Mafia 2

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
How comes no one is excited / hyped yet :o



Finaly a game for the PC as well !
I'm definitely excited. I loved the first game, still have the old discs around here for it, so I've been hoping this next one will be really awesome.
Same here, also quite interested in the game, played the first game to bits, and I still play it from time to time - it's quite enjoyable.

I've been watching some dev-vids now and again, and I think it looks pretty promising, but I'm going to try and dedicate some more time to swoosh around their own forums and look for more information.
I was torn between PC and PS3, but I eventually settled for the PS3 version.

My first experience with Mafia was with the PS2 version and though it was probably the most smushed together port ever, I really enjoyed it enough to eventually get the PC version.

However, I don't like to pay for shipping and GameStop won't take the PC version for in-store pickup near where I live so I went the with the PS3.
Bought a new computer for this game and Alpha Protocol (Basically) so Pc-version it is for me.
Going to have to dig around for more info before I settle for a definite buy though.
I did play a bit of the original Mafia, but I found the controls really awkward. What is it that NMA generally likes this game so much? Since I really never heard what's so good about it. :| Just that I should play it.
Dario ff said:
I did play a bit of the original Mafia, but I found the controls really awkward. What is it that NMA generally likes this game so much? Since I really never heard what's so good about it. :| Just that I should play it.

It felt like a classic Mafia game, without any real dumb or unneeded fluff. You did jobs for the family, had some degree of free-roam, the story was interesting, the combat was challenging at points, the driving was pretty good, characters had great voice-acting. It was just an overall incredibly enjoyable game, that I fondly remember and likely am gonna have to boot up again sometime, thanks to this thread. :P
I can't speak for the others, but I like the story, gameplay and atmosphere of the game.

What do you mean by awkward controls though? Never had any problems myself, but I did have a steering wheel if it's the cars that bothers you.
Dario ff said:
I did play a bit of the original Mafia, but I found the controls really awkward.

Which controls? Both shooting and driving is great in Mafia. I'm actually a bit afraid it won't be as good in the sequel.
I played the PC version. The controls were a bit weird IMO, but maybe I was just too used to the GTA games. I can't remember exactly what was bad about it though, I'll have to try it again someday.

Oh, and I think I remember the main reason why I didn't play it, but it doesn't have anything to do with the game actually. I had the Spanish translation of the game... with translated voices, god I hate when translators ruin games like that with their totally emotionless voices.
I had a friend who could'nt get past the first mission, but he did'nt do much to change the controls reaction though. I think you can adjust "linearity" or something similar for the turning wich might help.

The car-handling (Wich I hope they will keep in a similar way, though adapted for the newer generation of cars ofcourse.) is leaning a bit towards the realistic side of the scales, especially compared to the GTA games.
Heh, gotta love funny physics. Guy shoots grand piano a little, piano suddenly tips and falls on its side, all legs still intact.
Hoxie said:
Dario ff said:
I did play a bit of the original Mafia, but I found the controls really awkward. What is it that NMA generally likes this game so much? Since I really never heard what's so good about it. :| Just that I should play it.

It felt like a classic Mafia game, without any real dumb or unneeded fluff. You did jobs for the family, had some degree of free-roam, the story was interesting, the combat was challenging at points, the driving was pretty good, characters had great voice-acting. It was just an overall incredibly enjoyable game, that I fondly remember and likely am gonna have to boot up again sometime, thanks to this thread. :P

Well I hope though my hardware will be good enough to enjoy the game. Mafia 2 I mean.

Also it has the 50s and 60s as theme which makes it double awesome.
Oh man, another pretty must-buy game in a short time. Give me a break, game developers, because I'm running out of cash!

It's just a physical impossibility that a game with LOTS of fedoras, silver suitcases, Tommy Guns with foregrips and drum magazines hidden in violin cases, murky backroom deals, gaining protection money by smashing store windows, Italian accents and cops that are easily birbable COULD be all bad. It just can't.
Hyped as hell. If you pre-order this, will you get a fedora?

Mafia + good story + sandbox = me likes.
I have been waiting this game for some time. Looks amazing. I enjoyed the hell out of the first Mafia game. This one looks even better. collectors edition for europe? FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
Oerjeke said:
Hyped as hell. If you pre-order this, will you get a fedora?

Mafia + good story + sandbox = me likes.

Depends, there's like six different pre-order bonuses depending on where you pre-order it from.

Since I pre-ordered it from GameStop, I'm getting the War Hero and Vegas packs which come with in-game cars and clothes that sound exactly like what they are.

Collector's Edition comes with a similar thing which comes with the Made Man pack which comes with a fedora. Also a copy of the soundtrack and a 100 page hardcover art book.

I'm a sucker for art books.