This ghoul has seen it all

The Whitley in ED-E's logs was vocied by Ron Yuan, so probably the Lonesomee Road WHitley is gonna be a different Whitley.
Faceless Stranger said:Gotta wonder why there was no mention of the Enclave in OWB seeing as how Big MT was a huge pre-war science facility.
Or even finding one of the old unfinished Poseidon/Enclave projects from Van Buren.Alphadrop said:I dunno, seeing a mention of Poseidon Energy or something would have been nice.
Courier said:That's true, but personally I think it's better to just leave them out of the picture entirely until the FO3 crowd forget about them. A way of sending the message "They're not here, they're gone and they're not coming back, look at this other cool stuff instead."