It's again that time of the year ... or Muslim bashing!


Isn't there also a bit of anti-Swede sentiment in Finland? How prevalent is it?

Here, we have the term "party Swede", they're the flocks of Swedish youth who come here to hog our low-paying jobs, typically working as waitors.
Hey, so long as they're white, they can haz all of our jerbs!
"Being gay in Sweden"

Funny though. I watched 18 seconds of that vid and guy (gay guy?) starts to talk about "Mahmud". This leads me to think that he's one of those anti-Muslim/Islam/Arab/folks with dark skin tone - folks.

I doubt that guy mentions the largest immigrant group in Sweden, the Finns. Finns have been immigrating to Sweden since time immemorial and there was an influx in the early seventies due to extremely high unemployment in Finland (still have it). About 100 000 unemployed Finns went to Sweden to work in Volvo auto industry etc. They brought their 'ways' with them, which is hard drinking and subsequent anti-social behaviour.

Swedes, and other Scandinavian countries which all speak more or less the same language are similar in other ways, all have a sort of respect of Finns. Finns speak a completely different language and are closer to Estonians and Hungarians (Fenno-Ugric language family). The Finns who immigrated to Stockholm were referred to as "guerillas of Slussen", an area in Stockholm. A Finn might be drunk and he also probably has a knife so, better be careful. Whenever a Finnish immigrant or tourist or visitor, say, stabs a Swede or two to death, it's like, a big deal in the media etc.

When there is a ice hockey game between Sweden and Finland, the Swedish fans shout all kinds of things at Finns. "Drunks", "hillbillies", etc. Finns only have one insult for the Swedes, "gays", except they use a much more derogatory word. So, if that guy wants to cover the whole picture of anti-Swede/anti-gay sentiment among the immigrants to Sweden but excludes the Finns, I don't think I'm going to believe anything he says.
The video is primarily about how homosexuality is viewed from certain muslims perspectives in sweden.
The title, I'll admit, is kind of misleading. He's kind of an inflammatory character and try to get a rise out of people while giving his 2 cents and research on a subject.

Then again, if one had to include 'every single variable possible' then the video would need to be hours long. He's focusing his attention on one subject primarily. And I don't hear a lot of stories where finns go around and try to "rape the gay out of women". :shrug:
Isn't there also a bit of anti-Swede sentiment in Finland? How prevalent is it?

Here, we have the term "party Swede", they're the flocks of Swedish youth who come here to hog our low-paying jobs, typically working as waitors.
Hey, so long as they're white, they can haz all of our jerbs!

Of course. That's what I'm talking about here. There are real, historical reasons for it. We don't do it just because we are hicks. There's a Swede-political party in Finland. There is no Finnish-party in Swedish politics although there's a lot of Finns in Sweden. Swedish is a mandatory language in Finnish schools. etc. Lot's of legitimate reason to dislike the little f.... gays.
Of course. That's what I'm talking about here. There are real, historical reasons for it. We don't do it just because we are hicks. There's a Swede-political party in Finland. There is no Finnish-party in Swedish politics although there's a lot of Finns in Sweden. Swedish is a mandatory language in Finnish schools. etc. Lot's of legitimate reason to dislike the little f.... gays.

Dude, I've been saing it for years, let's just invade the fuckers! The hour of reckoning has come! Denmark gets southern Sweden back, Norway recaptures Jemtland, and Finland can take the northern half. Whatever is left, "Sweden proper" becomes a pan-Scandinavian protectorate!
*Flips table in excitement!!!*

Like this (except we take more)
Then again, if one had to include 'every single variable possible' then the video would need to be hours long. He's focusing his attention on one subject primarily. And I don't hear a lot of stories where finns go around and try to "rape the gay out of women". :shrug:

Finns raping? Hmm, they do. But it's different. A Finn, after 6 pm on Friday or Saturday (or most other days of the week) will be too drunk to rape. The Finn will rape between 3 pm and 6 pm on basically any day of the week. You see that's the official rape time - slot for Finns.

To rape the gay out of Swedish women? Swedish women might be gay, who knows. But they're really good looking on average and that's the reason why a Finn might rape one. Yes, it would be nice if after the Fin-rape the Swedish gay woman would be turned into a hetero, a kind of bonus. We have that effect on women.

