Japanese nuclear bomb survivors want Obama to apologize

As far as i Remember from History lessons regarding A-bomb Germany was not nuked because project was not finished before conquering berlin (8 may 45 for us and brits and 9th may 45 for soviets) Germans have been working on the a-bomb as well, it was codenamed wunder-waffe (marvelous-weapon) after german defeat most of the engineers working on wunder waffe in germany was given an ultimatum from the US. eigther rot in prison, or work on the manhattan project. thus manhattan project progress accelerated..
as for the increndiary bombs vietnam was lucky to be bombed with napalm as japan was bombed with white phosphor increndiary bombs diffrence from napalm is that phosphor bombs seposedly have higher burn temperature and burning fumes are highly toxic at best and leathal at worst contact with fumes usually causes lung desieases including but not limited to cancer,astma etc. as of after ww2 white phosphour bombs were banned by international regulations that's why vietnam got napalmed
@Cimmerian Nights: I blame pope John Paul II! Everyone demands apologies since the pope started apologise for everything, it's trendy now.

@gustarballs1983: Nope, Japan was bombed with white phosphor AND napalm. Look, this is M-69 bomb stuffed with napalm and used in firebombing:

The problem with many of those documentaries is, that they ignore reality. Germany had a ton of projects, ideas and concepts from 1938 and later in the war.

Well I got the idea from the documentary about the 'dirty bomb' project that was it was more considered than actually being in development, more like an alternative proposal to the development of a German atomic weapon.
Even the delivery method was more a proposal than actually something being designed and drawn in some workshop of one of the German aircraft manufacturers.

Of course the documentary made it sound more exciting but that is what TV shows do.
Even the delivery method was more a proposal than actually something being designed and drawn in some workshop of one of the German aircraft manufacturers.
They've constructed a couple of working prototypes actually, some of them were destroyed by allied bombing though. Try googling for "Amerika bomber project" if you are interested.

Working prototype of Horten Ho 229 was captured by Americans, reconstructed later in U.S., and now their B-2 bomber looks awfully similar to this old German flying wing.
They've constructed a couple of working prototypes actually, some of them were destroyed by allied bombing though. Try googling for "Amerika bomber project" if you are interested.

Working prototype of Horten Ho 229 was captured by Americans, reconstructed later in U.S., and now their B-2 bomber looks awfully similar to this old German flying wing.
Northrop had been doing flying wings on their own before Operation Paper Clip, too, though.
What made Horten's designs stand out, allegedly, was that they remained stable at higher speeds. Flying wings work fine at lower speeds like in gliders (which Horten had a lot of experience in; their early efforts included a lot of record breaking gliders at the time [the gliding scene was highly developed in Germany between the wars as they weren't allowed to developed much motorised planes due to Treaty of Versailles]), but at higher speeds they get naturally unstable. Which is one of the reasons the YB35/49 prototypes failed, and why the B2 is dependent on fly-by-wire controls to relieve stress from the pilot.
Also, Germany had some spies & saboteurs in the US mainland. If they wanted to use a dirty bomb they could have just gotten the material (if they had enough of it) to those folks who would have dispersed it from the top of a skyscraper in NY or something. Or put it in the water pipes or something.
They've constructed a couple of working prototypes actually, some of them were destroyed by allied bombing though. Try googling for "Amerika bomber project" if you are interested.

Working prototype of Horten Ho 229 was captured by Americans, reconstructed later in U.S., and now their B-2 bomber looks awfully similar to this old German flying wing.
Heh, with requring around 25250 litres of fuel, one has to wonder how they wanted to build enough of those to actually make a difference in the war. A handfull of bombers hiting some targets on the coast of the US, surely wouldn't have really hurt the US economy and industry hard enough. Albeit, the fact that the Germans focused to late on long range bombers, was a strategical mistake that showed it's effects when they attacked the Sovietunion. The He 117, saw a relatively low number of planes, when compared to the production number of the B-17 and B-29. around 1100 compard to the 12 000 B-17s. And the Germans lost 600 planes in a bombing raid against London in 1944 as retaliation for Hamburg, and it didn't really had much of an effect on the British war efforts. And we have not even talked about the number of british Bombers, which had their effect on the Germans as well.

