You literally did nothing to disprove that claim. There are no classes and no private property... because communist government controls all the distribution of wealth and land.
There are classes, proletarians, who work, and the "bourgueoisie" here is the State burocracy. From the wiki, this are the basics of the capitalist mode of production.
- both the inputs and outputs of production are mainly privately owned, priced goods and services purchased in the market.
- production is carried out for exchange and circulation in the market, aiming to obtain a net profit income from it.
- the owners of the means of production (capitalists) are the dominant class (bourgeoisie) who derive their income from the surplus product produced by the workers and appropriated freely by the capitalists.
- A defining feature of capitalism is the dependency on wage-labor for a large segment of the population; specifically, the working class (proletariat) do not own capital and must live by selling their labour power in exchange for a wage.
China "communism" only difference is the first and the third item, where the state owns every property, so it is nothing more then a subistitute for the bourgeoisie here, thus "State Capitalism".
The labor relationship still the same as in Capitalism, and thats because private property of the production means, but in this case the owner is the State alone.
There still exist a class that works, and they are exploited the same way that in capitalism, there still exist labor alienation. Big difference is that profit doesn't go to private owners, but goes to the State instead.'s_theory_of_alienation
I know that. However one of the necessary aspects that divides it from socialism is state power. Exactly! Hence China was not capitalist in it's early stages, as there were no 'classes' or private property. Everything was owned by the state, not the people. Otherwise it would have been a form of capitalism. So that last statement? Incorrect.
Funny, because the link isn't working. Can you provide it again?
Ugh, I don't contest that. I do argue that the Great War was ONLY possible in part due to technology. Somehow I doubt there would be world destruction out of pikes and muskets. People made it happen, technology gave them the means to do it.
That depends on his reforms as well. and many regimes work like that anyway. Even the NCR to an extent.
You think he could reform in a way that would bring more civil rights to people, more political participation etc? He seems like a man who think democracy is a weakness.
About China, as I said above, there is still private property, but the only owner is the state. And this because the labor relatioship doesn't change. In fact, very little changes besides taking out the bourgeoisie and planting bureaucracy in its place.
China and USSR can be considered State Capitalism since even before China became "communist" and USSR was born, from the link I posted:
"The term was first used by
Wilhelm Liebknecht in 1896 who said: "Nobody has combatted State Socialism more than we German Socialists; nobody has shown more distinctively than I, that State Socialism is really State capitalism!"
Btw this might be relevant:
"According to Marx, the whole purpose of primitive accumulation is to
privatize the means of production, so that the exploiting owners can make money from the
surplus labour of those who, lacking other means, must work for them.
Marx says that primitive accumulation means the
expropriation of the direct producers, and more specifically "the dissolution of
private property based on the labor of its owner... Self-earned private property, that is based, so to say, on the fusing together of the isolated, independent laboring-individual with the conditions of his labor, is supplanted by capitalistic private property, which rests on
exploitation of the nominally free labor of others, i.e., on wage-labor" (emphasis added)."
When I say that NCR and Legion are bad, this is the main reason why. What does their expansionism means in practice? Primitive accumulation process! Now betwen Legion and NCR, I prefer the way NCR handles society, at least its a democracy and doesn't have this weird thing about technology.
Better would be for the Mojave not to have factions trying to do that, but oh well, its unavoidable in NV lore I guess, unless its possible to give full powers to the Followers of the Apocalypse, and even so there is no garantee about it. F1 it was possible because of the Master! How would be a society that its actually a hivemind? Full of mutants and shit, how would they organize labor and all that.