of course things are always getting slightly better. This is the same logic people use to say that Obama isn't that bad. Yea, things have been getting better forever but they're not as good as they could be and just because some places in the world are doing better doesn't mean that all of the sudden all of our problems don't matter, let the killing continue. I don't get what your point here is. Should we just not doing anything about terrorist attacks because of worldwide trends?
The fuck? All I am saying is, that you see more violent crimes like people shooting others during Summer, because there are more PEOPLE outside and performing activities in the open, with festivals and all that. When was the last time you saw someone running amok like in Munich or a suicide bomber when most of the days look like this:You do know that this is "ISIS is caused by global warming" tier logic right?
I never said that.Well shit, let's ignore the terrorist attacks because world wide statistics are going in the same direction they have been going in since forever.
I never said that.Yea of course things are always getting slightly better. This is the same logic people use to say that Obama isn't that bad.
I never said that.Yea, things have been getting better forever but they're not as good as they could be and just because some places in the world are doing better doesn't mean that all of the sudden all of our problems don't matter, let the killing continue.
I never said that.I don't get what your point here is. Should we just not doing anything about terrorist attacks because of worldwide trends?
That's not what you said at all.The fuck? All I am saying is, that you see more violent crimes like people shooting others during Summer, because there are more PEOPLE outside and performing activities in the open, with festivals and all that.
And nothing we do, will change that.
You cheeky fuck. I recognize this question from that Petry interview and I'm not gonna make the same mistake she did. Yes, absolutely as a final option if all else really fails than the people who are running at the people with guns don't stop when told to and threaten to swarm and over take them then violence is inevitable.And my question now, to you, would you shoot on unarmed refugees? ]
Because they're iconic? This is like the "why do you use the holocaust?" thing from earlier, they just represent racism in the Western world.Why do people keep using them. the KKK is a non entity. they got barely got over a couple thousand members and haven't been a thing in over 50 years.
Napoleon and Napoleon III are two very different people.Vergil, The British Empire was so much better and Napoleon was an idiot.
It's silly though. I know why they do it but why even bother. at some point I expect they are going to start busting out The Spanish Inquisition, and proclaim the west and Christianity are just as bad....600 years ago.The suicide bomber's phone contained a video pledging allegiance to ISIS (or something along those lines, I'm to lazy to google it), so it was a lone wolf. Anyway, no official coordinated terrorist attacks in Germany, yay?
Because they're iconic? This is like the "why do you use the holocaust?" thing from earlier, they just represent racism in the Western world.
History is importantIt's silly though. I know why they do it but why even bother. at some point I expect they are going to start busting out The Spanish Inquisition, and proclaim the west and Christianity are just as bad....600 years ago.
Yeah, that was one of the other points. Maybe it does? Do you know that it doesn't? Even psychos and depressive people have their breaking point. But I agree. It was really just speculation. The other reason why we might see more viollence right now, is that there are more people out in the open. During the Octoberfest viollent crime in Munich is rising as well.That's not what you said at all.
"It's summer. A lot of people are out in the open. I know this sounds silly, but I think the weather makes people a bit ... crazy right now. It's fucking hot, but it rains every second day. People are irritated. And just as I write this ... it rains again. The fuck.
Even I feel like I want to punch someone in the face when I am using the Subway while it's full of people, and you know it when someone's not shovering regularly ... I mean not long ago an old fart was screaming around and yelling at everyone because the window was just slighly open. Or something. No clue."
YOu keep that repeating all the time. But you don't really outline how you want to stop them from coming.
You could, ya know, stop letting them in.
What do you mean? She pretty much gave the same answer as you did right now ...You cheeky fuck. I recognize this question from that Petry interview and I'm not gonna make the same mistake she did. Yes, absolutely as a final option if all else really fails than the people who are running at the people with guns don't stop when told to and threaten to swarm and over take them then violence is inevitable.
I have done that over, and over, and over, and over, and over again and you've continued to completely ignore it or dismiss it because "....." and try to steer the conversation around.YOu keep that repeating all the time. But you don't really outline how you want to stop them from coming.
Yea because it was retardedly ineffective and expensive and was only going to be temporary from the start. This doesn't change the fact that these people are easily able to get into the country once they arrive and just because some of them are stupid enough to try and come across the Mediterranean on shitty boats doesn't mean Europe not still being flooded.Dude. Look. The EU LITERALY decided to let people die. They STOPED(!) Mare Nostrum.
What's your point here? That these people are still stupid enough to try something that's gotton loads of people killed already?The effect of it? More people died because they drowned. Has it had nay effect on the refugees? No. The effect was. Zero. Nada. Ziich. People still packed their stuff and crossed the mediterranean and any other border.
Oh Lord what a load of wank. Would you like me to cherry pick the most emotional stimulating images of children getting killed by terrorist attacks perpetrated by refugees? Please by all means let's just drop any pretense of this being a factual debate and just focus on our feelings if you're going to go down this route.The reason why I am repeating my self is because I want to hear from you what we should do with 400 000 or 800 000 people showing up on our borders who do this:
What would you want the guards to do in such a scenario when 10 000 of people cross the fences and walls like in those images?
