Just Wondering.... (Relates to Jagged Alliance 2)

read this, threw up in mouth.

everyone wants that Call Of Duty money baby!

If I were in the biz, I'd throw one of thse classic games, with all the gameplay, and updated graphics, on one of those new phones with the big screens. See how it sold. Who knows, the suits might finnd a major "new" audience never exposed to gameplay like that, in a glossy new package.
Thing is, and I do not mean anything wrong with the following, games like these do not necessarily have to be developed as AAA games with AAA budgets.

They in general appeal to a specific group of gamers.
Perhaps some additions and updates could be added to attract more interested people but it will never be a mainstream game.

The whole idea of making millions of dollars of profit on something like this is generally the company heads' greed.
And that's just the thing, I'm pretty sure that JA2:Reloaded is being made on, at best, a B-level budget, so completely changing the gameplay makes no sense. I understand why they will probably do it with JA3 and JA:Online, but those are big budget projects.
If you look at the actual thread, this whole thing looks pretty suspicious. It pretty much goes like this:

Dev: so what's your opinion on JA2's turn-based combat system

Community: its almost perfect

Dev: well we're getting rid of it

Trolling? Seem like easy publicity.
I did notice the article in GameBanshe by Brother None. Im not really happy about the direction they are going. And why couldn't they make a new game with new story? Or are they going to recycle the old voices and so to skip the VA fees? Anyway the new system they want to implement sounds similar to one that XCOM Apocalypse and UFO Aftermath use. But honestly if they could implement fog of war then, why cant the company making JA2 remake? Ill hold off buying it and keep playing modded JA2 with community upgrades, untill its dirt cheap. ANd another note JA2 was never about story it was mostly about combat, weapons and merc interaction.
Lexx said:
Jagged Alliance is dead...
Actually the JA2 modding community over at Bear's Pit is going strong:


Some really great stuff in the works over there.

Basically, the overall strategy in the combat system remains the same! The player has to identify strategically advantageous positions on the map to minimize losses to his own side as far as possible.
Comedy! Love the exclamation point, too.

Riding on a cow and flying in an airplane are basically the same, because the overall strategy is to move from point A to point B.
UniversalWolf said:
Lexx said:
Jagged Alliance is dead...
Actually the JA2 modding community over at Bear's Pit is going strong:

Well, it was more meaned in a way of new official titles. The Fallout community wasn't deas as well, when Fallout 3 was announced.
Reconite said:
GreyViper said:
And why couldn't they make a new game with new story?
Uh, they're making JA2-Reloaded, Jagged Alliance 3 and Jagged Alliance Online all at once.
Jagged Alliance 3 is made already since almost a decade ...

Well I am not even spending any thoughts about it anymore. JA2 reloaded. JA3 ...

This Trailer is now so old. And what happend since then ?

That trailer was produced by the company that previously had the game IP (some considerable time ago), now long since given up on the project and gone.

The new company (Bitcomposer) only recently acquired the IP (along with some passover code)

and while I agree, that as a public aware game presence JA2 has faded into obscurity it does have a VERY strong and VERY passionate following worldwide in nice groups such as The Bear Pit, I understand that its big in Germany and in Russia / Eastern Europe.

I for one love the game, it is in my eyes 2nd only to "XCom UFO:defence" in its vanilla form... ever since the Wildfire, 1.13 community patch and various other community driven projects I'd even say it surpasses XCom.

In terms of tactical game play, I can think of no other game which comes close.

And so, with the announcement that it was being 'redone' with modern graphics and effects etc, the community was overjoyed. since then Bitcomposer has been telling us how the'ye "modernising" it.

Needless to say, If this place was a hovel that housed glittering gems of hatred toward FO3 arrival. It's even more concentrated among JA followers toward this news.

I have surpasses glittering gem of hatred, I have become a darkmatter mass of loathing.

To come back to the point at hand, I'll point out that the trailer you showed was for the planned JA3...

What my original post referred to was the supposed re-make of JA2, which is currently being butchered.
hey I do love the game as well. Almost more then Fallout.

But when it comes to JA3 or JA releases in general its like around Alien movies where you heard for some times always "facts" that someone said there would be a Alien 5. Well.

Time will tell. But I somehow have my doubts about anything JA releated currently as its either outright stupid (JA without tourn based ? ...) or simply the company gave up on it :P

And if I see what happend with Fallout 3 its better if they simply let it rest. For good.
Crni Vuk said:
Jagged Alliance 3 is made already since almost a decade ...
JA3 was never released but Jagged Alliance 3D was close to completion when it was shut down. Some of the team who worked on it moved to another studio with the code, changed the assets to be unrelated to Jagged Alliance and finished the game, releasing it as Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge.
I'm playing the Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire right now.
Wildfire is heavily modified JA2; developed by Zuxxez company and made by Serge Popov.
An excellent game, much improved, comparing to the vanilla JA2.
(Yup, I'm registered at the Bear Pit forums too.)

some info:
Wildfire includes modifications to all aspects of the original game. Changes were made to all weapons, landscapes, structures, missions, enemies and the AI. All elements within the game were altered to make it more realistic, bringing it closer to real-life.

Corrected info about developers.
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge.

I bought this game when it came out! GARBAGE!

Anyone play a updated/patched/modded version? Should I give it another try?

The thing with 3d environments, is its too damn hard to play with the camera to do anything. The game was turn based, but still sucked hard.
cratchety ol joe said:
And so, with the announcement that it was being 'redone' with modern graphics and effects etc, the community was overjoyed. since then Bitcomposer has been telling us how the'ye "modernising" it.
What's so crazy is that a good-faith effort to make a new Jagged Alliance would be a must-buy for lots of people. I know it would jump to the top of my list. JA2 certainly is a fantastic game, but there are so very many ways it could be improved without altering the core combat mechanics.
though truth is if another JA is made, thats probably what they will change while leaving the rest untouched meaning the core gameplay will be changed toward a more "action" oriented gameplay and "fast combat" to bring it to the "new age" of gaming.
UniversalWolf said:
What's so crazy is that a good-faith effort to make a new Jagged Alliance would be a must-buy for lots of people. I know it would jump to the top of my list. JA2 certainly is a fantastic game, but there are so very many ways it could be improved without altering the core combat mechanics.
No kidding, it's UI could definitely use some improvements and I wouldn't be sad to see the "Create a Merc" get reduced (or add the option) to something more simple and straight forward, ie a standard character creation screen.
UncannyGarlic said:
No kidding, it's UI could definitely use some improvements and I wouldn't be sad to see the "Create a Merc" get reduced (or add the option) to something more simple and straight forward, ie a standard character creation screen.
I'm even thinking of more dramatic technological improvements, like multi-storey buildings that could collapse if you blow up the walls, a much more reactive environment in general, drivable vehicles, improved melee combat, improved dynamic lighting and weather effects, easier modding, and about 100 other things I can think of. It would be possible to improve all of that stuff without significantly altering the core combat mechanics. To me, that would be a good-faith effort at a new Jagged Alliance game.
Yeah, I loved the destructible terrain in XCom, it made the game much more strategically interesting even as basic as it was. I like the idea of being able to shoot through (reasonable) walls like in some FPSs as well but that would be a bit more complicated to deal with I think.

I'm with you, it's too bad Bitcomposer decided to be retarded. For drivable vehicles were you thinking purely for transportation or also for battle? I'm with you on the former but I'm not so sure about the latter.