Lonesome Road speculation

What is curious is what is the Signature weapon. From the screenshots I think it's that rocket launcher thing but does it shoots mini-nukes or rockets? Maybe in an odd universe the grenade rounds in some weird shotgun effect. Is no one else curious?
DoubleRubix said:
What is curious is what is the Signature weapon. From the screenshots I think it's that rocket launcher thing but does it shoots mini-nukes or rockets? Maybe in an odd universe the grenade rounds in some weird shotgun effect. Is no one else curious?

Eh, weapons in games never fascinated me. But then again, neither do weapons IRL :D
Well just hoping for a change between"I hate power armor and power armor sucks" talk going on in this topic. o.o Still interested in how the weapon turns out. I mean I didn't expect the K9000 to be magnum rounds I figured it would be just a weird minigun lol. So fingers crossed that this will be unique!
I hope he can survive. But I think how they keep wording it. Ulyssess have a deep past. He knew most likely knew that taking that job would either get him killed or seriously injured and wanted the courier to take it. Personally I hope that if it's Female courier there is some dialog that would suggest some sexual tension hehe. I know it sounds silly, but it would be cool if they could have been an item if it wasn't for what happened.
Lexx said:
Are you serious? lol.

Also it wasn't said that some blank slate will be overwritten. In fact, I doubt that this will happen.

Yes, I am serious. What's so laughable about it?

I also never said that it will definitely be overwritten, I was expressing my thoughts on the matter if it did happen.

Unless you weren't referring to me. If that's the case, then nevermind.
whirlingdervish said:
Maybe he will have a crossbow that we can steal from him!!1
To bad he has a flag pole from the cut content and the playing card version of him. And I wanna steal that and beat people with it!
whirlingdervish said:
Maybe he will have a crossbow that we can steal from him!!1
I'd rather have a crossbow than some new uberweapon that just makes the game even easier. Looks like the Divide's Signature Weapon is that, but whatever.
Here's my take on all of the speculation over Lonesome Road (a scant 9 days from now).

There's most likely going to be Enclave present, or at least had passed through after the destruction of Navarro. Seeing as ED-E has his parts all over the place, I'm almost sure that Enclave Remnants will have had settled into the area, hiding behind whatever the experiment is that cut through the place in a manner similar to the BoS hiding in Hidden Valley using that sandstorm generator.

Ulysses himself may be former Enclave, or a member of some other pre-war community. It's quite likely he takes his name from these old Poseidon Energy posters:


The story of the "Odyssey" is the story of a Greek King, named Odysseus, who is on his 17-year journey home after an epic war (that Trojan War stuff). While the story is of a Greek king, his name in the Roman retelling? Ulysses.

It makes sense, maybe the Courier and Ulysses are from the Divide, and were sent to go scout the West and East. Ulysses went East into Legion territory, where he picked up his name. He and the Courier both chose the guise of a mailman, much in the same way Odysseus disguised himself as a beggar to find out the state of his house (or to Ulysses, America).

If the parallel is right, Ulysses is trying to get back home to America, or someplace with his idea of American values. He certainly hasn't found that in either the NCR or the Legion, or in New Vegas (he doesn't think much them). He may be headed to the Divide to find the last of his people.

If he doesn't find them in the Divide, he probably finds the missiles, and may try to arm them in an attempt to wipe the slate clean of the people who would try to replace his America with their faults (the mythical parallel of Odysseus slaying Penelope's suitors).
Maybe this DLC would also patch in Ulysees into the main story as a companion. He was slated to be a companion before he was cut, after all.
agiel7 said:
Maybe this DLC would also patch in Ulysees into the main story as a companion. He was slated to be a companion before he was cut, after all.

This is what I'm hoping for, but it's most likely that it'll turn out to be an 'Elijah' - side with him and the story ends. Don't side with him, and you can continue.
don't worry if its broken it can be fixed again.

Anyway. I really hope Ulysssssesss (or what ever ...) will not be simply a "kill moh noaw! Or finish da game!" character. That would be boring. I mean we had that already.

Since it is the last DLC they should really do something awesome with it. Something which is really shaping the Mojave a bit - or at least your story.
Crni Vuk said:
Since it is the last DLC they should really do something awesome with it. Something which is really shaping the Mojave a bit - or at least your story.

I remember Bergman saying that the decisions of Lonesome Road would have an actual in-game affect to part of the Mojave.