RabidMonk said:I disagreed with his blame by pointing out that it was Al Qaeda whom first attacked, quite dreadfully might I add. Does it not make sense after such an action to seek out and eliminate the source? What are the other alternatives in that situation?
Have you ever asked yourself why terrorists target USA and its allies? Could it mayhap be because the Muslim world mostly loaths America and everything it stands for? If that is the case (hint: it is), then what is the reason for all that loathing? Are Muslims inherently evil and barbaric (shut up, CCR) or does it have something to do with the fact that 70% of them are pauperized and illiterate? Mayhap if their greatest natural resource, oil, was placed under control of the *people*, to benefit *their* well-being, and not self-serving autocratic regimes sponsored by the US, mayhap *then* Muslims would be less prone to blowing themselves up in crowded metro stations?Does that make their deliberate attack on innocent civilians any more just? I didn't see random brits and spaniards attacking Iraq, I saw a military unconditionally obeying their government. Face it Ratty, the muslim terrorists do not care for your life and well-being! This is what they do! Unfortunately, this is an issue that will have to be resolved through force.
You conservatives always amuse with your simplistic amoeba-level logic. In your perception, the terrorist problem boils down to the simple binary relation "They blow us up => We nuke 'em". In your shortsightedness you completely disregard the causality of the "They blow us up"-bit. If the battle against terrorism is to bear any palpable success, the western world - and especially USA - must first acknowledge that its foreign policies concerning the Middle East are, and have always been, deeply malapropos and wholly aimed at exploiting Middle-eastern resources without yielding anything in exchange. Next they must alter those policies radically, end the perverted simbiotic relationship with repressive local governments and establish promotion of democracy, human rights, fair distribution of wealth and economic independance as primary outlines of a new, more humane policy. As long as American mistreatment and mismanagement in the Middle East persists, terrorists will continue their activity, local populations will continue to support and sponsor them, America will continue to crack down on them without paying any heed to such trivial things as international conventions, and the circle of bloodshed will remain firmly closed.
No, but you scorned the attitude towards terrorism of European countries, as if conservative USA is somehow better and more efficient in the way it handles terror. This is especially laughable because many European countries have *far* more experience in dealing with organized terrorist networks than USA, and I daresay more success.I was not using 9/11 as a justificaiton for the aforementioned attrocities and overall perversion that followed and will continue to follow.
What are you talking about? Socialist parties are marginal and completely insignificant in all European countries except Belarus (where socialists are in power). You aren't confusing socialists and social democrats again, are you? Because if you are, I will tell Kharn and he will punch you.Oh, and fuck you RM. Hoping terrorist attacks happen is almost as bad as going through with it, and you are wrong anyway: in Europe terrorists attacks help moronic Socialists.