RabidMonk said:
I agree; it was too late as soon as Al Qaeda decided they would fly airliners into our skyscrapers killing thousands of innocent civilians. What's to understand in that?
See, now this is a fine example of apologetic bullshit. You, in your profound political retardation, use that *one* terrorist attack to justify invasions of foreign countries, war crimes, mistreatment of Arabs everywhere, thousands of casualties on both sides, restrictions of democracy and civil rights at home and countless other wrongdoings. To further prove your immense ignorance and inability to distinguish between two simple terms, namely fighting terrorism and fighting the entire Islamic world, you also presume to bash those people who have enough common sense to recognize futility of American policies and understand the intricate game of political and economic elites that use your feeble 'global war on terror' as a means of extending their own interests.