Perhaps this thread is better for my request than starting a whole new thread...
I am rather experienced (and more importantly quite fast) at working with Photoshop and graphics in general, so I reckon I could really put in some work in the character-creation field.
Problem is, I am not a coder and I know next to nothing about how the Fallout engine works.
Today I have gathered that the main character is basically just a string of various 2D animations based on what's happening in the game (i.e. there are frames for standing still, loading a gun etc, then all that multiplied by all the different armour you can be wearing, and again multiplied by the different directions the character could be facing, etc. etc.).
These are all stored in .FRM files and must first be extracted out into individual images (256 colour .BMPs?), then modified, then turned back to .FRM using Jochua's Frame Animator. Uhh.. Right?
So I have the following questions: where do I get all the lovely FRM's (and images) already created for the game? I can see a list of them in the Modification FAQ and I gather that they are extracted from the critter.DAT file, but maybe someone can suggest a program I can use for that?
Secondly, what am I doing then?
I'm guessing that, say, if I were to modify the main male character to have green skin (purely for example), I'd be looking at every FRM with HM *** in the title, for male, hero. Right? These would then include every animation and every frame a male hero could possibly be experiencing during the course of the game. Right?
Once I get the actual .BMP images out of it, I figure I can fairly swiftly batch edit them to encompass various hair lengths and styles (which I can piece together from already existing NPC's and their animations).
Can someone help out in any way? Specifically by:
a) telling me how to extract the right FRM from critter.DAT effectively
b) pointing out anything I've written here that's wrong
c) respecting my stupid questions and general newbieness in terms of Fallout modding
Thanks a bunch guys, I figure I can put in the hours once I've gotten comfortable with all the 'coding' bits and the naming system.
I am rather experienced (and more importantly quite fast) at working with Photoshop and graphics in general, so I reckon I could really put in some work in the character-creation field.
Problem is, I am not a coder and I know next to nothing about how the Fallout engine works.
Today I have gathered that the main character is basically just a string of various 2D animations based on what's happening in the game (i.e. there are frames for standing still, loading a gun etc, then all that multiplied by all the different armour you can be wearing, and again multiplied by the different directions the character could be facing, etc. etc.).
These are all stored in .FRM files and must first be extracted out into individual images (256 colour .BMPs?), then modified, then turned back to .FRM using Jochua's Frame Animator. Uhh.. Right?
So I have the following questions: where do I get all the lovely FRM's (and images) already created for the game? I can see a list of them in the Modification FAQ and I gather that they are extracted from the critter.DAT file, but maybe someone can suggest a program I can use for that?
Secondly, what am I doing then?

Once I get the actual .BMP images out of it, I figure I can fairly swiftly batch edit them to encompass various hair lengths and styles (which I can piece together from already existing NPC's and their animations).
Can someone help out in any way? Specifically by:
a) telling me how to extract the right FRM from critter.DAT effectively
b) pointing out anything I've written here that's wrong
c) respecting my stupid questions and general newbieness in terms of Fallout modding
Thanks a bunch guys, I figure I can put in the hours once I've gotten comfortable with all the 'coding' bits and the naming system.