Mafia 2

A two-hour impression piece? How useless.

*sighs* Another empty game leaning on "immersion"? The Bethesda school of design again.
[Disclosure: I've played for two hours at this point. Based on what I've seen, though, I don't expect these impressions to change.]
OK, I stopped reading the review after this.

But am still gonna get Mafia 2, as I wanna see the story, just not as soon after release (and for so much money) as I originally planned.
Paul_cz said:
Yes, there is loading boxes on a truck, referencing Mafia 1. There is taking a shower. Etc

You need to load only one box and then you get a tip "Leave when you've had enough". If you continue to load them Vito keeps complaining, like "Who the fuck wants to carry boxes around?". I certainly didn't bother finishing the loading of crates to see if anything of difference happens then.. Maybe Vito decides to turn straight and from that point on we follow his adventures as a hardworking taxpaying citizen?
By "taking a shower" you mean part in the prison where you have to beat up guys trying to rape you?
Game does through at you several trivial tasks to perform, but these aren't what I would state as examples.
Brother None said:
A two-hour impression piece? How useless.

*sighs* Another empty game leaning on "immersion"? The Bethesda school of design again.

it is not empty, immersion is a real factor while playing games whether you admit it or not. Also go to hell.

Multidirectional said:
You need to load only one box and then you get a tip "Leave when you've had enough". If you continue to load them Vito keeps complaining, like "Who the fuck wants to carry boxes around?". I certainly didn't bother finishing the loading of crates to see if anything of difference happens then.. Maybe Vito decides to turn straight and from that point on we follow his adventures as a hardworking taxpaying citizen?
By "taking a shower" you mean part in the prison where you have to beat up guys trying to rape you?
Game does through at you several trivial tasks to perform, but these aren't what I would state as examples.

Yeah I liked how he complained, it was exact reference to how idiots complained about it in Mafia 1. I caried about 5 boxes when Vito said fuck it.
Paul_cz said:
Yeah I liked how he complained, it was exact reference to how idiots complained about it in Mafia 1.

As much as I love Mafia 1, I believe people do have a right to complain about stuff like that. You gotta admit that Mafia games do tend to sacrifice gameplay for the sake of cinematic presentation, whether you love it or hate it. I didn't think those were the best things about Mafia 1, same for Mafia 2. But I'm willing to endure them for the overall experience.
Paul_cz said:
it is not empty, immersion is a real factor while playing games whether you admit it or not.

Yeah yeah, and LARPing really enhances Oblivion whether I admit it or not. Doesn't mean immersion is actually a substitute for content tho', is it? You're the one who said it's ALL about immersion, how's one supposed to interpret that then?

Anyway, will finally play this game today. Will be interesting to see if it contains as many outright daft design decisions as Mafia did. Critical response has been tepid so far but who knows what that means these days.

Paul_cz said:
Also go to hell.
to how idiots complained about it in Mafia 1.

Stop trolling or you will get a strike.
I enjoyed the game right up to the ending, and after that ending I never want to play the game again. Ever. Mafia II can go to hell.
Brother None said:
Anyway, will finally play this game today. Will be interesting to see if it contains as many outright daft design decisions as Mafia did.
Be gentle on her, please. But do write down some of your impressions if you get a minute - I'd like to see some honest opinions (haven't found a constructive enough review yet).
Sure why the hell not. Tho I so rarely write on non-RPGs these days I'm prolly out of practice.

As for "be gentle on her"; I was a lot rougher on Mafia than I would've been if just giving my own opinion, let alone writing a review. In a review I'd have focused less on the sim aspect and more on its more questionable gameplay aspects, and spent more time gushing about the story and atmosphere.
When I see the adoration heaped on the title I can't help but kick in some tires tho'. It's not quite as puzzling as the blind praise for Oblivion, but in the "how can you not see criticasters have a point" category it is right up there.
I agree, it's difficult not to focus on the game's (obvious) downsides when everyone seems to be happily ignoring them - sometimes I feel like a villain when discussing Fallout 3's blatant inconsistencies with hardcore FO3 fans, as I'm stressing factors that normally wouldn't even bother me as much, just to prove a point. It gets increasingly difficult to see the game objectively.

With Mafia, I find the whole GTA comparison really clouds people's judgement. It's totally not GTA, and I doubt it's trying to be GTA, but given the graphics and gameplay style (3rd person, open city, driving, shooting) one finds it difficult not to compare them. I mean, GTA obviously has more 'quests', as it's nearly sandbox, but that doesn't mean Mafia has less of anything than it should.