What is your solution to that?
Boot them right back onto the over side of that fence. They get violent and refuse to comply you remind them that you're armed for a reason.What is your solution to that?
Well Israel is certainly doing well off with it's giant concrete walls compared to this shitty chain length fence you've shown in your picture.I know! Let us build a second fence! But this time higher!
She pussy footed around the issue (to be fair the interviewer was doing the exact same thing you're doing now and asking a loaded question specifically made to make us look evil). Yea, if it came down to it'd I'd be a-ok with actually using the border security to it's fullest extent.What do you mean? She pretty much gave the same answer as you did right now ...
Yeah well, without the intention to attack you, but sorry that I think about refugees and migrants as people and not just numbers or as cattle. So posting a child is already pandering to emotions? I mean com on ... at which point is empathy with people a mistake or wrong. That doesn't mean that you can't make rational decisions. Many of the refugees are children, teenagers and females. That's simply a fact. Some figures say 22% of the 800 000 Syran refugees that arrived at Europe to be children and 18% of them females. I mean what should have Germany done with those 800 000 people? That's the whole question. We left nations like Italy, Spain and Greece alone for decades due to the Dublin Regulation which was very convenient for a nation like Germany, which had no borders close to the mediterranean or Turkey.Meh this debate has fallen apart. Both you guys are using emotion.
Yeah man! Rescuing people is retardely ineffective! Seriously, what went wrong in your live that you lack empathy with certain groups and people on a such basic level? You know, I never understood this argumentation ... We preach values that we hold so dear, like human dignity, human rights, freedom and liberity for people. But when you bring it up, you're met with, but we are not killing them! It's the sea! You know! Right.Yea because it was retardedly ineffective and expensive and was only going to be temporary from the start. This doesn't change the fact that these people are easily able to get into the country once they arrive and just because some of them are stupid enough to try and come across the Mediterranean on shitty boats doesn't mean Europe not still being flooded.
That people which decide to make such dangerous journes probably won't stop at fences. No matter how high they are how dangerous the guards look.What's your point here? That these people are still stupid enough to try something that's gotton loads of people killed already?
So as long as those people are just numbers on your news ticker, it's alright? Oh my! Sorry that I dared to post images of people. Human beings. Remember that. Human. Beings. That's what we're talking about here. Around 20% of them are children.Oh Lord what a load of wank. Would you like me to cherry pick the most emotional stimulating images of children getting killed by terrorist attacks perpetrated by refugees? Please by all means let's just drop any pretense of this being a factual debate and just focus on our feelings if you're going to go down this route.
Boot them right back onto the over side of that fence. They get violent and refuse to comply you remind them that you're armed for a reason.
Yeah, well Europe is a just a tiny bit bigger then Israel though. And so far, it seems that the nations can't even agree on one plan on how to protect the borders. Everyone want's to keep them out, but no one really wants to pay for it. Didn't really bothered anyone as long it was just an Italian problem.Well Israel is certainly doing well off with it's giant concrete walls compared to this shitty chain length fence you've shown in your picture.
Yeah right. I see. So it's not the answer it's the question. I understand. You're the victim here. Totally. Who's pussy footing around the difficult questions? If you continue with an agressive policy, then you HAVE to ask your self what you will do when the people don't turn around. Pretty simple really. Otherwise, it's just empty threats. If you think that your answer might make you look evil, then you should ask your self why.She pussy footed around the issue (to be fair the interviewer was doing the exact same thing you're doing now and asking a loaded question specifically made to make us look evil). Yea, if it came down to it'd I'd be a-ok with actually using the border security to it's fullest extent.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence#United_StatesLook how far people have to reach to get the supposed Christian equivalent of Islamic Terror.
Well yeah...No true Christian would commit acts of terror?
Of course they do know, that's why Denmark passed new law reducing the welfare support from ridiculous 11.000 DKK to less ridiculous 6000 DKK last year, which is still good bait for economical migrants nonetheless. The same goes for Germany, where new conception of immigration laws have been proposed and accepted recently, reducing welfare benefits and tightening obligations for migrants. Perhaps someone started realizing that the system is flawed and broken, what do you think?Yeah? Shit man. I guess those people must have known about this Wilkommenskultur before the Germans even knew it ...
Pulling pretty hard there bud.
Got to me laugh though. I'll give you that.
So does Christian terrorism only count when you want it to count or is it that people killing or persecuting others in the name of God isn't Christian terrorism?Well yeah...
Christianity was built on peace, love, and turning the other cheek because a Jewish Carpenter came back as Zombie. When Christian Nut jobs want to start justifying their lunacy they have to start quoting the Old Testament, the old book of angry Jewish god that the new testament states it is trying to fix.