Ok that was kind of horrible, I have the flu right now and the weather sucks, as it always does in Finland. That's my excuse.
How come right-wingers are always so well updated on the Muslim hordes "raping the gay" out of people, while whenever I look around, it never occurs? Just today I've seen at least 5 Muslims, and neither of them were raping anybody. One was grocery shopping, the others I spotted crossing the streets.
Maybe on their WAY to rape someone, I guess. I should de-liberalize my stony mind, and wake up to the truth!
They even made a movie in Sweden about one Finnish knife-incident, that time it was a Swedish family of three who were knifed to death over a stolen bicycle. Check it out, it's not a bad movie. The guy who did it, Valjakkala, was recently released from prison and hasn't gone back, I think. He escaped from prison several times in Finland and tried to make his way into Sweden. Swedes were horrified every time.
How come right-wingers are always so well updated on the Muslim hordes "raping the gay" out of people, while whenever I look around, it never occurs? Just today I've seen at least 5 Muslims, and neither of them were raping anybody. One was grocery shopping, the others I spotted crossing the streets.
Maybe on their WAY to rape someone, I guess. I should de-liberalize my stony mind, and wake up to the truth!
They can't rape on an empty stomach, and their designated victim was probably on the other side of the street.
Now here is the thing. When they are all so fucking dangerous and when it is always about US (the west) vs. THEM (aka da Muslim!), how comes that Germany is so peaceful? While France has seen quite a lot of violence in the recent years. It seems like they suffer attacks after attacks. But I can't remember the last time a Muslim has killed 70 people in Germany.

What the fuck is happening? Is Germany the only state with some decency left?
Crni please..
Allegedly a woman in Vienna was attacked by what a appeared to be a group of afghans, and the police told her to dye her hair and dress more modestly.
Oh yeah, and the seven teens who tried to light a hobo on fire in Berlin were also syrian and libyan refugees.
On the other hand there are rumours that the attack in Berlin was orchestrated by foreign (but european) secret services to get Merkel to back down from her refugee policy.
All of this shit doesn't really mean anything, but the fact remains that it has a huge effect on public opinion. If something bad happens on New Year's Eve shit will go down.
That too, but in mine village there are no italians so muslims took over bakery and sweets business. :D

Here almost all pizza-italian stuff is orchestrated by Kurds.
But Kurds are like... cool, right? They have women in their armies and stuff. Which makes them... cucked muslims? *implodes*
I still couldn't believe how the cucks wanted to believe a jihadist wasn't involved with the terrorist attack in Berlin, going on about how the truck somehow drove itself through it, however, many people weren't living in Narnia and saw that the truck was not infact Optimus Prime, but was driven by some degenerate following a degenerative religion which promotes the beheading of women for not being escorted by a man 24/7, all in all, the people I hated as much as the terrorists, were the apologists and far-left lobotomy victims spewing out their lies about how 'Islam is a religion of peace' even though the founder of Jainism would be rolling in his grave at this statement, ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE, HOW MANY TIMES MUST PEOPLE SAY THIS.
I still couldn't believe how the cucks wanted to believe a jihadist wasn't involved with the terrorist attack in Berlin, going on about how the truck somehow drove itself through it, however, many people weren't living in Narnia and saw that the truck was not infact Optimus Prime, but was driven by some degenerate following a degenerative religion which promotes the beheading of women for not being escorted by a man 24/7, all in all, the people I hated as much as the terrorists, were the apologists and far-left lobotomy victims spewing out their lies about how 'Islam is a religion of peace' even though the founder of Jainism would be rolling in his grave at this statement, ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE, HOW MANY TIMES MUST PEOPLE SAY THIS.
Vergil is that you? :D
All religion sucks.

What I don't like, are double standards. Complaining about criminals is one thing. Complaining about it, like they are the only type of criminals, isn't.

I am curious where this so called 'new' patriotism was when right wing extremists killed 28 homeless people since the 1990s in Germany alone. There are a hell lot of degenerated people on this world. But I see no point in blaming 3 billion people for the actions of individuals. I have yet to see what good that might do.
What I don't like, are double standards. Complaining about criminals is one thing. Complaining about it, like they are the only type of criminals, isn't.

I will admit, you are right about that one, there are a hell loads more of backwards people out there, white supremacists, BLM, Tony Blair, etc, but I was talking about how the people were reacting to it, the people who think that the minorities are perfect little angels who can do no wrong and all the problems should be blamed on white men because fuck Martin Luther King, right? Equality now consists of white man=bad, everyone else=good, and that's why support for those who are considered 'racist' have risen. (Nigel Farage, Trump, etc.)