What's frustrating is that none of this helps.
Humanity is an animal. Try to bang on the chimpanzee glass divider, for then to rationally explain to them why they should calm down.
Humanity goes into tension, and the tension must be released. This is not just random naturalness either, it is guided and fueled on purpose (many of you will now consider the following to be UNTHINKABLE, as in, pure conspiracy fabrication) - the purpose being the continuation of a daily weapons production.
Not just small arms, but large scale machinery, design and mass production, smart missiles, you name it. It's spent - it's remade - rebought, resold, rebombed.
(Then you have the bonus of entire countries to rebuild - rebuy)
Let's pretend that humanity, as we know it, could never be so cynical as to perpetrate perpetual war for the sake of money. Surely, we don't value money enough for people to have to die, right?
So, as long as it's important, for somebody, that this "crisis" continue gaining momentum, it will keep gaining momentum. A strategy that could work to flare shit up would be to engage in a relentless campaign of unfair slaughter of civilians. What, where? Oh, anywhere. No point in pointing out who dies first, but a LOT of innocent people die.
Some may die for "stability in the Middle East", others for the "acceleration of the holy war" the mujis are drooling after
Either way, it doesn't matter beyond you, yes you, finding out if you're gonna be in the middle of it in a few years from now, when it really kicks off. I'm gonna bet on a high level assasination, a la World War 1! Not because I find it particularily likely, but because it's been a while since we had a good assasination-based war
Since Norway's gonna be allied with US in this, and we don't have any Atlantic enemies, I'm considering myself pretty safe. Unless the Ruskis decide to invade Finnmark. Then I might have to go hang with grandma in Spain.
So, when the war breaks out, where will you go? Discuss!