First time out of the vault

It makes a lot of sense to see the Legion as the ultimate raider gang, never thought about that before.
Its even more flawed then the NCR!
Its even more flawed then the NCR!
Name a raider group with widespread manufacturing, a political hierarchy and education.It makes a lot of sense to see the Legion as the ultimate raider gang, never thought about that before.
Its even more flawed then the NCR!
By your logic the mafia can also be considered a state. But the difference is purely semantic anyway. What Legion is doing isn't any less right or wrong if you call it a state or a gang of raiders.
If he can't make his second in command follow rules, how can he even know what everyone across the empire is doing? I can't recall a single event when a Legion member was punished for something he did to a civilian, brutality is probably encouraged to garner ferocity and a feeling of superiority in legionaries, and is certainly encouraged during conquests.
There is a possibility of a small administrator class as a part of Legion, but even that wouldn't strictly be necessary as each legionary is taught self-reliance. The most likely scenario is that administration duties also fall into the field of legion officers, who don't become officers for their skill at administration. What could be more detrimental for an empire than an administrative class of brutes?
And many did. Caesar's empire is most similar to that of Genghis Khan, and wll probably fall apart just like that one did.
No, there are objective markers by which one judges a civilization. I know it's not a popular opinion nowadays with all the multiculturalism and shit going on, but it's true.
How did you reach that conclusion?
The Legion!Name a raider group with widespread manufacturing, a political hierarchy and education.
Had to have taught all those Tribals and their offspring English/Latin somehow.The Legion!
Although its more like military hierarchy, and what education are you talking about?
Had to have taught all those Tribals and their offspring English/Latin somehow.
I'm not arguing whether or not the education provided from the NCR is better or not. I'm arguing that calling the Legion a group of raiders and nothing more is grossly inaccurate. Children are taught the common language, given a hardcore military education and a cause to fight for that they wholeheartedly believe in. The amount of Legion troops that fight because of loyalty to Caesar and the Legion is much higher than the amount doing the same for the NCR who are just there to get their pension. Also the NCR treats people outside of their jurisdiction like shit as well. They'll deny helping anyone unless they are promised annexation and sometimes they'll just strongarm their way into places. The NCR do the same aggressive expansion as the Legion, they're just more sneaky and manipulative about it.NCR can do that as well, maybe even better. Not only that, as NCR also doesn't have slaving culture. The way they treat people outside their tribe just makes me want to kill every single legionary, so full of bullshit, like they are superior or something.
I mean, humanity just barely survived a nuclear war, the next step is to bring back slavery and crucifixions? Even the Master plan makes more sense to me then the Legion
They are raiders in a sense that there is no reliability in their social economical system, and they act in a quite pre-modern stile. As said by Mr. Iluminatti, a isolated place in Legion territory must be hell on earth, because the authority there has full powers over the people and there is nothing you can do about it. Legionarie wants to rape your daughter? You can only watch or end up in a cross like the degenerate you are.I'm not arguing whether or not the education provided from the NCR is better or not. I'm arguing that calling the Legion a group of raiders and nothing more is grossly inaccurate. Children are taught the common language, given a hardcore military education and a cause to fight for that they wholeheartedly believe in. The amount of Legion troops that fight because of loyalty to Caesar and the Legion is much higher than the amount doing the same for the NCR who are just there to get their pension. Also the NCR treats people outside of their jurisdiction like shit as well. They'll deny helping anyone unless they are promised annexation and sometimes they'll just strongarm their way into places. The NCR do the same aggressive expansion as the Legion, they're just more sneaky and manipulative about it.
Also It may be brutal but I tell you what it sure dissuades any would be raiders when the last guy to try and steal something's skeletal remains are staring at you on a cross.
That is not what is being said.
The point that separation of powers exists in a republican government is specifically because there is a mistrust of any authority holding too much power. So what happens when some provincial governor somewhere does something? And mind you, the entire mindset of the Legion is that you are guilty until proven innocent.
