Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

Aaah... it feels good to wake up to another day of posting glorious Van Buren news. Now to check what's going on in GD.
Here's some funny quotes I've stumbled upon in my time.

"if these bastards cause the end of the earth then i will make sure that the fuckers live a life of hell in hell. they need to be stopped it's a pointless experiment. kill everybody in the name of science why don't u. fucking pricks."

"what they didnt tell you in this video is that creating this black hole can destroy the world and kill every living thing on earth.
i bet they didnt tell you that.
the experiment can contradict everything these people are working for
so there just really deciding if we get to live or die for us maybe there should be a vote
do you want to get killed?

it may not even kill us but there is a lot of evidence that says so otherwise
-britania "

"Dere stupid i dunno why dere makin a rap about it kmt stupid i dnt care nywaii i believe in GOD "

You people in europe are fucking assholes, i cant belive you are doing this in to all the 6 billion people in the world.. i mean why would you put people's life in danger just to do an experiment... you can do it in another fucking planet that won't fuck us up.. so go to the moon or somethin.. i dont care about that but i care about all the people and my family.. if the experiment goes wrong we will all have 52 months of life left.. so if more than one person sees this, copy and paste, ty.

"This experiment must be STOPPED. I may not be a scientist or be bright at science, but all I know is that this is a very bad thing to do. I have heard rumours about the world ending in 2012 and I've read recently that the if this experiment goes wrong, then a black hole will suck Earth in in 4 years time. The exact date of the year people believe it will end. It's all making scense. Please, we have to stop these loonerticks from doing this. Can't you see that everyone's lives is at huge risk here because we all have been so selfish with ourselves and now we are being punnished. We've been inoring so many things in particular, but this....we cannot ignore. Our govenment hasn't paid a slight attention to this project becaue he is too busy worriring about taxes rising on fuels. Please, we all have to open our eyes and ears. Right at this very moment, I am shaking with fear. Please, sent a message to your govenment or president or whatever. Please. I beg everyone to take action here on this."

"You scientist are such idiots you could kill us all and you can be killed too why can't you do a different experiment that doesn't involve killing the world!!!! Its not funny stop this experiment now!!! There are little kids that haven't live a full life and there are some that are just born. This is a stupid experiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I cant believe the government would let this kind of thing be legal. Im a 14 year old and if me dying from global warming isnt enough this just added to my stress. this really has me scared whitless."

You forgot the the ol "" in one of the quotes thar.

I do get the impression most of the doomsayers do not know of the other colliders that have been in operation for a few years now.
Heck one of them is in America which makes the 5th quoted guys quote incredibaly ironic.
Specialist said:

:lol: Let me guess, these are youtube comments, right?

Just to get things straight and so I don't end up quoted among morons like these: "the world as we know it will end" is meant to highlight the fact, that experiments with the LHC may yield new insights into the structure of nature and therefore shatter our current theories.

A black hole sucking up the earth wouldn't bother me either, its a mess anyway and who knows, we might come out near a planet populated by giant vaginas :roll:
Just in case;

Lets all grow beards, start wearing helmets and stock up on crowbars ...
Ah, the resource humanity will never run out off; idiots.

Imagine if we could harness all the energy wasted by these people, we could power our cities and infrastructure with it.

I think that should be the next great project; finding ways of harnessing 'idiot power'.


It took you that long?
I realized that one a long time ago.
I'd like to read numerous reactions of people who said that something would go wrong. Of course those people have all either forgotten or are trying to pretend they never spoke up. I wish they'd back up their words with some debate...

The Vault Dweller


More evidence that proves it will all be ok...not that we already know now.

Damn it! I clicked on this topic because I thought it read "Large Hard-on Collider

*Start personal subjective opinion*
Anyways, the hair up all the quantum physics experts as of late with their particle banging is nothing I personally think will devulge any useful information. The standard model is so complex and screwy that fitting it into a relation with normal physics models will be impossible without a revamp of either system. Either physics gets more complicated or quantum physics looses some fat. The flaw is the fact that they are still using the same damn model and crushing protons together as if any result will be valid. It sounds like a giant waste of tax payers/government-private grant/ money, and the ivory tower scientists want to play with their big toys.


Fact:. Blackholes are awesum dudez!!!!!
Iridium L said:
A black hole sucking up the earth wouldn't bother me either,

It shouldn't bother you at all.
And I mean scientifically.

When a black hole starts sucking matter into itself, matter will be accelerated.
As the velocity of named matter is getting close to the speed of light, special relativity will kick in with its time-dilation.
Thus, as humanity (a strange form of organized matter) is getting sucked into a black hole, the actually time of getting sucked in (from the viewpoint of the matter, aka humanity) diverges off to infinity as our speed is getting close to speed of light.

Which means either:
a) When it happens we won't notice it, as it will take forever.
b) If time-dilation only kicks in when we are being torn apart, it is going to be very painful for a very long time.
c) It has already happened, and we are really on a long road to hell (with the rest of the Universe, mind you).
(Some say, the Big Crunch is similar.)

So cheer up, loonerticks!

BTW, there's a nice sci-fi short-story on this, unfortunately I forgot the title or the author...
The Vault Dweller said:

Ya know I just realised something. The first picture with the physicist who looks like Gordon Freeman obviously is real since the likeness is imperfect. However this in this picture the physicist that looks like the G-man is too good. I mean it's perfect. Must have been made by a photoshop expert.

Either that it be?

:shock: ,
The Vault Dweller


I did find some reassuring news. Various gamers have taken it upon themselves to help;

Crowbar, headcrab, and Half-Life strategy guide shipped to CERN
Weird things are happening:

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

The end is near.
verwandlung said:
Weird things are happening:

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

The end is near.

That is the best piece of edutainment I have seen in a long time.

I loved that!

I don't think I could have anyone explain to me what goes on at CERN any better during the same amount of time.

The Vault Dweller said:
I'd like to read numerous reactions of people who said that something would go wrong. Of course those people have all either forgotten or are trying to pretend they never spoke up. I wish they'd back up their words with some debate...

The Vault Dweller
they didn't collide anything yet. first crashes to be on the 21st of oct, i think.

so we might still all die being sucked in a human created black hole!

Lexx said:
I love, that Gordon Freeman works there too. So, the world is in save hands.

i look more like Gordon than that dude does.