Also, Germany had some spies & saboteurs in the US mainland. If they wanted to use a dirty bomb they could have just gotten the material (if they had enough of it) to those folks who would have dispersed it from the top of a skyscraper in NY or something. Or put it in the water pipes or something.
The question is, what would they gain from it? If they wanted to attack the civilian population, they could have done this with conventional means already, and probably with similar effects. Like gas or poison or just explosives in crucial installations. But the thing is,

1. It's not that easy.
2. The enemy might retaliate.

The Nazis havn't been that stupid. They knew, what ever they do, the enemy might respond the same way. It is one of the reasons why chemical weapons, like poison gas, has never been used in WW2. Even though, both the Germans and British had huge stockpiles of it, for the cases that it was required. This served as deterrend. It was even discussed in London, if they should use it against Germany, as answer to the V1 and V2 rocket attacks. But they quickly droped that idea and just increased bombing raids over Germany.
If the Nazis would have really used a dirty bomb? I doubt it. You have to remember, if the Nazis would have been capable of delivering a dirty Bomb, which wouldn't have been easy to achieve if at all, the allies could have done it as well. And most probably much easier, simply with planes droping it from the sky over German cities. A lot of ifs and buts. Even if they had some spare material, they would have never wasted it on such a high risk and low gain project. At the end of the war, they had barely enough material to get a fision reaction going in some experimental reactor. And it isn't just like you can walk around with nuclear materials or planing some really devastating and sophisticated missions, without someone to notice it. Not to mention the Nazis never had the manpower nor the required spy-network to achieve something like that.
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Horten Ho 229 prototype was almost invisible to British radars, powered by jet engine and very fast;
It most certainly was NOT invisible.

It's just by the time they were spotted, there was not enough time to scramble conventional interceptors to prevent them from attacking their intended target (if it was near the coast at least).
@SuAside: Yep, I should've added "according to author":
In 1983, Reimar Horten wrote in Nurflugel: Die Geschichte der Horten-Flugzeuge 1933-1960 (Herbert Weishaupt, 1983) that he had planned to combine a mixture of sawdust, charcoal, and glue between the layers of wood that formed large areas of the exterior surface of the H IX wing to shield, he said, the “whole airplane” from radar, because “the charcoal should absorb the electrical waves. Under this shield, then also the tubular steel [airframe] and the engines [would be] “invisible” [to radar]” (p. 136, author translation). [...] Engineers of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation had long been interested in the Ho 229, and several of them visited the Smithsonian Museum’s facility in Silver Hill, Maryland in the early 1980s to study the V3 airframe. A team of engineers from Northrop-Grumman ran electromagnetic tests on the V3’s multilayer wooden center-section nose cones. The cones are three quarters of an inch (19 mm) thick and made up of thin sheets of veneer. The team concluded that there was indeed some form of conducting element in the glue, as the radar signal attenuated considerably as it passed through the cone.
Crni Vuk,

yes I agree. And I'm glad they never went ahead with something like that. It's pretty scary to read about the WW 2 things even today, it really isn't that far in the history. Somehow the WW 2 stuff still influences things today. I've spoken on the net with some WW 2 veterans and WW 2 historians, it's pretty amazing the stuff they have direct info about.
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People are in the habbit of hyping up all nazi super weapons. If find that it actually detracts from their achievements, which are pretty big in their own right.

It's true that the shape & paint caused it (for the time) to have a small radar signature, the actual problem was actually the engine intakes. We know this because Northrop built replicas and did a radar spectrum analysis of it.
Modern stealth planes use S-ducts instead of straight intakes to mask the fan blades and intake ducts.

Either way, the intake design on the Ho229 meant that it would indeed get picked up before it reached the UK, but if they made a low flying approach, the detection range would be unsufficient to scramble interceptors.
People are in the habbit of hyping up all nazi super weapons. If find that it actually detracts from their achievements, which are pretty big in their own right.

Well we have a tendency to exaggerate such details as they speak more to the imagination, hence Nazi super science in Hellboy and Wolfenstein.

