London Blasts!

Well 33 confirmed dead, 14 in critical or serious condition, over 300 mildly injured people. So i hope everyone that comes here is fine, that is still my first concern, and i still haven`t seen many answers regarding that.

There`s time to discuss the implications of this attack later.
I think Big_T got fucked.
No kidding.
I think he was on CNN.
He looked like a pile of kebab, but I recognized his glasses.
A confused Pakistani even stepped into him and started yelling at some dogs.
I think the Pakistani thought Big_T didn't look like a pile of kebab at all, but something quite similar.
Anyway, my thoughts go out to Big_T's family and Big_T's boyfriend.
Nah, seriously, I have to admit that even though he was British, I kinda sorta liked Big_T.

-- alec, mourning
I hope they attack Italy, too. So I can plunder the burning cities and become rich from the tragedy of others. Hahaha! And I want to see the Pope burn to death, yeah.
I wouldn't worry about it too much Briosafreak, what are the chances?

Sorry Briosafreak, last tangent:

Sander said:
No, he attacked for your being idiotic enough to say:
RabidMonk said:
Good, now this just needs to happen more throughout Europe.
Which rightly pissed him off.

It would have been "rightly" if I hadn't made it clear further in the post that I don't actually wish that, and that my line was only for initial effect.

Sander said:
few people here like or ascribe to the American conservative mindset or want to, while that mindset is highly popular in the USA, it is simply not-suited for Europe.

Good for the Europeans, I wish we were that intelligent. It is a detrimental system, but since we here in the U.S. thrive on such labels, a european in the american perspective would classify as a liberal, determined by the beliefs the typical european and american liberal share. I apologize for the confusion.

Sander said:
Whether this is correct is impossible to determine right now, since chances are it's too late for that.

I agree; it was too late as soon as Al Qaeda decided they would fly airliners into our skyscrapers killing thousands of innocent civilians. What's to understand in that?

To those with doubts, I am not anti-european, nor am I a red-neck.
RabidMonk said:
It would have been "rightly" if I hadn't made it clear further in the post that I don't actually wish that, and that my line was only for initial effect.

Hmm, let me try that.

Fuck you.

That was just for effect, don't go all whiny on me now.


OK, that's enough effect for now.
Okay Per, I know you're mad for some reason but what you said doesn't in any way compare to what I said; stow the immature and irrelavent bullshit please.

Given the furthur context of my post, what I said was inoffensive.
RabidMonk said:
Okay Per, I know you're mad for some reason but what you said doesn't in any way compare to what I said; stow the immature and irrelavent bullshit please.

Geez, I thought I asked you please not to whine. Stop taking my rhetorical figures personal.

RabidMonk said:
Given the furthur context of my post, what I said was inoffensive.

Obviously that's not for you to decide.

Come on, gentlemen, let's not resort to the personal attacks.

Let's all lub each other.
Per, I just deleted all of what this post was originally going to contain as I fear getting furthur into this with you will result in my banning.

Nonetheless, I apologise that you are offended with what I wrote, but I must say that it is a misinterpretation on your part.

I lub you per...mainly your fallout guides.
RabidMonk said:
Nonetheless, I apologise that you are offended with what I wrote, but I must say that it is a misinterpretation on your part.

And if the fact of the matter is that I wasn't offended, that would be another on yours.
Well, Sander and Per addressed RabidMonk's nonsense efficiently, so there isn't much to add, except:

RabidMonk said:
I agree; it was too late as soon as Al Qaeda decided they would fly airliners into our skyscrapers killing thousands of innocent civilians. What's to understand in that?
See, now this is a fine example of apologetic bullshit. You, in your profound political retardation, use that *one* terrorist attack to justify invasions of foreign countries, war crimes, mistreatment of Arabs everywhere, thousands of casualties on both sides, restrictions of democracy and civil rights at home and countless other wrongdoings. To further prove your immense ignorance and inability to distinguish between two simple terms, namely fighting terrorism and fighting the entire Islamic world, you also presume to bash those people who have enough common sense to recognize futility of American policies and understand the intricate game of political and economic elites that use your feeble 'global war on terror' as a means of extending their own interests. But I suppose it's unreasonable to expect that a half-witted right-wing warmonger like you would notice the glaringly obvious fact that the two European countries which suffered most severe terrorist attacks - namely Spain and UK - were/are both active participants in US invasion of Iraq and therefore undeniable aggressors and enemies of the Muslim world, and thus extremely likely to come under attack from an islamic terrorist network.
This is pretty terrible. I wish it was possible to stop this crap without having to resort to complete police state tactics...
Ratty said:
RabidMonk said:
I agree; it was too late as soon as Al Qaeda decided they would fly airliners into our skyscrapers killing thousands of innocent civilians. What's to understand in that?
See, now this is a fine example of apologetic bullshit. You, in your profound political retardation, use that *one* terrorist attack to justify invasions of foreign countries, war crimes, mistreatment of Arabs everywhere, thousands of casualties on both sides, restrictions of democracy and civil rights at home and countless other wrongdoings. To further prove your immense ignorance and inability to distinguish between two simple terms, namely fighting terrorism and fighting the entire Islamic world, you also presume to bash those people who have enough common sense to recognize futility of American policies and understand the intricate game of political and economic elites that use your feeble 'global war on terror' as a means of extending their own interests.

I mainly agree with you Ratty; aside from all of your personal attacks of course. This cause could be easily perversed and probably is and has been from the very beginning, but what I said was a direct response to Sander as he implied that because of our (U.S.) actions, it is too late to resolve this peacefully; I disagreed with his blame by pointing out that it was Al Qaeda whom first attacked, quite dreadfully might I add. Does it not make sense after such an action to seek out and eliminate the source? What are the other alternatives in that situation? I was not using 9/11 as a justificaiton for the aforementioned attrocities and overall perversion that followed and will continue to follow.

Ratty said:
But I suppose it's unreasonable to expect that a half-witted right-wing warmonger like you would notice the glaringly obvious fact that the two European countries which suffered most severe terrorist attacks - namely Spain and UK - were/are both active participants in US invasion of Iraq and therefore undeniable aggressors and enemies of the Muslim world, and thus extremely likely to come under attack from an islamic terrorist network.

Your point please? Does that make their deliberate attack on innocent civilians any more just? I didn't see random brits and spaniards attacking Iraq, I saw a military unconditionally obeying their government. Face it Ratty, the muslim terrorists do not care for your life and well-being! This is what they do! Unfortunately, this is an issue that will have to be resolved through force.
London is a great place and Londoners are even better (if you can compare people to a city, that is). My sympathies and prayers go out to the British people, as well as those of all Americans this day.

Oh, and fuck you RM. Hoping terrorist attacks happen is almost as bad as going through with it, and you are wrong anyway: in Europe terrorists attacks help moronic Socialists.

Also, GB is probably our closest ally on the the War on Terror, I have no idea how you could ever claim this was a good thing for the WoT in the long run.
Wooz said:
Warsaw had a huge bomb alert in the subway and all the city center about a month ago. Nobody talked about it in the news, though. If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have known.

Meh, I just learned from a friend of mine over a beer that there was a bomb alert here prior to the Madrid bombing. Wouldn't have known and haven't neither.

Although it is quite funny how they keep saying "aight, Poland is preapred against bomb attacks."

Fuck that, you could bomb a dozen trains without much trouble tomorrow, if you wanted to.
The problem lies in: How to stop these bombs from being places they shouldn't be. Are we going to have x-ray machines everywhere? That would be a great life to live, being under constant suspicion because you might be a terrorist.

Man oh man. What is the solution to this crap? I wish I knew.
alec said:
Anyway, my thoughts go out to Big_T's family and Big_T's boyfriend.
Nah, seriously, I have to admit that even though he was British, I kinda sorta liked Big_T.
Nah, I'm fine. I am sufficiently far away from Nodnol to be sane. Wait, I think I mean safe.

As is my <strike>bitch </strike>boyfriend. Aren't you <strike>Alec </strike>Jebus?

As I said in another thread:
I said:
What for?

More people die almost every (or maybe all) week in Iraq.

Do the lives cost more because they speak English? Because they may well be able to post on the 'net about how they were trapped in a dark subway train? OMG! Teh Horreur!
The weekly, or sometimes daily, suicide bombings in Iraq obviously pale in comparison to this.

(Note: I am not without sympathy, but I find the contradictory manner of people disgusting)
And, yes, Per was correct in the previous iteration of this comment.