Lonesome Road speculation

I really hope oneof the options in LR is to simply eradicate the entire Mojave/Mainland, so the series can come back to its roots instead of being a post-post apocalypse politics game like the last installment was, seeing how Bethesda never alloes their games to jump back in the timeline. Oh well, a man can dream. ;)
I really hope oneof the options in LR is to simply eradicate the entire Mojave/Mainland, so the series can come back to its roots instead of being a post-post apocalypse politics game like the last installment was, seeing how Bethesda never alloes their games to jump back in the timeline. Oh well, a man can dream.
Is'nt that what Elija's ending would do? Seems like overkill, all these people wanting to wipe the slate clean, Ceasar, Elija. Most likely thats what Ullysses is tryign to do. If you aid him you get the Rockets Red Glare, signifying the rebirth of America, or you can go with Warhead hunter being awarded if you stop Ullysses from destroying both the NCR and Legion with a second nuclear holocuast.
Yep, its pretty similar to what you mentionend, but I meant that it should be canon (which ofcourse wont happen). I am simply sick of wasteland politics instead of survival, of the NCR, armies, burocracy etc. It was nice when it was only Shady Sands back then, now it's just boring and not very postapo. But then again, this is just me. ;)
Yep, its pretty similar to what you mentionend, but I meant that it should be canon (which ofcourse wont happen). I am simply sick of wasteland politics instead of survival, of the NCR, armies, burocracy etc. It was nice when it was only Shady Sands back then, now it's just boring and not very postapo. But then again, this is just me
I don't think the future of fallout will be with the NCR, I think they have been set up to take a fall in Vegas. Its not like Ullysses plan would alter fallout that much. All it would mean is the NCR would be at least dimished, more like a city state than a country, same with the Legion, the Brothehood would still exist as always, maybe even stronger, and you'd have the rebirth of if not the Enclave some America succesor state.
Looks like the trailer for LR will drop tomorrow. Maybe. So far the trailers for the DLC have been really good; I just wonder if they'll be able to top the one we got for Old World Blues.

Kind of sums up my feelings for Lonesome Road in general: will it turn out as well, or better than what we've seen so far?
Call me mad but I wouldn't be too keen on being ruled by a 200-year old nutjob trapped in his life-support cocoon deep inside a casino. Yes Man is even worse, he's the herald of the goddamn robot overlords!
James Snowscoran said:
Call me mad but I wouldn't be too keen on being ruled by a 200-year old nutjob trapped in his life-support cocoon deep inside a casino. Yes Man is even worse, he's the herald of the goddamn robot overlords!

In some interpretations. But I like to think I reestablished the Gupta empire with my char as it's Raja
Sabirah said:
James Snowscoran said:
Call me mad but I wouldn't be too keen on being ruled by a 200-year old nutjob trapped in his life-support cocoon deep inside a casino. Yes Man is even worse, he's the herald of the goddamn robot overlords!

In some interpretations. But I like to think I reestablished the Gupta empire with my char as it's Raja

And I like to think I stayed on the NCR's good side with all the assist I gave them and they recognized New Vegas (Now renamed New New Reno) as an ally.
Another "Odyssey" reference in the X-17 Meteorological station (one of two locations in the Big MT that Elijah noted that Ulysses was interested in).


(for those that can't make it out, it says "Ralphie, The Robot's Incredible Odyssey!")

It's poster inside the station, not far from the map of Hopeville, there's also one in the Sink.

An almost Enclave-like Eyebot with the picture of a military man and a youthful dreamer looking in different directions? I can't help but find some subtle foreshadowing here.
Heh, that's a pretty obvious hint, I'd say. Didn't saw this in the game, but what can be seen on the image... And as Lonesome Road will have ED-E Upgrades, and ED-E was on a odyssey as well until the robot got damaged too much, etc.
ED-E is secretly Ulysses's brain inside an eyebot. 8D

Seriously though, I'm enjoying the foreshadowing here.
I wonder if Ulysses is also a play on America's 18th president.
Personally I think Ulysses' quest might be about 'resetting' society in the wasteland, feeling that neither the NCR, Caesar's Legion, or most of the factions/organizations that have risen in the wasteland since the War have the answer for creating a new future. (not sure if he has met the Followers yet)

So perhaps like Presper in the canceled Van Buren he might perhaps wants to wipe out the 'source' or headquarters of the major organizations with the ICBMs in the Divide.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Personally I think Ulysses' quest might be about 'resetting' society in the wasteland, feeling that neither the NCR, Caesar's Legion, or most of the factions/organizations that have risen in the wasteland since the War have the answer for creating a new future. (not sure if he has met the Followers yet)

So perhaps like Presper in the canceled Van Buren he might perhaps wants to wipe out the 'source' or headquarters of the major organizations with the ICBMs in the Divide.

... thus resetting the core region to barbarism. Wouldn't that defeat his goal?
Actualy that would be the goal he would be going for, resetting society, people go back to barbarism and with time new forms of goverment are born out of it, If he thinks that the current factions are dead ends then that seems like the logical thing to do.