It's a very linear game, but some non-linear aspects (like the vast open city, with nothing to do in it), make it seem like something is missing. I'm trying to keep my judgement shelved until I actually play Mafia 2, however. Who knows, maybe I'll get swallowed by the story and praise it as one of the best games ever :)
SkuLL said:
With Mafia, I find the whole GTA comparison really clouds people's judgement. It's totally not GTA, and I doubt it's trying to be GTA

It's not trying to be GTA as developers themselves said many times, but I think their mistake is in making map too big for what game does. I believe it would have helped for both games to have maps at least twice smaller to avoid confusions like that. I find driving mechanics to be fun in both games, yet there shouldn't be so much mandatory driving. For me it's still a minor flaw though as I really enjoy the feeling of handling old heavy clunky cars, especially in first chapters of Mafia 2 which are set during winter (icy roads were a lot of fun). Although I can see it being a major pain in the ass for people who are not into challenging driving mechanics and prefer simple GTA style handling.
Building a functional open world just to have a driving sim in it seems like a monumentous waste of resources, but despite that fact my first instinctive advice would be not to shorten the driving, but to make it optional.

It is beyond my comprehension why there is no "or press ESC to begin the next mission" after every "drive back to Salieri's". Nor do I understand the need for all the Bertoni's missions. In Mafia 1 this all is.

Really, guys, is it too much to ask?
Brother None said:
Building a functional open world just to have a driving sim in it seems like a monumentous waste of resources, but despite that fact my first instinctive advice would be not to shorten the driving, but to make it optional.
True. Or offer more missions - working for 2-3 different people at any given time (like GTA) so you can at least choose where to drive.

Because I reckon that once you start skipping the driving, there wouldn't really much left of the game but cut scenes and fighting.

Amirite? :smug:

What I'd personally like to see is driving with a mission - being forced to use different vehicles as part of storytelling, car chases, car shoot-outs, drive-bys etc. with scripted 'epic moments'.

The classic "drive to X to start mission" can get quite tedious as you know nothing will happen till you get there.
So bout 6-8 hours in...

I like a lot of it. Driving handles less bad than I feared. Atmosphere is good. The whole prison segment felt overdone so I kind of swung out of the atmosphere there but for the most part it's good.

The sandbox activities don't add shit. Gathering posters is stupid. Robberies could have been fun if it isn't so retardedly easy: point a gun, run to the till, grab cash, run out. The cops don't even react, at all. wtf.

Still it's less boring than Mafia. But thing is, I'm not sure if with this simplification of driving and dumbing down of shooting it still appeals to people who enjoyed that in Mafia, and the sandbox certainly isn't enough to appeal to sandbox fans used to GTA or Saints Row. So eh.

But one thing that shocked me is the narrative. The dialogue writing and voice acting are better, but the story so far is the absolute pits. The worst thing about it, and this was mentioned in reviews, is the main character isn't Vito, who you play, it's Joe.
This would be great if they played it out fully like that: you're not the main character of the story, just sit back and follow, but the way others talk about you makes it clear you're supposed to be the main focus. For some reason people keep pretending I'm the big guy even tho I'm just following Joe's lead on everything. It doesn't work. At all.

just finished the game. and i gotta say, WTF?
it's way too short, the huge, detailed city is there for no fucking reason and the missions are kinda dull. go to A to receive mission, go to B to carry out mission. it's a trap. beat up/kill everyone. go home. absolutely no choices.
i miss the variety of the first game. collect money for protection. win the race. assassinate the politician from across the river. etc.
but. the game is fun, although it felt abridged at times. driving is ok, characters are interesting, but could have been more developed. i also like the subtle humour here and there, i.e. when the attendant at the gas station fills up your car for $3 and apologizes for the high gas prices. or the commentaries on the radio about new inventions, like the 80 lbs wireless phone.
but all in all...this game was not worth €50.
hell, even the first NOLF had me glued to the screen, because it was immensely fun and different. or DX1 etcpp? nowadays i feel like every game wants to railroad me everywhere.
I'm playing the game right now and I think it's so-so. I liked Mafia 1 but found it to be very uneven, and Mafia 2 is like that as well.

But I think for such a story-driven game, Mafia 2's story is not... too good... Mafia was hardly a masterpiece in terms of acting and all that but I found the main character to be fairly sympathetic and the story was pretty interesting. It also felt like it was constantly building upwards (from being a taxi-driver to going through the mafia ranks).

But Mafia 2, I dunno... For one, Vito is not particularly likeable. The try to play it off like he's stumbling into the gangster way of life but it never feels like he's showing any kind of remorse for what he's doing. Sometimes it feels like it's the other way around, that he really is a bloodthirsty moron.
There is also no sense of real build-up. It feels like you're getting somewhere at first, but then your character is thrown into jail (which was a fucking horrible part of the game, talking about boring gameplay and prison clichés all over the place)
I also feel the extreme linearity with no player input whatsoever into the storyline is starting to feel really old.

