lil Jesus "Golden Eagle" Mod

Yeah, If you notice on that picture you posted the item description was a bit off and had spaces missing from important places like the end of sentences.
Yeah i do but i was to tried to change it yesterday. thanks a lot HC
now i do not have to do this :ok:

A question you will make the other deat animation like electric?(it isnt't a lot of work because they are made by BIS you just need add to the bar!)
Es werde besser wenn du auf Deutsch sprechen, wiel ich kann du nichts verstehen!

Meinst du dass die Beschreibung fur demn Werfer jetzt richtig ist? Dass du hast es veranderen?

Weil die Beschreibung in dem Bilder nicht rightig ist!
And i can't understand you when you writting german^^

Look, the decsriptoin was out of space and i want to do this but you were faster then me!

Wenn ich Deutsch schreibe kannst du ALLES verstehen ,wär nämlich um einiges leichter für mich, wenn ich auf Deutsch schreibe und du auf Englisch antwortest :mrgreen:
:P It has been a while since I wrote german - its obviously really poor!

I can understand that perfectly!

I understand what you mean now. You were going to write your own description. No problems. I just made something up. And I understand now that you were out of space so it didn't all fit on!

We're both on the same wavelength!

If you're going to rewrite it post it up here and we'll have a good look! Do you know what the character limit is for descriptions? Feel free to edit what I've written!
Nein, deine Beschreibung ist wunderbar :ok:

Ich wollte genau so wie du NUR den text richtg formatieren, was du ja schon gemacht hast, musst dann halt die veränderten pro files MIB mailen!

Gut das du mich verstehst jetzt kann ich mich besser verstöndigen udn zum Projekt beisteuern, was mir früher wegen mangelnder English Kenntnisse nicht in den Maße möglich war!

Hey woher kannst du Deutsch?

Edit: I will make my on descreption but for the german version of the mod you englisch one ist good!
Hey MIB i think you don't need to code for the weapon because i can edit the little jesus knife to rhe eagle
Mr.Wolna said:
Hey MIB i think you don't need to code for the weapon because i can edit the little jesus knife to rhe eagle

It really wouldn't be a problem. But, I think it is necessary. Remember, you have the one weapon that Lil' Jesus will use, then the two weapons the player can get if he is killed. If I don't code for it, there is the possibility that the player could steal them from him. Definitely not a good idea to me.
To Wolna and others:

Great work!
...But, hose notches on the side of the DE are insane, because only an idiot would scrape the gold plating.
The notches should be on the grip, but that would be almost impossible to do. I suggest you take the notches off.

EDIT: I just read most of the earlier post, so forget that ^

The only reasonable reason for the gold DE to do more damage than normal one would be making it .50 AE. And more range with 10 inch barrel
I presume that making a new bullet type (.50 AE) for the game would be a lot of work?

My suggestion


AP to use: 5 / 5
Coast: 800 / 3200
Range 25 / 30 (10 inch)
Caliber .44 magnum / .50 AE
Damage: 10-16 / 14-20
Ammo Capacity: 8 / 7 or 30+ with a drum magezine (looks damn stupid)

Great job on that Danny Trejo-face, btw. :)
With .50 and 10 inch it'll be an handcannon:



That would mean that Lil Jesus would have to be a god to hold up akimbo .50 deagles. (irony on the name, lol)
Hotel California said:

This looks more like a miss, just my opinion.
Mr.Wolna said:
I don't now what you have i like this stuff very much.

I just meant that particular animation reminds me more of the dodging animation that the characters in Fallout have. The hit animation is more of an uncontrolled jerk backwards than a sidestep like this.