Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

Wooz said:
Thanks, Lill.

Yeah, I used painter. It's pretty good at emulating how oil paint works. Not an exact emulator, as real paint is much, much better than Painter.


Now that is awesome, Wooz. I absolutely love it.

Getting anything published any time soon? If so, please let us know :)
It's a marvelous work, that's sure. Remember me the IWD art but I like yours much much more. Post more!
wow wooz, you're getting better and better! you're inspiring me to draw more.

this is great but i think that the arm juts out too much, and i was thinkin it should be more like this.

did a quick 2 minute paint over
It does, thanks. Figured the same about a day or two after finishing this pic, but thought 'what the hell'.

I think it'd be probably best to dump the muscle and make the whole arm robotic.

Any links to your own work, skinnyfists?
:D nice pic there. I just love details XD
Have you ever made concept art for a game or movie before?

Wooz said:
Thanks, Lill.

Yeah, I used painter. It's pretty good at emulating how oil paint works. Not an exact emulator, as real paint is much, much better than Painter.

Ah, Yea. I tested out painter since last time, and WoW, it was different from photoshop :O Couldent quite get the hang of it.... so many brush options too.. but i guess it is something you really gotta get used to i guess.
I did see its potential tho. But ill stick to photoshop for now, maybe ill play with it some more later.

Have you ever made concept art for a game or movie before?

Not for a movie, yet. For games, did some cover art for really shitty budget productions (quit the job after three months) and am currently working on something super-secret nobody can hear about.

Ah, Yea. I tested out painter since last time, and WoW, it was different from photoshop :O Couldent quite get the hang of it.... so many brush options too.. but i guess it is something you really gotta get used to i guess.
I did see its potential tho. But ill stick to photoshop for now, maybe ill play with it some more later.

Heh. Yeah, it's very different and tends to do... weird things from time to time. Still, it's fun. Try impasto brushes and the digital watercolors. Fun.
Super-quickie, done in less than half an hour 'for the lulz'. Reminded me of one of my brother's old GIJOE toy figurines. Yes, I know it's sloppy and yes, it's unfinished and yes, it lacks details. Gotta do more of these 'wham bam thank you ma'am' superspeeds.

nice... i couldn't draw that in a lifetime, let alone half an hour. :P

that said: ice cream soldier? whut?
Painter, painter. It'd look better in oils, but would have to wait for daylight in order to be photographed.

Here's a link to my bro's figurine we used to play with back in the day.
That's pretty good for a half hour's work.

Also: I had a whole bunch of G.I. Joe figurines when I was in my early teens, but they didn't have that many accessories back then (in the late eighties). That Ice Cream Soldier seemed to have tons of them, which is awesome. I would have loved that.

My favourites were Dr. Mindbender (who looks fucking gay now that I look back at him) and Shockwave. Good memories. I once orchestrated a full-fledged attack on my sister's Barbies, killing Ken in the process.

Damn. Being a kid is fucking great.
I can't draw worth a damn, and I tip my hat to the talent being shown in this thread.

Excellent work!
Here's five big linocuts, the smallest ones are 50cmx70cm. The biggest one (Last) is 100x70. The photo doesn't show the little details in the largest ones. Oh well.





Linocuts? How did you get that blurry effect in the third one if you worked with linoleum?

2nd + 3rd + 4th = awesome

alec said:
Linocuts? How did you get that blurry effect in the third one if you worked with linoleum?

Lots and lots and lots and lots of tiny little dots. Looks better IRL, tho'.