Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

PS1? Her man


....no, wait
I Googled female characters on the PS1 and that title came up. I actually have no idea what it is. Looks right up my alley though.
I fail to see how this changes anything.
It changes everything, most of those characters were not hot, unless we used concept art or fan art or something stupid like that.
I Googled female characters on the PS1 and that title came up. I actually have no idea what it is. Looks right up my alley though.
If you're talking about the picture Cobra Commander posted, it is from Castlevania Symphony of the Night PSX title. Quite a good "metrovania" game, to be honest.
It changes everything, most of those characters were not hot, unless we used concept art or fan art or something stupid like that
but what about the ps1's FMVs? yeah they're dated as fuck now but claire is still cute here:

also other pre-rendered art from that era looks fine too.

annah from PS:T is pretty hot all things considered.


i'm surprised no one has brought up snake.

It changes everything, most of those characters were not hot, unless we used concept art or fan art or something stupid like that.
Still doesn't change anything. If I had a dime for every time I got off to the protagonist of Atari's Adventure...
I would participate, but I haven't played any recent games in years... So most characters I remember are 2D sprites or awful 3D models from Playstation 1 :lmao:.

Not to mention I don't know most of the characters mentioned in this thread either... :look:

Sims 3.

I think you have to buy the Cow Plant from the sim store as it doesn't come with any of the expansions.
Just to name some classics:




But I think we can all agree that the hottest one is this one:
I could've sworn that thing was in The Sims 2 also.
It is. But that particular one is from Sims 3.
The sims 2 one comes... I think with the base game actually.
Wouldn't surprise me if they're holding it hostage for Sims 4 as a microtransaction as well.
Given that a bolt of lightning can reach temperatures exceeding 30000 K, I'f have to go with this one:
