Mafia 2

And reviewer played on easy difficulty with quick mission based playthrough without actually enjoying it.I would guess to normal gamer it will take around 15 hours.

Though honestly, even 10 is fine by me. I am playing RDR right now, 17 hours in, stats show 50% and it is already starting to bore me.
PainlessDocM said:
10 hours?! Color me very disappointed . That's like a long office day or a common FPS. Bah.
Common FPS games are closer to 4-6 hours nowadays, actually. They use the multiplayer gimmick to add tens and tens of hours to gameplay to make the game seem longer.
Reconite said:
Common FPS games are closer to 4-6 hours nowadays, actually. They use the multiplayer gimmick to add tens and tens of hours to gameplay to make the game seem longer.

If true that really is pathetic. I can't remember the last FPS I have played, I think it was the first FEAR game but I am not entirely sure.

edit: forgot about L4D and Borderlands but they are not standard FPS game hour wise...
I played the demo just now. A few, quick, things i would point out:

The simulation mode while driving is really fun, the cars behave and look quite realistic and that's why it's a bummer that you can't shift the gears manually. Since you cannot control the force applied to the throttle, or as with the manual gear changing, at least the rev count, you end up doing wheelspins most of the time. Although the way the car behaves on uneven surfaces and different road conditions makes it really fun to drive around in high speeds.

The physics are nice, since you can knock of, shoot through and destroy most of the things around you. There were a few, not so good, moments. When you wreck your car completely, you can get out and fix the damn car in a few secons :roll: ? Then there are moments where you hit a wall, flying through air at 80 miles an hour, and then walk off just like nothing happened (though you will die if you drive very fast into a wall, or another car).

The driving A.I. is attrocious..... Police cars driving strait at you no matter the situation. They will follow you everywhere, even if you jump off a ramp (which i did).

The shooting and fist fighting is a mix between Mafia and GTA 4.

I would also point out, that in some situations the game seems to start lagging really terribly for no apparent reason (it's not my hardware, i'm positive).

I didn't spend much time with it, so i can't comment on some of the things, but it feels like the game isn't finished yet.
Tried the demo aswell, and did'nt get very far driving in simulation mode, felt very wonky while using your keyboard and more of a hassle than fun to me. For some bonkers reason that I can't quite figure out they did'nt include support for steering wheels in the Demo - color me perplexed. I did die very well plowing straight into an oncoming truck at high speed though, wich is nice.

AskWazzup said:
There were a few, not so good, moments. When you wreck your car completely, you can get out and fix the damn car in a few secons :roll: ?

Meh, did'nt get an opportunity for that, but it sounds just... MEH.

The police AI did dissapoint me though, they felt nowhere near as dangerous as the police in the first game.

The shooting was far too easy for my liking, did'nt feel dangerous at all.

I did'nt have any lag at any time, but when exiting the game my desktop was very dark...
Liked the demo. If they sort out some of the minor issues and make it more smooth (strange lag at times, fps drop that has nothing to do with my hardware).

Can't wait.
Mettle said:
What system are you running it with, if you don't mind me asking?
Vista, Core 2 Extreme @ 2.8GHz, 4Gb RAM, GeForce 8800 GTX 512MB. Vista being the main thing holding me back :)

I have no illusions about running everything on maximum details, in which case it lags slightly in physics-heavy scenes. But on medium details it runs smooth as eggs. Minus the occasional lag caused by the game's engine, which is what I was talking about.
Mettle said:
What system are you running it with, if you don't mind me asking?

I ran it with an AMD phenom quad core 2.5, ati 4850HD and 4 gb of ram on 1920x1080 resolution. Mostly everything was on high, though i had to turn off antianalizing, since it didn't really have a significant impact on quality, while draining the FPS pretty hard. I also turned the physics to medium. The game runs fine, with a couple exceptions, where it begins to lagg really badly out of nowhere.
I guess after a few years of gaming and being used to your PC, you learn to see whether it's your hardware or the game engine causing the hiccups :)
Video Cards and resolution
APEX medium settings
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (or better) for Graphics and a dedicated NVIDIA 9800GTX (or better) for PhysX
Recommended: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 (or better)

APEX High settings
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 (or better) and a dedicated NVIDIA 9800GTX (or better) for PhysX
Recommended: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 for Graphics and a dedicated NVIDIA GTX 285 (or better) for PhysX

Could be the PhysX messing with you, tried turning it off?
Mettle said:
Video Cards and resolution
APEX medium settings
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (or better) for Graphics and a dedicated NVIDIA 9800GTX (or better) for PhysX
Recommended: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 (or better)

APEX High settings
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 (or better) and a dedicated NVIDIA 9800GTX (or better) for PhysX
Recommended: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 for Graphics and a dedicated NVIDIA GTX 285 (or better) for PhysX

Could be the PhysX messing with you, tried turning it off?

For me, when it starts to lagg, i just keeps on going like that no matter if anything significant is happening on screen, or not. I'm pretty certain it has something to do with the game itself.
It is largely the physics. I find changing AA or resolution or anything else has hardly any effect on performance, while the physics does. On that note, however, I haven't noticed any significant difference in graphics/gameplay between having the physics on or off.
Did'nt notice anything particular in the game itself when I activated the physics engine, but my phenomII x4 955, 5850 Black Ed with 4 gb of ram, settings at max, 1600*1200@85Hz went from 55-ish FPS to less than 25 FPS, so my best guess would be the physics engine.
Damn am I glad I bought X360 wireless controller yesterday. The game controls perfectly with it in sim mode (driving, that is). And it works in tandem with mouse and keyboard, even switching the button labels on the fly. So awesome.

I have PhysX turned off, everything else on max in 1920*1200, and get constant 60fps.
I'm a bit concerned that they'll have the "Less responsive the faster you go" even with steeringwheels.
Turn off the Physx to eliminate lag. Demo runs at steady 60 FPS for me, everything maxed (except AA which doesn't add shit) with physx off on my Core 2 Duo e8400 and GTS250. Physx on "medium" and it drops to 20-30.
PhysX effects are nice, but they require way too much calculations.
Yeah, PhysX is just shitty shitty thing, and I say this as nVidia owner. It is utterly useless and the game look amazing without it anyway.
Paul_cz said:
Yeah, PhysX is just shitty shitty thing, and I say this as nVidia owner. It is utterly useless and the game look amazing without it anyway.

I can see effects like that adding to gameplay in the future when everyone has PC's that can do those without problems, but now it's just used as a shitty gimmick. Looks nice, yeah, but people who purchase a whole damn separate video card to be dedicated for Physx make me laugh.
And Radeon users don't get GPU accelerated PhysX, which puts a big strain on their CPU's if they ever turn it on. So be warned.