I am actually surprised to learn that a lot of the most effective designs such as tanks and rifles were actually developed in the years before World War 2. While I knew the Germans were designing and developing new weapons before the War of course I really had this idea that the tech race was still going on and had more of an impact than it in reality seems to have had.
Modern stealth planes use S-ducts instead of straight intakes to mask the fan blades and intake ducts.
True, not a problem for weathered radar system Vera from former Czechoslovakia, known as Trash Can in Nato code and constructed in the sixties. These radars can track down electromagnetic emissions from on-board electronics systems, so the only protection from being tracked is turning off everything and flying blindly. American F-117 stealth fighter was shot down by Serbian army operating this old radar and Soviet AA system S-125, for instance. ^^

Back to Japan tho, I'm drifting off topic as usualy. This is long but very interesting article about fragile nuclear safety during the cold war; failures, dangers, paranoia.. Very fallout-y!
People are in the habbit of hyping up all nazi super weapons. If find that it actually detracts from their achievements, which are pretty big in their own right.
Which most of the time, was not even an achievement by the Nazis directly, but most of the time something they claimed, Hitler and his party actually initated very little in terms of research and reforms. What they achieved, for their time, was really a new level of propaganda. They managed succesfulyl to even distract the allies in some cases - see Tigerphobia, Wunderwaffen etc.

However, when you take a closer look at their most succesfull achievements, many of those have been in development before the Nazis came in to power and took over leadership. And once the Nazis did assume power, they actually interfered and impeded in a lot of the research and scientific fields. Don't get me even started on how many times Hitler himself or one of his goons, intervened in many fields not just of military matter. Much to the frustration of people like Guderian, who had a different view on what tanks should be developed or used in combat.

As you say, there is so much hype, myth and even outright false claims floating around WW2 Germany, where you have to ask your self, that some people must believe the Nazis had better technology in the 1930s than Germany today. When it comes to the engineering and technology, the Germans had some advantages like metallurgy, they also lacked severe knowledge in other areas. Like radar technology, aviation, small arms development and navall technology. And at the end of the 30s, even the technological edge Germany had, slowly shifted to the US and Britain, due to the scientiest which left/fleed Europe.
Japan still has a lot of apologizing to do

Maybe the Japs should stop asking for something they themselves fail to do. Let them first acknowledge (not even apologize) all their war crimes against the Chinese for instance.

Japan could also start owning up to their war crimes, while we're at it.

The Japanese government doesn't want an apology, because that would mean they would have to apologize for their war-crimes, which many in the Japanese establishment refuse to even admit.

The moment Japan starts being honest about it's own history in the war, that is the moment Obama should apologize.


Some of these apologies are certainly questionable and not all war crimes have been acknowledged. But it's something, isn't it?

yes, however I think at least China is still expecting an apology for some of Japan's actinons in WW 2. Maybe also the Koreas (both of them?).

