Japanese parliament questions 9-11 "truth"


First time out of the vault
a translation: http://www.benjaminfulford.com/Transcript of Japanese Parliamentary discussion of 911.html

We are running out of time but I would also like to mention the put options. Just before the 911 attacks, ie on September 6th, 7th and 8th there were put options put out on the stocks of the two airlines United and American that were hit by hijackers. There were also put options on Merril Lynch, one of the biggest WTC tenants. In other words somebody had insider information and made a fortune selling put options of these stocks. The head of Germany's Bundesbank at the time, who is equivalent to the Governor of the Bank of Japan, said there are lots of facts to prove the people involved in the terror attacks profited from insider information. He said there was lots of suspicious trading involving financial companies etc prior to the attacks. The had of the Bundesbank was willing to say this much. I would like to ask the Finance Minster about these put options. Did the government of Japan know about this, and what do you think about this? I would like to ask Finance Minister Nukaga about this.
...THANK YOU... I thought this would have to be yet another situation where Americans asked these kinds of questions to one another never to know the truth. Never to be given any kind of credit in the national or international grand scheme of things. So far those that do pose simple questions like, "Why did books and furniture burning bring down those buildings?"
Tend to land in hot water.
Ignorance is bliss I suppose, I clearly don't buy the official story, I'm just glad to see others asking these questions outside of the USA (not just Castro).
Maphusio said:
Ignorance is bliss I suppose, I clearly don't buy the official story.


Ignorance is not bliss, but people believe what they want to believe. They buy the official story because that's what they want to hear, just like people bought into the whole 9/11 conspiracy because that's what they want to hear. Very few people do much fact research at all. Most people who watched that 9/11 documentary (forgot its name) just assumed everything said in there was true, while there was no expert substantiation or signs of fact-checking in there at all. Why?

Because people believe what they want to believe.

Moi? I just don't care. Much easier. I wonder at what point our society degraded so much that everyone feels like he must have an opinion on every subject and that his opinion matters somehow. I blame the internet. But guess what, you don't have to have an opinion on everything, and your opinion doesn't matter.
Brother None said:
Maphusio said:
Ignorance is bliss I suppose, I clearly don't buy the official story.


Ignorance is not bliss, but people believe what they want to believe. They buy the official story because that's what they want to hear, just like people bought into the whole 9/11 conspiracy because that's what they want to hear. Very few people do much fact research at all. Most people who watched that 9/11 documentary (forgot its name) just assumed everything said in there was true, while there was no expert substantiation or signs of fact-checking in there at all. Why?

Because people believe what they want to believe.

Moi? I just don't care. Much easier. I wonder at what point our society degraded so much that everyone feels like he must have an opinion on every subject and that his opinion matters somehow. I blame the internet. But guess what, you don't have to have an opinion on everything, and your opinion doesn't matter.

Regardless of whether or not my opinion matters... I think films like Loose Change (I assume thats what you were hitting at) ask important questions. While these statements and questions should not be misconstrued as absolute fact... They are valid questions and plausible statements nonetheless, and I think they are deserving of answerers. Their conclusion seems much more likely than the official 9/11 report; but, its still based on partial facts and theory.

Edit: Then again, many of us (including myself) buy into String Theory...
Maphusio said:
Regardless of whether or not my opinion matters... I think films like Loose Change (I assume thats what you were hitting at) ask important questions.

A fool can ask more questions than 1000 wise men can answer.

Maphusio said:
Their conclusion seems much more likely than the official 9/11 report.

Based on what?

Maphusio said:
Then again, many of us (including myself) buy into String Theory...

Believe whatever the hell you want. Believing in string theory is no worse (or better) than believing in God, so do what you want.
Your bordering on nihilism BN.
Not that I have a problem with nihilism (I'm a strange sort of nihilist, really), but it is a sad day to seem someone, be they a nihilist, agnostic, absurdist, apathetic materialist, absolute relativist, or anything else, truly act as if they have a certain sense of despair about 'reality'.

Am I just misinterpreting, or do you sound like the final days of Nietzsche?
Brother None said:
Maphusio said:
Regardless of whether or not my opinion matters... I think films like Loose Change (I assume thats what you were hitting at) ask important questions.

A fool can ask more questions than 1000 wise men can answer.

One becomes a wise man by asking questions.

Brother None said:
Maphusio said:
Their conclusion seems much more likely than the official 9/11 report.

Based on what?

Humm, I feel your question to be rather general, so I'm not quite sure how to answer it. I'll say this, I base my beliefs on this subject via the data I can acquire. Do theories like loose change factor into that? As much as the official report. Both have their motives, I've yet to decide who is questing for the truth.

Brother None said:
Maphusio said:
Then again, many of us (including myself) buy into String Theory...

Believe whatever the hell you want. Believing in string theory is no worse (or better) than believing in God, so do what you want.
xdarkyrex said:
Your bordering on nihilism BN.

No I'm not. I care intensely about things I care about, and I fail to care equally intensely about things I don't care about, like, say, this.

Maphusio said:
One becomes a wise man by asking questions.

Yes, except no. I can ask idiotic conspiracy questions about anything for eternity, it won't make me smart.

