Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

Aya Bree
Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine
Morrigan and Leliana

huh. Wow, I am very pedestrian in my tastes.
Plase people, everyone knows that the hottest character IN THE EXISTENCE OF VIDEO GAMES is Mileena. :wiggle:


Or that hot chick from Quake 2, the Iron Maiden... :smug:

crni already beat you to it my dude.

but since we're stretching the definition of what constitutes a video game character by posting movie monsters then i submit Ariana Grande because she's a final fantasy characer

The hottest character in Fallout 1:

that's not a sprite that is directly associated with any character and therefore isn't a specific video game character. if you were gonna make that joke why wouldn't you post ignus or the rabbit from whiplash?
the word choice of unrealistic always baffled me. its literally making the claim that stupidly sexy people don't exist. its not unrealistic you're just fat.


i really like Cindy if you couldn't tell

besides when's the last time you heard a video game journalist complaining about how "unrealistic" male character can be? look at kratos or marcus phoenix.
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ooh! we've got slight cameltoe! nice.

also breath of the wild gave me a new appreciation for link


and no traps aren't gay.