Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

The Vault Dweller said:
So...are we gonna see a portal to Hell created like in Doom 3 or possibly one to another dimension like in Half-life? I'd keep your crowbar and flashlight handy. Oh and some duct tape.
If that happens (but it won't because reality is as boring as my underpants), I want to see stuff like this:


That would totally make my day. And pretty much everyone else's, I guess.
If a portal to Hell opened up, I'd so sell my soul to become a Cyberdemon.

Good luck stopping me without BFG-9000's suckers!

Although the idea of black holes appearing and probably fucking up space time sounds as scary as it is unlikely, I would be ready at the other end with a melee weapon in case a monster randomly appeared.

God reality does suck doesn't it?:/
It is now 0500 GMT there. The experiments are scheduled to start at 0700 GMT. We have two hours. Too bad I have to go to bed for work tomorrow. Be a shame to die in my sleep and miss knowing how I would die.

The Vault Dweller
Well this could get very uninteresting. I really fail to see the advantages of having one this big built anyway.

I guess that's their thing, their money.
Man the media here has been awful: they had a countdown to extinction on TV. They started asking people and TV celebrities: what would you do if the world ends?

Crazyfolk started saying that scientists should not play god. The earth opened and up came the conservatives being against "an experiment we don't fully understand".

Now, how to convince people to give me money in order to save their souls when the big one is supposed to hit?
I think it happened.
I woke up this morning and next to me was this creature, black hair, venomous look on the face, smelly breath (it smelled of death) and all it could say was stuff like: "You don't love me, you just don't want to be alone."

I tried hitting it, but it fled into the bathroom.

I am about to go to the cellar to get an axe and a flashlight. I'm pretty sure there's more than one.

If I don't post back, it might have gotten me. Just pray that I outsmart it.

Anyone else experiencing strange stuff? Guys? Guys?

Why isn't anyone answering?

alec said:

I guess it happened, Alec :)

Well, if the shit does hit the fan, I will be very disappointed in how I spent my last hours; slaving away at work.

Also - great find in that Picture VD, haha! Guess we have nothing to worry about.

Also also: please Deity of all that is cool and nice; don't let our planet become a black hole. I like my life. Please, seriously.

Also also also: knock on wood.
Fuck, even google has changed there picture into that of a haldron collider.

I found out that its just the tests that are running, the actual proton smashing will commence sometime in october. Go figure.

I have a crowbar just incase some sort of interdimensional enitity decides to come shambling his way out of a tear in time-space.
Is it me or are people overreacting a little bit?

Sure, even I had a bit of a creepy feeling when I realized that today that collider would go online but I take it the scientists are actually competent at their job.

Its not like "Geeh, lets put these or these elements/molecules in the collider and turn it on, duh!"

Don't they do all kinds of research and calculations before performing the actual experiment?

Blakut, in which country are you? (USA probably but I have to ask).

As for religious fundies, hell if they had run science we would probably still think the Sun is magic and Earth the center of the universe.

alec, well that didn't turn out hopeless.
In the end the military shot and torched all the critters.

Yes some people were eaten or used as host but with any luck those will be fundies should it really happen;)
People though it was the end of the world when the first atomic bomb was conducting back in the -40. Well the world is still fine except later the discovery of radiation sickness which also spawn popular culture phenomenon (hint: big and green) and the thought of radiation wasteland with blood thirsty giant mutant roaming around (you know the game).

Better stock up some shotgun and blue color body armor, in case of meta-creature invasion. :ugly:

Or Gordon Freeman :crazy:

Edit: We are save. For now...
Actually, the two main concerns for the LHC are microscopic black holes and strangelets. Micro black holes will decay into nothing almost as soon as they are created, so they won't have a chance to grow. Strangelets are a hypothetical form of matter, but some scientists believe that, if one was created, it would convert any normal matter it touched into more strange matter. However, the chances of actually creating a strangelet decrease at higher speeds of collision, and the LHC would push them to almost the speed of light, so it would be safer than the other colliders that are built.

It's no more dangerous than the other colliders, but the media makes it sound like we're all going to die or something.
Here's an interesting fact:

The LHC will be officially unveiled on October 21, 2008.

Guess what is going to happen a week after that?


COINCIDENCE????? :crazy:
Blakut, in which country are you? (USA probably but I have to ask).

As for religious fundies, hell if they had run science we would probably still think the Sun is magic and Earth the center of the universe.

Nope, Romania. The Conservative Party organized a protest in front of the building of the European Union Comission/something in Bucharest. Just because Romania participated in the experiment supplying some detectors for the LHC.
The LHC will be officially unveiled on October 21, 2008.

Guess what is going to happen a week after that?
Gotta be fair, though. It really depends what news program you're watching. Some are actually talking rationally about it. Realitatea TV actually surprised me when they almost went to mocking these doom preachers and they invited men of science to talk about it and not some mouthbreather from the Conservative Party.