Jeff Gardiner and Anchorage screenshots

Eurogamer: Given the military sim setting, would you say the balance in Anchorage swings more towards gameplay than storytelling? Or have you tried to remain consistent with the way the two are interwoven in the main game?

Jeff Gardiner: There definitely is a story here - the Brotherhood Outcasts are trying to acquire advanced military technology, and the only way to open the vault containing these relics is by completing a tactical simulation only the player can enter. The bulk of the gameplay in this DLC is gunplay and stealth, along with some 'team building exercises.'

WOW! The story is incredible!!111! Well done, Mr. Gardiner, Fallout is dead!
Alphadrop said:
Sleek advanced high tech suit, old rusty sword. Surely they should have a fancier sword.

Oddly I'm looking forward to the arctic combat armour more than the stealth suit. I likes me full body covering and balaclavas.
Maybe something like the Beam Saber from No More Heroes?
Jeff Gardiner: There definitely is a story here - the Brotherhood Outcasts are trying to acquire advanced military technology, and the only way to open the vault containing these relics is by completing a tactical simulation only the player can enter. The bulk of the gameplay in this DLC is gunplay and stealth, along with some 'team building exercises.'
Come on, the simulation opens a vault and only you can do it?
I've seen porn plots with more depth than that.

You can't tell me that someone spent more than 2 minutes coming up with that.

More like they came up with this totally K00L idea and worked ass-backwards from there with some flimsy fucking excuse to justify PEW PEW lasers. Fuck off.

You need to be ashamed of yourself as a Fallout/RPG fan if you buy this shit.
While I like the design of the armor, the "only you can enter" simulation is bullshit.

Not surprised though.
Guess it requires a pip boy then. Despite having advanced tech neither the Enclave or Brotherhood seem to be able to hack past barriers in their way. Enclave can't start a water purifier that requires a 4 digit code on their own and the Outcasts can't get past a door despite having a smeg load of explosives.
I'm sensing a pattern here. No wonder everything is so backward in the capital wastes, it's full of wazzoks.
Alphadrop said:
Guess it requires a pip boy then. Despite having advanced tech neither the Enclave or Brotherhood seem to be able to hack past barriers in their way. Enclave can't start a water purifier that requires a 4 digit code on their own and the Outcasts can't get past a door despite having a smeg load of explosives.
I'm sensing a pattern here. No wonder everything is so backward in the capital wastes, it's full of wazzoks.
200 years of inbreeding finally taking its toll on Vault Dwellers, BoS, and Enclave alike.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Jeff Gardiner: There definitely is a story here - the Brotherhood Outcasts are trying to acquire advanced military technology, and the only way to open the vault containing these relics is by completing a tactical simulation only the player can enter. The bulk of the gameplay in this DLC is gunplay and stealth, along with some 'team building exercises.'
Come on, the simulation opens a vault and only you can do it?
I've seen porn plots with more depth than that.

You can't tell me that someone spent more than 2 minutes coming up with that.

More like they came up with this totally K00L idea and worked ass-backwards from there with some flimsy fucking excuse to justify PEW PEW lasers. Fuck off.

You need to be ashamed of yourself as a Fallout/RPG fan if you buy this shit.
Are you the official judge of what Fallout is? Because I thought you were just some fan of Conan and Fallout on the Internet. Don't tell me what to think.

If I come off as a Bethesda defender, I'm not. I know that Fallout 3 is a faint ember compared to the sun that is Fallout. Doesn't mean I can't have fun with it. Kind of like Tactics, a game that isn't as good as Fallout 1 but fun to play.
Grimhound said:
Alphadrop said:
Guess it requires a pip boy then. Despite having advanced tech neither the Enclave or Brotherhood seem to be able to hack past barriers in their way. Enclave can't start a water purifier that requires a 4 digit code on their own and the Outcasts can't get past a door despite having a smeg load of explosives.
I'm sensing a pattern here. No wonder everything is so backward in the capital wastes, it's full of wazzoks.
200 years of inbreeding finally taking its toll on Vault Dwellers, BoS, and Enclave alike.

Apparently even Mr. computerman president wasn't advanced enough to crack that oh-so-difficult code. They should've brought in Marvin the paranoid android.
Endless Void said:
Am I the only one thinking of the "Dark Brotherhood Assassins" circa Morrowind:Tribunal by looking at this picture?
Actually, I was thinking "Is that Mass Effect?"

I also noticed that the trees in Alaska look a lot like the trees in post-apocalyptic DC.
Good to see they've finally overcome their denial and aren't even bothering to pretend they're adhering to the setting anymore. That armor - as already pointed out - is lifted straight out of a Metal Gear Solid game. Yes, it looks cool. No, it's not even remotely setting-appropriate.

I would also agree that the story sounds almost impossibly contrived. Like the sort of contrived that requires a conscious effort to achieve.
I agree that the suit look like it's been ripped of from Metal Gear, whether it's from VB or not. Specifically, it looks like an all-black version of Grey Fox/Cyber-ninja... they even included a sword. Even if it wasn't a ripoff, it's definately the product of 21st century futurism, not mid-20th.
I find the sword to be pointless and there for "OMG SWORDZ!!111" effect.
Per said:
Broken Steel not only extends the game to level 30...
Why? You can already max out by level 20, what possible point is there to adding an additional 10 levels? Have they upped all of the skills to having a max value of 200 and rebalanced the system? Or do they just want to make sure that even the worst character build can be maxed out with ease?
Play Within The Play

Play Within The Play

Game within the game!

A plot to place within the plot!

""My kingdom for a horse ..."" a running gauntlet course.

A vehicle to dream in computer,

and go 100% First Person Shooter!