The fact is that Lanius can kill a trader's pack Brahmin without consequence. Whether or not he's seen to be psychotic by the rest of the Legion doesn't matter. He's still implicitly in Caesar's favor. If you know what's good for you, you toe the party line and don't rock the boat, because you get hung on a crucifix. That isn't the kind of society that encourages free or open thought. In that sense, the Legion is only a few steps above North Korea.
Yes, the attraction of such power is that things get done. They just aren't just necessarily a good kind of done. The Legion is only relatively immune to corruption because it's younger and has one single and very active dictator. For the moment.
But if there's a major theme in NV, it's that political movements rarely keep to the spirit of a law for long.
Is that so bad? Innocent till proven guilt can work but not always, especially in chaotic regions, and the Mojave is very chaotic.
Actually it's because the trader is in every right to complain to Lanius however Lanius will... kill the trader. The only real sign of being favored by Caesar is because he's a great war leader. Hence it can be assumed that after the war Caesar will terminate him due to being not necessary and counter productive. That happens in the NCR to an extent... they're too weak and corrupt to follow it through though.
I'm not arguing whether or not the education provided from the NCR is better or not. I'm arguing that calling the Legion a group of raiders and nothing more is grossly inaccurate. Children are taught the common language, given a hardcore military education and a cause to fight for that they wholeheartedly believe in. The amount of Legion troops that fight because of loyalty to Caesar and the Legion is much higher than the amount doing the same for the NCR who are just there to get their pension. Also the NCR treats people outside of their jurisdiction like shit as well. They'll deny helping anyone unless they are promised annexation and sometimes they'll just strongarm their way into places. The NCR do the same aggressive expansion as the Legion, they're just more sneaky and manipulative about it.
Also It may be brutal but I tell you what it sure dissuades any would be raiders when the last guy to try and steal something's skeletal remains are staring at you on a cross.
A lot of the anti legion arguments are formed on assumptions. One of the biggest is that the Legion has no laws back home and legionaries can rape your daughter without consequence. There's no basis for this other then the actions done ON ENEMIES. The NCR does it, the US did it, the FUCKING UN did it. Just because the Legion acts like normal soldiers, with no lying bullshit doesn't mean they do that all the time.
Fallout Wiki said:The other locations would have had more "civilians". It's not accurate to think of them as citizens of the Legion (the Legion is purely military), but as non-tribal people who live in areas under Legion control.
There'll still be a few non-believers who break the rules and abuse the peasantry but for the most part the legionnaires are either terrified of Caesar or have been sufficiently brainwashed by him.
No, your belief that it does have civilian laws is an assumption. A poor one at that, since the legion mantra of "we are strong and they are weak, we are paragons of virtue and they are dissolute degenerate profligate whores" doesn't imply that they hold civilians in high regard. Even if Caesar would mind legionaries raping people's daughters, which I doubt, it's not like he would ever know about it happening. The system has a far greater potential for corruption than even the NCR bureaucracy.
Your assumption is flawed because a) You assume that Caesar actually gives a shit, which is possible although not very likely and b) You assume that Caesar is all-seeing and all-knowing which is definitely false since he can't be in every corner of his territory at the same time. Rather typical flaws found in the reasoning of all those who support totalitarian regimes, if I may notice.
Why would you list an example and then just immediately destroy it? The NCR, in usual fashion, uses shady means to sidestep it's laws whenever it feels like it.NCR doesn't torture its enemies to death. In point of fact, there are laws preventing Boyd from assaulting a Legionary prisoner. And that's a hell lot more consideration than The Legion gives its enemies. Now she's a dirty cop, so she doesn't mind paying a freelancer to do the assaulting.
Why would you list and example and then just immediately destroy it? The NCR, in usual fashion, uses shady means to sidestep it's laws whenever it feels like it.
Watch out guys. We got a real intellectual here. He managed to actually look through the computer screen and do a psyche analysis of me despite having never met me. Some real crazy stuff.But then again, I can actually criticize the faults of a group of people instead of trying to view them in the most rose-tinted light.
People who like the Legion secretly like the idea of a repressive dictatorship. They think it's a jolly good idea.
You see when you point out that the President doesn't have term limits, I think it's a jolly good idea to have term limits instituted. You know, not invade them and enslave everybody.