Obama's also visiting Vietnam, he's not apologizing to them either. He is going to start to sell weapons to them, funny. I guess guns and gun trade come before apologies for some. "Nah, ef you, not apologizing. But you wanna gat?"
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  • September 29, 1972: Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of the People's Republic of China: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms its position that it intends to realize the normalization of relations between the two countries from the stand of fully understanding 'the three principles for the restoration of relations' put forward by the Government of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese side expresses its welcome for this" (Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China).[8]
  • August 24, 1982: Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki said: "I am painfully aware of Japan's responsibility for inflicting serious damages [on Asian nations] during the past war." "We need to recognize that there are criticisms that condemn [Japan's occupation] as invasion" (Press Conference on Textbook issue).[9]
  • August 26, 1982: Chief Cabinet Secretary Kiichi Miyazawa said to the people of the Republic of Korea: "1. The Japanese Government and the Japanese people are deeply aware of the fact that acts by our country in the past caused tremendous suffering and damage to the peoples of Asian countries, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China, and have followed the path of a pacifist state with remorse and determination that such acts must never be repeated. Japan has recognized, in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, of 1965, that the 'past relations are regrettable, and Japan feels deep remorse,' and in the Japan-China Joint Communique, that Japan is 'keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war and deeply reproaches itself.' These statements confirm Japan's remorse and determination which I stated above and this recognition has not changed at all to this day. 2. This spirit in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, and the Japan-China Joint Communique, naturally should also be respected in Japan's school education and textbook authorization.
  • September 6, 1984: Emperor Hirohito said to President Chun Doo Hwan: "It is indeed regrettable that there was an unfortunate past between us for a period in this century and I believe that it should not be repeated again." (Meeting with President Chun Doo Hwan.)[10]
  • September 7, 1984: Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone said: "There was a period in this century when Japan brought to bear great sufferings upon your country and its people. I would like to state here that the government and people of Japan feel a deep regret for this error."[11]
  • October 23, 1985: Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, in a speech to the United Nations, said: "On June 6, 1945, when the UN Charter was signed in San Francisco, Japan was still fighting a senseless war with 40 nations. Since the end of the war, Japan has profoundly regretted the unleashing of rampant ultra nationalism and militarism and the war that brought great devastation to the people of many countries around the world and to our country as well" (Speech to the United Nations).
  • 1989: Prime Minister Takeshita Noboru, in a speech in the Japanese Diet, said:"As we have made clear previously at repeated opportunities, the Japanese government and the Japanese people are deeply conscious of the fact that the actions of our country in the past caused suffering and loss to many people in neighboring countries. Starting from our regret and resolve not to repeat such things a second time, we have followed a course as a "Peace Nation" since then. This awareness and regret should be emphasized especially in the relationship between our countries and the Korean peninsula, our nearest neighbors both geographically and historically. At this opportunity as we face a new situation in the Korean peninsula, again, to all peoples of the globe, concerning the relationship of the past, we want to express our deep regret and sorrow (Speech in the Japanese Diet).
  • April 18, 1990: Minister of Foreign Affairs Taro Nakayama said to the people of South Korea: "Japan is deeply sorry for the tragedy in which these (Korean) people were moved to Sakhalin not of their own free will but by the design of the Japanese government and had to remain there after the conclusion of the war" (188th National Diet Session Lower House Committee of Foreign Affairs).[12]
  • May 24, 1990: Emperor Akihito, in a meeting with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "Reflecting upon the suffering that your people underwent during this unfortunate period, which was brought about by our nation, I cannot but feel the deepest remorse" (Meeting with President Roh Tae Woo).[13]
  • May 25, 1990: Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu, in a meeting with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "I would like to take the opportunity here to humbly reflect upon how the people of the Korean Peninsula went through unbearable pain and sorrow as a result of our country's actions during a certain period in the past and to express that we are sorry" (Summit meeting with President Roh Tae Woo in Japan).[14]
  • January 1, 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, in a press conference, said: "Concerning the comfort women, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and feel remorse for those people who suffered indescribable hardships".
  • January 16, 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, in a speech at dinner with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "We the Japanese people, first and foremost, have to bear in our mind the fact that your people experienced unbearable suffering and sorrow during a certain period in the past because of our nation's act, and never forget the feeling of remorse. I, as a prime minister, would like to once again express a heartfelt remorse and apology to the people of your nation".[15]
  • January 17, 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, at a policy speech on a visit to South Korea, said:. "What we should not forget about relationship between our nation and your nation is a fact that there was a certain period in the thousands of years of our company when we were the victimizer and you were the victim. I would like to once again express a heartfelt remorse and apology for the unbearable suffering and sorrow that you experienced during this period because of our nation's act." Recently the issue of the so-called 'wartime comfort women' is being brought up. I think that incidents like this are seriously heartbreaking, and I am truly sorry".[16]
  • July 6, 1992. Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato said: "The Government again would like to express its sincere apology and remorse to all those who have suffered indescribable hardship as so-called 'wartime comfort women,' irrespective of their nationality or place of birth. With profound remorse and determination that such a mistake must never be repeated, Japan will maintain its stance as a pacifist nation and will endeavor to build up new future-oriented relations with the Republic of Korea and with other countries and regions in Asia. As I listen to many people, I feel truly grieved for this issue. By listening to the opinions of people from various directions, I would like to consider sincerely in what way we can express our feelings to those who suffered such hardship" (Statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato on the Issue of the so-called "Wartime Comfort Women" from the Korean Peninsula).[17]
  • August 4, 1993: Chief Cabinet Secretary Yōhei Kōno said: "Undeniably, this was an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely injured the honor and dignity of many women. The Government of Japan would like to take this opportunity once again to extend its sincere apologies and remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women" (Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the result of the study on the issue of "comfort women"),[18]
  • August 11, 1993: Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, at the first press conference after his inauguration, said: "I myself believe it was a war of aggression, a war that was wrong".[19]
  • August 23, 1993: Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said in a speech at the 127th National Diet Session: "After 48 years from then, our nation has become one of nations that enjoy prosperity and peace. We must not forget that it is founded on the ultimate sacrifices in the last war, and a product of the achievements of the people of the previous generations. We would like to take this opportunity to clearly express our remorse for the past and a new determination to the world. Firstly at this occasion, we would like to express our deep remorse and apology for the fact that invasion and colonial rule by our nation in the past brought to bear great sufferings and sorrow upon many people" .[20]