Brother None said:
I'll say this, I base my beliefs on this subject via the data I can acquire.

What data? Neither loose change nor the official report are useful. At all. They're both opinionating.
Brother None said:
I wonder at what point our society degraded so much that everyone feels like he must have an opinion on every subject and that his opinion matters somehow. I blame the internet. But guess what, you don't have to have an opinion on everything, and your opinion doesn't matter.
Nicely put. But I'd rather see everyone have an opinion about everything, than see "an authority" telling everyone what their opinion about everything should be.
The thing I hate about all those people holding opinions is that every single one of them acts like they are an authority and should be taken seriously. And yes, I think the internet is to blame for that. In the past, one needed to get published in bookform or in a magazine or paper to spread his word. That gave it an aura of truth, since it's not easy to get your words published by a publisher, there's quality control. Nowadays, every moron can get his "truth" published, be it on the internet or in the form of a self-published magazine or whatever.
I also blame publishing houses, really. In the past your book needed to be really good to get published and publishers didn't give a fuck about who you were or how you looked or whatever. Nowadays, being a famous football player or an actress is enough to spread your word.
I blame television. I blame the cult of personality. I blame capitalism. And I blame the overall stupidity of humans.

BN said:
A fool can ask more questions than 1000 wise men can answer.
Then again: I find questions way more important than answers.
There is a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11 and I have to agree that a lot of things don't fit. All the documentaries about it have brought up some valid points but there has not been a really solid film yet. I have not seen one focus on the facts and illustrate them clearly.

I do believe something stinks about 9/11 though. The main reason being that just a few years earlier something almost identical happened in Russia. Buildings got blown up, hundreds of people killed, someone got blamed with little evidence, Chechen war got started again. In that case, however, it was almost proven that the Russian FSB were behind the bombings. They were caught red handed by their own Russian police.

I highly recommend you watch this documentary about it. You won't believe your eyes. It's the best documentary of its kind I've seen, just pure investigation with very little added and most of what's said clearly supported by evidence and testimonies of witnesses and officials. It starts off a bit like all those 9/11 films but by the end I was shocked. One thing against it is that it was sponsored by some anti-russian/pro-chechen guy but it's hard to argue the facts shown. It starts off a bit slow but Parts 2, 3, and 4 are truly shocking.

Bah I think a lot of people have doubts but figure that there nothing they can do about it. You can come up with a billion reasons such as creating a reason to attack Iraq/iran/afghanistan/etc/etc or to paint the middle east as the new badguy.

I would fall towards a conspiracy theory myself but what would that matter? When life is good or atleast not sucky, people jsut don't care.
Having opinions is all fine and dandy. No one is forced to listen too , or believe anything someone else says barring special circumstances. Like this thread for instance. Everyone is entitled to there own fucked up theories or opinions. It isn't the person who is expressing his views that is to fault for other people believing it. It is the dumbass sheeple that believe whatever the TV or some documentary is saying that are to fault .......at least thats MY opinion.
Not everyone has to have an opinion but it's good to have one, if you ask me. Opinions produce arguments, arguments produce new ideas. What isn't good is when people blindly defend their opinions to the death failing to see how flawed they are no matter what. They are not interested in arguments for the right reasons, they're only interested in proving themselves right.

TorontRayne said:
It isn't the person who is expressing his views that is to fault for other people believing it. It is the dumbass sheeple that believe whatever the TV or some documentary is saying that are to fault .......at least thats MY opinion.

So... don't believe anything? Then how can you possibly have any valid opinions yourself? Where are you supposed to get the information needed to make your opinions? In this case, are you supposed to investigate yourself?
Yes, blindly believing documentaries and TV shows is dumb but you cannot ignore them. You just have to choose what you want to believe and what you don't. That's why it's so important to clearly present facts, which not many pro-conspiracy films focus on.
I disagree with you alec. While the Internet has provided an avenue for one that wishes to spam out their non-information, it has also provided a way to bring light to things that would have never seen the light of day before.

Information on the Internet at its current state can not be stopped as a book could by its publisher. The Internet serves as a free source of information with very little control.

I agree to an extent, the nature of the Internet may have caused publishing companies to re-think their processes resulting in the degradation of the quality of product once produced. There are always other factors that may play just as large or even a larger role. Perhaps if they would have diversified and capitalized on the Internet, we would not have the problem you speak of.

I guess the core of what I'm getting at is, the Internet as a whole out weighs its ugly sides as with most things in life... But, I'll bet you and I are right there on the same page, pun intended.

BN... Why, there is no such thing as a stupid question. :wink:
alec said:
Nicely put. But I'd rather see everyone have an opinion about everything, than see "an authority" telling everyone what their opinion about everything should be.

I'd have to agree with you there. There's nothing wrong with opinions, just as long as people don't present them as facts. When people claim statements as "facts" while they are really only opinions, their audience usually catches on.

Anyway, here's a perfect example of one of those dumbfucks:

Don't be like him.
Theoretically, a simple fart can bring a megastructure down.
(National Geographic)
I remember that there was some document on Discovery where they tried to find an explaination why the towers collapsed.

They found it.