Also, I think the writing really succumbs to every goddamn gangster cliché ever written. How many f-bombs and uses of "you's" can you stuff into a script before it gets annoying? I don't know, but I feel that Mafia 2 crosses that line and then some.

Still, the atmosphere of the city is really excellent, driving is fun and some of the missions are quite fun as well. And, even though I'm kinda knocking the story and that, it's still fun enough to follow and I do want to see it though to the end.
So yeah. Finished it. Twice, kind of. 'coz y'see, something (maybe the game) was causing my computer to BSoD all over the place. Had to do an extensive clean-up of my comp, including an uninstall of Mafia II. And guess what? Game doesn't keep your save files. Really now guys. For real? Not the least of its boneheaded idocies I guess.

But funny thing is: replaying it I skip the cutscenes (they're long and tedious), which made me realize...they're like 50-60% of the game's duration. Add in the gameplay-lite parts (walking slowly through prison and that kind of shit), and you're probably up to 70%. No wonder it feels so unrewarding, I'm rarely doing anything.

So, anyway, basic bits:
- Period details. Great shit. Songs accurate to the year. Cars, presumably, all good. Architecture and clothing are great. Writing's overdone but what can you do.

- Atmosphere. Awesome. But really reaching at times. The entire prison sequence is a textbook example in how not do this shit. They're trying way, way too fucking hard to be convincing, and thus lose touch. It's a really melodramatic game. I literally laughed out loud when, upon reaching the final chapter, it spontaneously starts raining. C'mon now guys, what's next, a showdown on top of a high-rise? Boss-fight was a waste of time too, since the toughest fight by far is a bit before there, with the only guy who actually bothers to scare you out of cover.

- Coz yeah, combat. Idiot and really over-scripted AI put into a popamole cover system does not good times make. A large amount of time is spent with you aiming at one specific spot waiting for the mole to pop out so you can shoot him. The auto-healing is really lame too, tho' at least they made a system where you need to eat a burger to heal back to 100%

- Mission design is tepid. A few shoot-outs, a few car chases. There's one or two exceptions but, shock-on-shocks, they're really boring. Well I guess the lil' fight club scenes in prison are ok but man, really, is that the best they could do?
EDIT: actually, I forgot, there's a bunch of stealth missions which are a bit of fun if way, way too easy (like everything in this game).

- Driving is hysterical. Ok I guess I didn't try the simulation driving but normal driving is, well, like GTA. Where Mafia 1 was all about realistic driving sims and I assume sim mode still is, normal driving mode is all about speeding. Cops never care if you go through a red light and the few times they do try to chase you they're easier to shake than anything. Whatever makes it go by faster is fine by me, but heh, way to give in to the man.

- Story. Ok. Now here's a toughy. I ain't been shy in saying I loved Mafia's story. Especially if you ignore its lame romance subplot. I loved it mostly because it was original without being all in-your-face about being original. It was a simple mob story but it just rarely went in the direction you expected it to go.

Mafia II...kinda sorta does the same, only rather than dumping the cliches and replacing it with good storytelling, it dumps the cliches and replaces it with...shit...

It has its moments. The prison sequence is good narratively speaking. The Stairway to Heaven opening mission is just lovely and clever. But y'know, it's drops of water in the desert.

I think this game's main problem is with characters. As in: it's got too fucking many of them, and they don't matter. It crams a ton of characters into a small space but most of them aren't remotely distinctive enough to remember. At the final mission I'm told to head to Carlo and I literally thought to myself "Who the fuck is Carlo?" (I think in English). Then we face off and I'm thinking "am I supposed to know this guy?" I'm still not completely sure.

Most of them are their own brand of Bland McBlandski. Which is a shame because the voice acting and general delivery is so much better. The writing isn't tho. I wasn't surprised when sitting it out the credits to see it was written by a pair of Czecs. There's too much stilted dialogue in there. So much period phrases you get the sense they didn't so much get a feel for the way people talk as open up a glossary of period slang and then cram in as much as possible. It's really unconvincing. Oh and the game is really very racist, which I guess is also explained by it's Czech writers (hey! That was totally racist of me)
Leo was the only guy worth remembering really, and then he's crowbarred into a nonsensical plot hole at the end of the game.

Well I say Leo, but that's forgetting the main character of the story. What? Vito? Nah, get out of here. The main character is Joe. All the way through. Even right at the ending where the game flips a cliche upside down (LOVED it, even if all the preceding missions and narrative were horseshit) and Joe is at the more traditional hero end of the deal. It's an interesting approach but I don't know if they did it on purpose. If they did, they didn't pull it off very well. There's too much of a vibe that we're supposed to empathize with Vito, that he's supposed to be the central character.

