It Wandered In From the Wastes

I wouldn't go as far as to say Bethesda fans have worsened the games industry by a large amount but it does boggle my mind how there's so many people out there who mindlessly praise everything BGS does and post about how ridiculously hyped they are. Some people say they are more hyped for Fallout 4 than The Force Awakens. I mean, not saying that either of them will be amazing but how the fuck can you even compare the two?
I am a Star Wars fan, got my tickets for the premiere.
But I am way more hyped for Fallout 4 than for the new Star Wars. I can't even compare the hype I have for the new Fallout with the hype for Star Wars. This is my most hyped/anticipated game (hell most anticipated release of any sort) in my life.
Call me what you want; mindless, idiot, missing taste, Bethesda fanboy, whatever.
I played Fallout 1,2,3 and NV and I liked all of them, just like millions upon millions of other people. You can circlejerk all you want but the millions of people hyped for Fallout 4 aren't all stupid or Bethesda slaves. They are people who genuinely like all the Fallouts.
Many people on this forum however have a very snobbish, condescensing, often hostile approach to anyone with a different taste and that is quite sad.