John Uskglass said:
Now that is not entirely true and I think you know it: the Democratic party, being a big tent, has pleanty of people who in Europe would be close to Socdems or Demsocs.
That does not make the party a social democratic party. The Dutch Labour party also had a guy hanging around who was as left wing as the Socialist Party, two parties to the left, didn't make Labour party any less centralist social democrats than they were.
From an international view point, you don't have a left wing. You just have hard right and a less right sorta centrist party.
John Uskglass said:
Also, what is the diffirence between Socdems and Demsocs? I'm still really, really confused.
The terms used to be pretty interchangeable.
Officially, according to the International, Democratic Socialism is an ideal, where Social Democracy is the political result of it.
By another definition, Social Democracy supports capitalism and is only social in the preservation of the wellfare state, whereas Democratic Socialism works as an evolutionary system, democratic but anti-capitalist.
That definition doesn't work with reality, though. Labour calls itself a Democratic Socialist party, as does the SPD, neither are against capitalism.
Really, some people use Social Democracy as a term, some Democratic Socialism. Some think the term Democratic in there is redundant and just says Socialism. It all ends up exactly the same, as Social Democrats. Even Third-Way Socialists like Schröder and Blair and some would even argue Clinton (not me, though) belong to that group.