Lonesome Road speculation

White Knight said:
Let me guess, its because they are communists, and are really as bad as the enclave?

:lol: Yeah I remember that thread. I don't know how people can really saw anything too bad about the NCR really.

I only want retribution for the Enclave personally, I don't have any philosophical beef with the NCR.
Denial? Philosophical beef? Tastes rather nice with ironic gravy! Yeah, I remember that thread too, I never posted but it was entertaining to read.
its said to release sept 20 and they released new pics





was anounced was 2 new bonus packs 1 called

"the courier's stash"

that adds all of the pre orders in game and

"gun runner's arsenal"

adds new weapon buffs and unique weapons

now bethesda is making me crazy can't wait!!! :D

EDIT: oh yeah heres some pics of GRA






get excited[/img][/spoiler]
overseeer106 said:
:::SILUS::: said:
Bro, them pics ain't worky worky.

now they should be working


EDIT: [spoiler:6be56e7735]Looks like they rehashed trogs one again. For fucks sake people.

Autumn's coat rehashed too.

Legate's helmet rehashed too.[/spoiler:6be56e7735]
Huhuhu, i'm sure people on this thread have said exactly the same as that (except Legate's helmet thing). I'm not getting the assumed whinge though, you hear people say don't assume to hate, then people just do it. It doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a bad thing that it was re-textured, just means they were too lazy to make a new model, good on them if it saved time enough to create a good story and gameplay features. I'm neutral so far, i've noticed things have been rehashed, but quite a few things in FNV were rehashed from F3, and that turned out alright, and I won't say it's brilliant until it comes out.
Doesn't mean they didn't think about it, it might just be a military officer's coat that the Courier found, it isn't coincidence that Autumn has one, he is after all an officer.
^Hate hate hate hate.

I don't midn the reskined trogs (by this point it's pointless getting upset about them, I just hope Ulysses story turns out to be good liek we hope, and not a typical omnicidal maniac story.