  • September 24, 1993: Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said, at the 128th National Diet Session:. "I used the expression war of aggression and act of aggression to express honestly my recognition which is the same as the one that the act of our nation in the past brought to bear unbearable sufferings and sorrow upon many people, and to express once again deep remorse and apology".[21]
  • August 31, 1994: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said in a speech: "Japan's actions in a certain period of the past not only claimed numerous victims here in Japan but also left the peoples of neighboring Asia and elsewhere with scars that are painful even today. I am thus taking this opportunity to state my belief, based on my profound remorse for these acts of aggression, colonial rule, and the like caused such unbearable suffering and sorrow for so many people, that Japan's future path should be one of making every effort to build world peace in line with my no-war commitment. It is imperative for us Japanese to look squarely to our history with the peoples of neighboring Asia and elsewhere. Only with solid basis of mutual understanding and confidence that can be built through overcoming the pain on both sides, can we and the peoples of neighboring countries together clear up the future of Asia-Pacific.... On the issue of wartime 'comfort women,' which seriously stained the honor and dignity of many women, I would like to take this opportunity once again to express my profound and sincere remorse and apologies. With regard to this issue as well, I believe that one way of demonstrating such feelings of apologies and remorse is to work to further promote mutual understanding with the countries and areas concerned as well as to face squarely to the past and ensure that it is rightly conveyed to future generations. This initiative, in this sense, has been drawn up consistent with such belief" (Statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama on the "Peace, Friendship, and Exchange Initiative").[22]
  • June 9, 1995: House of Representatives, National Diet of Japan passed a resolution stating: "On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, this House offers its sincere condolences to those who fell in action and victims of wars and similar actions all over the world. Solemnly reflecting upon many instances of colonial rule and acts of aggression in the modern history of the world, and recognizing that Japan carried out those acts in the past, inflicting pain and suffering upon the peoples of other countries, especially in Asia, the Members of this House express a sense of deep remorse" (Resolution to renew the determination for peace on the basis of lessons learned from history).[23]
  • July 1995: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said in a statement: "The problem of the so-called wartime comfort women is one such scar, which, with the involvement of the Japanese military forces of the time, seriously stained the honor and dignity of many women. This is entirely inexcusable. I offer my profound apology to all those who, as wartime comfort women, suffered emotional and physical wounds that can never be closed" (Statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama on the occasion of the establishment of the "Asian Women's Fund").[24]
  • August 15, 1995: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said in a statement: "During a certain period in the not-too-distant past, Japan, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly those of Asia. In the hope that no such mistake will be made in the future, I regard, in a spirit of humanity, these irrefutable facts of history, and express here once again my feelings of deep remorse and state my heartfelt apology" (Statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama 'On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the war's end').[25]
  • June 23, 1996: Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said in a press conference: "Hashimoto mentioned the aspects of Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula such as the forced Japanization of Korean people's name and commented "It is beyond imagination how this injured the hearts of Korean people" Hashimoto also touched on the issue of Korean comfort women and said "Nothing injured the honor and dignity of women more than this and I would like to extend words of deep remorse and the heartfelt apology" (Joint press conference at summit meeting with President Kim Young Sam in South Korea).[26]
  • October 8, 1996: Emperor Akihito said in a speech at a dinner with the South Korean president, Kim Dae Jung: "There was a period when our nation brought to bear great sufferings upon the people of the Korean Peninsula." "The deep sorrow that I feel over this will never be forgotten".[27]
  • January 13, 1998: Press Secretary published: "Statement by Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on World War II prisoners of war. Q: At the meeting last night with Prime Minister Blair, did Prime Minister Hashimoto really apologize for the prisoners of war. Spokesman Hashimoto: The important thing is that the Prime Minister of Japan expressed the feelings of deep remorse and stated heartfelt apologies to the people who suffered in World War II directly to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This was the second meeting between Prime Minister Hashimoto and Prime Minister Blair and we considered the meeting very important, especially this year. Making use of this opportunity, Prime Minister Hashimoto expressed his remorse and apology on behalf of the Government of Japan; this is very important. Prime Minister Blair fully understands the importance of the statement made by Prime Minister Hashimoto on this issue. His press opportunities after the talks objectively reflect what the two gentlemen talked about" (Press Conference by the Press Secretary).[28] In a follow-up interview, spokesman Tanaka for Prime Minister Hashimoto clarified that "Our sense of apology and our sense of remorse was addressed to all the countries which have gone through the experiences of the last world war."[29]
  • July 15, 1998: Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, in a letter to the Netherlands Prime Minister Willem Kok: "The Government of Japan, painfully aware of its moral responsibility concerning the issue of so-called "wartime comfort women," has been sincerely addressing this issue in close cooperation with the Asian Women's Fund which implements the projects to express the national atonement on this issue. Recognizing that the issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, I would like to convey to Your Excellency my most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.... By the Statement of Prime Minister in 1995, the Government of Japan renewed the feelings of deep remorse and the heartfelt apology for tremendous damage and suffering caused by Japan to the people of many countries including the Netherlands during a certain period in the past. My cabinet has not modified this position at all, and I myself laid a wreath to the Indisch Monument with these feelings on the occasion of my visit to the Netherlands in June last year" (The contents of the letter of the then Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto sent to ).[30]
  • October 8, 1998: Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi said in a declaration: "Looking back on the relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea during this century, Prime Minister Obuchi regarded in a spirit of humility the fact of history that Japan caused, during a certain period in the past, tremendous damage and suffering to the people of the Republic of Korea through its colonial rule, and expressed his deep remorse and heartfelt apology for this fact. President Kim accepted with sincerity this statement of Prime Minister Obuchi's recognition of history and expressed his appreciation for it. He also expressed his view that the present calls upon both countries to overcome their unfortunate history and to build a future-oriented relationship based on reconciliation as well as good-neighborly and friendly cooperation" (Japan-South Korea Joint Declaration A New Japan-South Korea Partnership towards the Twenty-first Century).[31]
  • November 26, 1998: Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi said in a declaration: "Both sides believe that squarely facing the past and correctly understanding history are the important foundation for further developing relations between Japan and China. The Japanese side observes the 1972 Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China and the August 15, 1995 Statement by former Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama. The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious distress and damage that Japan caused to the Chinese people through its aggression against China during a certain period in the past and expressed deep remorse for this. The Chinese side hopes that the Japanese side will learn lessons from the history and adhere to the path of peace and development. Based on this, both sides will develop long-standing relations of friendship" (Japan-China Joint Declaration On Building a Partnership of Friendship and Cooperation for Peace and Development).[32]
Yes, yes, I'm sure there's been some apologies. However, especially in relation to China, I think they are still expecting more apologies relating to specific incidents, etc.

