lil Jesus "Golden Eagle" Mod

Real nice work I like the death animation when the head blows off, Hotel California you made this frames real good
Maybe I can try to make it look younger, right know I'm on my job but I'll go back to my house in 2 hours, I'll start working as soon as I get there.
The same i have use for my Portrait PAck Liefestudio Head 2.7


Sorry guys i will make the proto and start the face tomorrow because i have worked today(all day :mrgreen: ) on my other project, and now I'm tired and will just drink a warm tea and read a book(Diablo II: The Moon of the Spider) by the way the Diablo Books are really great! :clap:

Mr.Wolna :drunk:

Will this be usefull?

If you like this I can give a diferent hair color and add the clothes.

Edit: Ooops! Wrong thread. Well not exactly, after all it can be used here as well.
Mr.Wolna said:
No because the guy is too old, but meaby i use this on a other mafia guy later.

What? I actually think the younger modification of Danny Trejo looks quite good

Remember, you can't really make Danny Trejo look "young" in a babyface sense. Like Keith Richards, he was probably born looking ugly and old. Azrael's version still looks 30-ish, but mostly it looks hard-to-guess-the-age.

Works for me, if you ask me
Fuck off, my tea is cold now :irked:
But i have finished the Pro Files now the new Gun is aviable in the Game/Mapper.
Here some Screenshots(It's a .gif file with 4 screens):

Alternatively Pic Link

Here ist the Link:
Link: Golden Eagle

German txt files coming soon!

Facts about the Golden Eagle:

Normal / Golden:

Damage: 10-16 / 14-20(28-40)*1
AP to use: 5 / 4
Coast: 800 / 3200 *2
Range 25 / 30
Ammo Capacity: 7 / 20 *2

*1 its the Version for Lil Jesus its the second gun in the mapper!
*2 Hey common ist a goldplatet Desert Eagle 8-)
*3 The same as the Extendet Eagle by Black Isle!

I hope you like it :mrgreen:

@Brother None we will see i don't know yet :)
Golden desert looks cool. Check this out: golden desert eagle because of its golden parts has reduced heat emission and higher fire rate with lower AP cost(-1). You know, it can be something more than just a "golden" desert eagle look, just a thought ...hope you'll consider it. :slap: :D

IS already in check this out:
Normal / Golden:

Damage: 10-16 / 14-20(28-40)*1
AP to use: 5 / 4
Coast: 800 / 3200 *2
Range 25 / 30
Ammo Capacity: 7 / 20 *2

OOOPS! Sry for doubleposting :oops:
Yes it is Zbrush created by by the autor in my first link(video).
I have just make possible to load this in LSH 2.7
baytheway zbrush is a really nice tool.