That trailer was produced by the company that previously had the game IP (some considerable time ago), now long since given up on the project and gone.
The new company (Bitcomposer) only recently acquired the IP (along with some passover code)
and while I agree, that as a public aware game presence JA2 has faded into obscurity it does have a VERY strong and VERY passionate following worldwide in nice groups such as The Bear Pit, I understand that its big in Germany and in Russia / Eastern Europe.
I for one love the game, it is in my eyes 2nd only to "XCom UFO:defence" in its vanilla form... ever since the Wildfire, 1.13 community patch and various other community driven projects I'd even say it surpasses XCom.
In terms of tactical game play, I can think of no other game which comes close.
And so, with the announcement that it was being 'redone' with modern graphics and effects etc, the community was overjoyed. since then Bitcomposer has been telling us how the'ye "modernising" it.
Needless to say, If this place was a hovel that housed glittering gems of hatred toward FO3 arrival. It's even more concentrated among JA followers toward this news.
I have surpasses glittering gem of hatred, I have become a darkmatter mass of loathing.
To come back to the point at hand, I'll point out that the trailer you showed was for the planned JA3...
What my original post referred to was the supposed re-make of JA2, which is currently being butchered.