The PRC and Japan continue to debate over the actual number of people killed in the Rape of Nanking. The PRC claims that at least 300,000 civilians were murdered while Japan claims a far less figure of 40,000-200,000. While a majority of Japanese believe in the existence of the massacre, a Japanese-produced documentary film released just prior to the 60th anniversary of the massacre, titled The Truth about Nanjing, denies that any such atrocities took place. These disputes have stirred up enmity against Japan from the global Chinese community, including Taiwan.

Yeah, the Japanese war-crime-apology track record isn't exactly perfect. But at least they have one.
I think no one here dismissed the fact that they have SOME track record and we are after all, not talking about the Japanese population, but the policy of their government about some particular instances. Not unlike the way how the German government dealt with the Distomo massacre by the 4th SS Division.

What disturbs people I think, is that certain individuals like Shiro Ishii and Masaji Kitano received immunity from war crimes. Just like most of the leaders and scientists from Unit 731. Imagine if Mengele or most of the people runing Auschwitz got some immunity for their crimes. How much worth would an apology for the Hollocaust have, if you don't pursue some of the worst individuals which have been a part of it?
However, I have no doubts, that if the western allies or the Sowjets saw some use in those scientists - just as how they did with many apparantly. They would have also tried to give someone like Mengele immunity from his crimes.