Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

very nice Woozy.

the head reminds me of a comic series called The Regulator (french steampunk).
Awesome. Except for the left foot. To me at least it doesn't seem to actually touch the ground the way it should. But that's just nitpicking. It's really really good. Are you doing game art or something? It reminds me of that Boyarsky guy's art.
I agree on the left foot, but meh, screw it. It doesn't really break the picture. The next left foot I draw is going to be better.

And no, this is just for fun.
This is gonna turn out sweet as well, I'm sure. Unless it's already finished. Then not so much. :wink:

I like your signature (on the drawing).
I am becoming a major fan, Wooz.

Your style reminds me of the fantasy-free (as in not too influenced by fantasy, not deprived of fantasy) side of Gerald Brom with a Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi twist.

I am sure that made little sense, so please just stick to reading the first sentence as it is the important one. Nice work - keep it up.
I agree, it's unusual as I've been doing more detailed things but... It's pretty much finished. I'm getting tired of polishing my work too much, going for a more 'fresh' approach and trying to make more

I'll play around with rendering out details <s>when I stop sucking so hard</s> later on.

Thanks for commenting, guys. Remember, appreciation is never taken for granted. And sorry, If I disappointed ye, don't think I'll polish this one up anytime soon.
I like your work as always :)

The last piece.. Did you use painter? (i never used the program myself, but i heared it were quite intresting when it comes to real art effect) It really looks like your using real Paint in that pic (specially the background) great work :clap:
Thanks, Lill.

Yeah, I used painter. It's pretty good at emulating how oil paint works. Not an exact emulator, as real paint is much, much better than Painter.