How? Central characters have empowerment, they further the plot by their actions. Vito never does that, either reacting or following someone else's lead (yes, even in the docks). We're also supposed to be able to understand the main character's motives. Can anyone explain Vito's to me? Or am I supposed to just accept this vapid "I like owning shit and that's why I have no remorse shooting people" horseshit? Couldn't you at least expand on his war background? On his relation to his father? This must be the worst-written main character I've seen in years.

So what, eh? Is this game that offers all of 5 to 7 hours of actual gameplay worth the price? Hah! GHahahahaha! Good joke. No it isn't. It's a big old open world, with love poured into it and meticulous detail in getting every detail right. And then what did they do with it? Absolute dick. It's easier to play than Mafia. More accessible if you will. It's also an inferior game. By far.
Nice review, BN, and pretty much what I expected from the game. Looks like the <s>length</s> shortness is probably the biggest issue. From what you and others report, it seems like it's mainly cut-scenes and walking/driving from A to B.

What do you mean by the game being 'racist' though? Do you mean it is really overdoing the Italian-American stereotype? That's a real shame. I wish they toned it down to a more believable level, at least that of Hollywood movies. Though the demo seemed all right in this aspect...

The protagonist in Mafia 1 had much better writing IMO - it starts with him confessing to the detective, if I remember correctly. Straight away, you felt more in touch with your character's destiny, and on the lookout for the plot twist that would ultimately make him snitch to the cops.

I don't like the way the player's character in Mafia 2 is this mr. Anonymous. Even in the demo, I felt like there was no connection; why is he there? What are his motives? Does he even have many lines in the game? Besides telling his buddy not to drink on the job, of course. :roll:

What I reckon could make the writing a lot better would be a bit of good old voiceover. Proof? First line in Scorsese's Goodfellas: "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." That throws you right into the <s>game</s> movie, clearly identifies the protagonist as the narrator and ... just makes it cool. Not like the silent Gordon-Freeman-type, who might suffice for most FPS, but not for a classy story-driven game like Mafia.
Brother None said:
- Period details. Great shit. Songs accurate to the year.
What? No. Summertime Blues is from 1958, Bill Haley recorded Rock Around the Clock in 1954, Buddy Holly got his first recording contract in 1956, No Particular Place to Go by Chuck Berry was released in 1964, and so on.
Not that this is a huge issue, there's a lot of great music in the game, but it's certainly not period correct.

Brother None said:
- Mission design is tepid. A few shoot-outs, a few car chases. There's one or two exceptions but, shock-on-shocks, they're really boring. Well I guess the lil' fight club scenes in prison are ok but man, really, is that the best they could do?
Yeah, Mafia I had more variety there.

Brother None said:
I think this game's main problem is with characters. As in: it's got too fucking many of them, and they don't matter. It crams a ton of characters into a small space but most of them aren't remotely distinctive enough to remember. At the final mission I'm told to head to Carlo and I literally thought to myself "Who the fuck is Carlo?" (I think in English). Then we face off and I'm thinking "am I supposed to know this guy?" I'm still not completely sure.
Heh, yeah. I had these feelings, too. I still remember all the guys in Mafia I, those characters actually meant something to me by the end of the game. But here... meh.

Overall I pretty much agree with your points. It feels like they could've done much more with this game. Sort of disappointing after waiting eight years for this sequel. The ending fucking sucks. I just sat there and thought "WHAT?"
SkuLL said:
What do you mean by the game being 'racist' though? Do you mean it is really overdoing the Italian-American stereotype? That's a real shame. I wish they toned it down to a more believable level, at least that of Hollywood movies. Though the demo seemed all right in this aspect...
Not sure about BN, but what I've seen so far of the game it's not racist in that sense: stereotypical Italian-Americans are to be expected in a mafia game. Also, Italian-American isn't a race.
No, it's racist in the way it treats blacks. For instance, in one of the first missions you have to go steal a car in a black neighborhood. On the way over, all you hear in terms of in-car conversation is ripping on blacks. Then once you get there, the blacks just randomly start attacking and shooting you. It feels really racist.
SkuLL said:
I don't like the way the player's character in Mafia 2 is this mr. Anonymous. Even in the demo, I felt like there was no connection; why is he there? What are his motives? Does he even have many lines in the game? Besides telling his buddy not to drink on the job, of course. :roll:
The problem I have with the character is that he does things because the plot dictates and justifies them very weakly.

SKuLL said:
What I reckon could make the writing a lot better would be a bit of good old voiceover. Proof? First line in Scorsese's Goodfellas: "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." That throws you right into the <s>game</s> movie, clearly identifies the protagonist as the narrator and ... just makes it cool. Not like the silent Gordon-Freeman-type, who might suffice for most FPS, but not for a classy story-driven game like Mafia.
Eh.....Mafia 2 does that sort of thing in the opening sequence. Which is fairly decent.